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Preferred Player Moves

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I never paid much attention in 08 to how much Preferred Player Moves (PPM) actually affected the game however with the feature to teach specific players specific moves I think I should really give it a try.

I haven't found much on the forums about which players should be taught which PPM's so I'm going to try with the contributions of other forum members and collate information into a bit of a PPM guide.

I think the best place to start is to list all the PPM's available in the game:

Dwells on the Ball

Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble

Argues with Officials

Throws Himself into Tackles

Plays a Simple Passing Game

Stays on His Feet Whilst Tackling a Player

Gets Forward Whenever Possible

Runs with Ball Down Left

Runs with Ball Down Right

Runs with Ball Through Centre

Tries Long Shots Whenever Possible

Shoots From Distance

Likes to Round Keeper

Likes to Lob the Keeper

Shoots With Power

Places Shots

Moves Into Channels

Curls Ball

Hits Free Kicks with Power

Arrives Late in Opponents Area

Likes to try to Beat the Offside Trap

Tries Killer Balls Often

(Please note this list may not be exhaustive atm as I'm only listing the ones I know about, please let me know if there are more and I will add them to the list).

Some negative PPM's cannot be trained such as Dwells on Ball, Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble and Argues with Officials although some players have these at the start of the game.

Throws Himself Into Tackles

I'm unsure as to who this would be beneficial for if anybody as it's likely to lead to more fouls being conceded and players being committed to tackles too often and being beaten.

Plays a Simple Passing Game

Should be taught to players with poor passing and creativity stats to ensure possession is not lost.

Stays on His Feet Whilst Tackling a Player

Should be taught to most defenders and defensive midfielders to ensure they do not go to ground as often when tackling and in turn concede fouls or miss the opponent and let them past.

Gets Forward Whenever Possible

Should be taught to attacking players who do not play as strikers such as wingers and full/wing backs.

Runs with Ball Down Left

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats that have a strong left foot.

Runs with Ball Down Right

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats that have a strong right foot.

Runs with Ball Through Centre

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats.

Tries Long Shots Whenever Possible

Should be taught to players with a good long shots stat that may get into shooting positions.

Likes to Round Keeper

Should be taught to strikers mainly with good finishing and composure stats.

Likes to Lob the Keeper

Same as 'Likes to Round Keepers' I assume although I'm not sure when or why you would choose one over the other?

Shoots With Power

Not sure who this should be taught to or what stats are required

Places Shots

Should be taught to players with good finishing and composure stats otherwise they may not be able to finish precisely

Moves Into Channels

Should be taught to strikers who should be looking to move into gaps in the opposition defence.

Curls Ball

Not sure if you can teach this ability or not.

Hits Free Kicks with Power

Not sure who should be taught this although I haven't seen anything such as 'Curls Free Kicks' so perhaps this should be taught to all players with good free kick stats.

Arrives Late in Opponents Area

Should be taught to players who are normally defensively minded but attack at corners such as centre backs and defensive midfielders.

Likes to try to Beat the Offside Trap

Should be taught to strikers with good acceleration, pace, off the ball and anticipation stats.

Tries Killer Balls Often

Should be taught to midfielders and perhaps defenders with good passing and creativity stats.

So thats my opinion on PPM's although I'm sure others will be able to add to it and advise me of further PPM's and advise me on those which I am unsure of.

Please contribute where you can and I'll amend this post to include other opinions and hopefully it will turn into a PPM Guide of some description.

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great post, give me many lights about this new feature in game.

I'm getting also a bit confused in what players should i train specials and after reading this put for players in training and they all accept to train special habilities.

Only question is either this have any effect in how do they perform or not....

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I'm not sure how much of an effect it has although I think it will definitely be a factor, it's too early in my game to tell how much of an effect it has although I intend playing for quite a few seasons which will hopefully give me time to train PPMs to how I want them to be and then I'll be able to get a good idea of how much influence it has.

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I'm interested in stay on feet when tackling/throw himself into tackles.

I think that it's good to stay on feet when tackling for fast strong players, but what about a fullback that is not that strong, but fast, or a slow central defender, or a slow and weak central midfielder, wingers?

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hi, nice post. Playing FM09 Demo, I gave a DC the dont dive into tackles and he reacted badly to it. he said "it wouldnt improve his game". I thought it would because he had given the team several penalty kicks and cost a goal after a striker got past him. I had tried to change tactics and thought this would work.

