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The XIth Annual FMCU Awards


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Welcome to the FMCU Awards!

*Minute Waltz Plays*

Thank you, thank you! My name is deltablue and as the minute waltz fades away it's my great pleasure to welcome all of these fabulous, exciting, original and talented players of this tremendous game. We come today from my bedroom where we have a delightful audience ready to cheer us on our way.

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Unfortunately due to the current situation it's not possible to all be together with our usual reporter and co-host. We've had issues with our co-hosts anyway due to a range of shenanigans in previous years making it hard to get anyone to agree to come. Thankfully I happen to have a lovely assistant with me...


Thank you deltablue. Well the only place to start is with Makoto Nakamura. He has won 5 awards in both of the last 2 years so can he keep his run going. His old rival ManUtd1 will surely have something to say about that, and so will the likes of Jimbokav1971 and PH71. Last year's newcomers (and this years in fact) will also hope to make more of an impact.

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There's no time like the present, as Time Lords like to say, so here we go with Best Fountain of Youth. The nominees are...

Draakon’s  AFC Ajax - the best youth system in Eredivisie, Makoto Nakamura's - "I used to be a footballer like you, then I took a foot to the g-Royn", Deez0r’s Ibiza - Failed Drug Tests & Late Night Binges, Jimbo's Irchester Utd. Tier 10. England. Home. Youth Only, Abulezz's Kafra FC 2020, BWG’s Rise of the Black Devils and Mikaelinho's Santastico - The hunt for the Next Neymar.


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Since we have a lot to get to, it's on to Best Team. The nominees are...

Noikeee's Bologna, Jimbokav1971's Irchester United, Abulezz's Kafra, Pheelf's Knockbreda, smp20's Lens, PH71's Roma, Makoto Nakamura's Royn, Rikulec's Unia Janikowo and _Ben_'s Volta Redonda.


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Now where was I? Oh yes, we reach the half-way mark with Best FMCU Story. The bard-like nominees are...

fmonit's A Migrant Story in Sicily, Cheez3y's Bring The Champions League Back To Romania... To Bukarest... To Steaua..., Stuniverse’s FM20 adventure, Abulezz's Kafra FC 2020, Scousevasey's Starting from the bottom, Rumple43's The Pride of (50% of) Sheffield (though they forgot Sheffield F.C.) and ManUtd1's The Nearly Men Vol IV.

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So to the 'Copying and Pasting lots of long and complicated thread names' award, aka 'Best Thread Name'. I'm really not sure everyone who voted in this category quite got the right idea, but here goes...

KaranSinghs’s 1860 things I hate about you, Earnie is God's Bringing her home, Deisler26's FM21 Placeholder Post/ #DanskeDanske, we're falling apart to half-time: The FMCU Group Save! (different names but I counted it as the same thread), Noikeee's I'm not your Bebri, Makoto Nakamura's I used to be a footballer like you, then I took a foot to the g-Royn, Olivier L’s Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale ! DoF challenge, Northernpilgrim’s Last Tango in Plymouth, Anagain’s Niko Rikič, our man in Slovenia: Can he Koper?, ManUtd1's The Nearly Men Vol IV: I Am Not A Demon. I Am A Lizard. A Shark. A Heat-Seeking Panther. I Want To Be Bob Denver On Acid Playing The Accordion and of course Makoto Nakamura's Zeman, Zemyth & Zelegend - Zdeněk takes on Europe.

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4 minutes ago, Deisler26 said:

WTF??? Thank you, whichever madman voted for THIS YEAR'S thread..

@deltablue does this vote knock the thread out of contention for FM21?

Unfortunately I think according to the rules it does if it wins. Anyway your timing is impeccable...


And the winner is.... FM21 Placeholder Post!

