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Quality tactic for home and away

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Took me a season to develop this tactic and after completing pre season with it (beating liverpool 2-1 in the process) i'm pretty sure its complete. Only done one league game this season which I won.

<a  href=46222175bd6.png' alt='46222175bd6.png'>

Id like your opinions on it please

if you would like to try it out you can download it here, let me know how u go on with it


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Care to explain why you think the tactic works, what sort of players are needed to help the style of play, any specific player instructions, do you religiously have any oppo instructions, team mentalities? Anything? That 4-5-1 tactic is floating around the forums on many threads, and people seem to be having reasonable success with it, but no one is explaining why ;)

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Care to explain why you think the tactic works, what sort of players are needed to help the style of play, any specific player instructions, do you religiously have any oppo instructions, team mentalities? Anything? That 4-5-1 tactic is floating around the forums on many threads, and people seem to be having reasonable success with it, but no one is explaining why ;)

I'm not to sure why theres so much success with it tbh, one thing iv noticed is that by having the lone striker and the 2 attacking mids behind him you seem to penetrate the oppositions defence easier. Also it solves the problem people have been having with striker partenerships.

I dont do anything with the opposition instructions and I use this tactic for every game.

If i'm winning in a very close game against a better team then i tend to switch my mentality to defensive and time waste as much as possible. Also if i get a man sent off then i put one of the attacking midfielders in his place and put the other attacking midfielder directly behind the striker. Hope that helps, happy to answer any other questions:D

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Well I'll try it with Chester... But have you got anymore results or whatnot? I'm a bit jaded of downloading these "top team" tactics or lower league ones only for them to flop. Any hints on players required? Standard theorum players? >_>

Thanks for taking this thread seriously unlike some people:)

Its pretty much the basics, like big centre backs, quick full backs and wingers who are alright at dribbling, the dmc could do with good positioning, tackling, work rate just like whats needed for a dmc, im not to sure what makes my amc's good though im sorry, there really isnt anything that special about them, the striker though is best off being quick and clinical.

So as you can see theres certaintly no genius behind the players i pick, i just keep to the basics and its working:D

Good luck:thup:

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And as for results sorry i forgot to mention them. Played 7 league games and won 6 lost 1, which was to newly relegated Swansea due to a dodgy penalty decision. Give these tactics about 10 games to let your team gel together playing them and you should definatly see an improvement

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Bob does this work on man utd or a big team?

I dont know, I dont play as big teams because on previous football managers i found it to easy and I enjoy the challenge. It works well with teams who pass the ball about well and have good technical attributes so id imagine that it would. Id really appreciate it if you could test it with a big team for me and report back on how it went though:thup:

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Gonna give this a try this evening Bob, will let you know how I get on with Bristol City. I'm in my 2nd season (December 09) struggling to stay in a playoff position, got some technically good players who just aren't speaking to each other and like most other people, two strikers who believe that scoring and winning is for losers!

I'll use it up until the end of the season and let you know. Cheers.

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It won't let me download it (free server full). Can someone upload it somewhere else?

Try again, just worked fine for me.

Using another tactic at the moment, but I'll have a look at this, probably on a different game, as I had 10 unbeaten games with a similar formation with Spurs.

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Ok ppl so im now 12 games into my second season in league one using this tactic and i'm 4th with a game in hand (if i win it i go 2nd and will be 2 points behind the leaders). I've lost 2 of the 12 games, in both games my players dominated but just didnt put the ball in the back of the net and the other team had one chance and scored it:(. Recentley though ive found that on opposition instructions if you go to the player that your scout said is the most dangerous (only when its a central mid do this) put marking on alway, closing down on always and tackle him hard. It basically takes him out of the game:)

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ok i will try it...but i need good OI for it?

Nope dont even use the OI. The only time i do is when i play a better team with a quality player who can change the game. For example when i play leister they have pratley in the centre of mid on my game and he has the ability to be a match winner so i put tight marking as always, closing down as always and tackling as hard. This way it takes him out the game:)

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