It's even madder than that. I thought it was a great idea when someone voted for it, then the very last set of votes made it one of 4 threads on 2 votes and since I wasn't actually voting this year (and I could still judge thread names) I decided that was a rather unsatisfactory situation and cast a tiebreaker vote. It makes a change from the usual puns so congratulations on winning through the 'ironic' vote. :D

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1 minute ago, deltablue said:

Oh and two of the threads on 2 votes were from Makoto, who paid the price (maybe not for the first time) for all his threads by having his vote split. ManUtd's Nearly Men was unsurprisingly the other one.

Recency bias! 

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1 hour ago, deltablue said:

Unfortunately due to the current situation it's not possible to all be together with our usual reporter and co-host. We've had issues with our co-hosts anyway due to a range of shenanigans in previous years making it hard to get anyone to agree to come. Thankfully I happen to have a lovely assistant with me...


That's not funny! :herman:

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1 hour ago, deltablue said:


And the winner is... Jimbovav1971 with Irchester Utd. Tier 10. England. Home. Youth Only, in what was probably the most comfortable win of the night.

Oh brill. Thanks very much. :cool:

Youth Only is getting more and more popular each year and it's brilliant that so many people are now playing what used to be such a tiny niche style. :applause:

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Sorry I've been inactive for a few weeks. Thank you for the nominations so far, and the best poster award, I seriously wasn't expecting that!

It's been an awful FM year for me with me thinking that, honestly, none of my careers have been very good. :lol: FM20 is also only the second FM since I started playing to get under 2,000 hours so something must be wrong!

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OK, now we're finally on a role and we have just 3 awards left, starting with Best Journeyman Career. The nominees are...

Pheelf’s Creating a Northern Irish Football Revolution, Stuniverse’s FM20 adventure, PH71’s Hart Chronicles Vol IV, Northernpilgrim's The Bottom Corner: A Journey from Non-league to the Football League and Beyond, The Joint Save, and Ranks39's We're all in this Together.

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1 hour ago, deltablue said:


OK then. Well the nominees are... Cheez3y, Lodi Lemmer, Mkeredbeard and Rumple43.

And the winner is... Rumple43!

Congratulations @Rumple43 :applause:

I think it can be quite hard to get going in here, but as soon as you have even a couple of people who like your style then it's plain sailing after that. :thup:


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1 hour ago, deltablue said:


And the joint winners (with just 2 votes each) are... Lens and Volta Redonda! Congratulations Smp20 and  _Ben_!

Congratulations to both @smp20& @_Ben_ Pretty surprised to have been nominated here. Don't think my Irchester side are anywhere near good enough to compete with the likes of these 2. :thup:

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34 minutes ago, deltablue said:


And the winner is... Makoto Nakamura! Finally he gets on the scoreboard as it were, though oddly enough he didn't win this in either of his dominant years.

How many times has he won this now? Maybe we should name it after him next year? :lol:

Congratulations @Makoto NakamuraI know you found it a bit of a slog at times this year, but you still came up with some phenomenal saves. Thank you. :applause:

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48 minutes ago, deltablue said:


And the winner is: ManUtd1 with The Nearly Men Vol IV. Again an unsurprisingly comfortable winner I'm sure you agree.

@ManUtd1is the FMCU equivalent of Steven King. (You've got to be at least a little screwed up to write that stuff). :lol: This years Fraud thread was as good as ever. :applause:

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Onto the penultimate award, Best Career Thread...

Cheez3y's Bring The Champions League Back To Romania... To Bukarest... To Steaua...,  Pheelf’s Creating a Northern Irish Football Revolution, Jimbokav1971's Irchester Utd. Tier 10. England. Home. Youth Only, Kafra FC 2020, Dane Bramage's Overtaking Colin, The Joint Save, Stuniverse’s FM20 adventure and _Ben’s_ Voltaco.

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2 minutes ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

How many times has he won this now? Maybe we should name it after him next year? :lol:

Congratulations @Makoto NakamuraI know you found it a bit of a slog at times this year, but you still came up with some phenomenal saves. Thank you. :applause:

Actually he hadn't won it before, even when he was winning almost everything else :D I looked up the past threads to prepare for this one with you winning last time and ManUtd1 before that.

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