Second, I gave a winger, who from observing 10 games liked to cut inside on his own, the moves into channels. He also didnt like that suggestion.

Third, striker given place shots in corners, he had good technique, finishing, and composure. This didnt go well. He just loves hitting it right at the keeper!!

Dont know what is wrong with them not liking the moves.

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hi, nice post. Playing FM09 Demo, I gave a DC the dont dive into tackles and he reacted badly to it. he said "it wouldnt improve his game". I thought it would because he had given the team several penalty kicks and cost a goal after a striker got past him. I had tried to change tactics and thought this would work.

Second, I gave a winger, who from observing 10 games liked to cut inside on his own, the moves into channels. He also didnt like that suggestion.

Third, striker given place shots in corners, he had good technique, finishing, and composure. This didnt go well. He just loves hitting it right at the keeper!!

Dont know what is wrong with them not liking the moves.

1. No idea what to say here.

2. Try Runs with Ball Through Centre.

3. Maybe try Likes to Lob the Keeper or Likes to Round Keeper.

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I think its interesting to see the news item after you have asked a player to learn a ppm...For example I asked my young striker Mario Balotelli to 'Move Into Channels' and the news feed said...

"...It is that XXX believes Balotelli can find space in between defenders and give them something to worry about"

Obviously the player has to have decent off the ball stat and probably good pace and acceleration so he can break away from the back line. But I thought it was useful info and no doubt will be other ppms too

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I am playing with Juve...

I made Giovinco learn 'Run with ball through centre'

And currently Giuseppe Rossi is learning to 'place shots'

Now I'm wondering what should I make Balotelli learn... he's different than Rossi... he's faster so I was thinking maybe: 'moves into Channel, 'round the keeper' or 'shoots with power'...

Any suggestions?

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I trained Mark Noble to run with ball through the centre and it seems to have affected his dribbling skills. It jumped from 11 to 13 right before the comment that he had adjusted his game. It may be due to natural progression of course or it could be due the new PPM.

Does anybody know if PPMs also change the players stats?

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This is a interesting thread, I have been considering what PPM's I should train each player for awhile, and it is a good guild. As far as moving into channels, it seems like you would want a player with good off the ball skills along with the acceleration in order to give space to build a big attack. I also like that player to either be a compossed striker if he gets position on the keeper (along with places shots) or a great passing and decisions attacking midfielder so when the defense closes him down he can find the open stiker for a potential clear shot. I would like to hear your thoughts on my thinking there. Also this is based on my moves into channels. I believe that the player tries to do this when he DOES NOT have the ball. If I am wrong there then I need to totally rethink.

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good thread, i think its only usefull to ask youngsters to learn ppms, kerrison and marquinhos have learn to place shots for me while acosta has learned to dribble down rw. would be usefull if we had a breakdown of what level stats are most important for each ppm. i.e.

Tries Killer Balls Often

Passing 17

Creativity 17 etc.

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Some of these moves appear to be connected to your players stats. On my game (at Rushden in L2) I have a number of very good young players so I thought I would start teaching em moves whilst they were still developing.

I tried to teach all my defenders stay on feet but they all rejected it - however they all have decent tackling stats (12+). So it would appear that this will only get accepted if they have a low tackling skill.

This is certainly the case with play short passing game which I could teach to anyone with passing under 10.

The place shots move I could only teach to players who had finishing about 14+.

If anyone is at a big club (with lots of players and the ability to buy cheap players for fun) you should be able to come up with max and min stats for alot of these moves.

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I never paid much attention in 08 to how much Preferred Player Moves (PPM) actually affected the game however with the feature to teach specific players specific moves I think I should really give it a try.

I haven't found much on the forums about which players should be taught which PPM's so I'm going to try with the contributions of other forum members and collate information into a bit of a PPM guide.

I think the best place to start is to list all the PPM's available in the game:

Dwells on the Ball

Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble

Argues with Officials

Throws Himself into Tackles

Plays a Simple Passing Game

Stays on His Feet Whilst Tackling a Player

Gets Forward Whenever Possible

Runs with Ball Down Left

Runs with Ball Down Right

Runs with Ball Through Centre

Tries Long Shots Whenever Possible

Shoots From Distance

Likes to Round Keeper

Likes to Lob the Keeper

Shoots With Power

Places Shots

Moves Into Channels

Curls Ball

Hits Free Kicks with Power

Arrives Late in Opponents Area

Likes to try to Beat the Offside Trap

Tries Killer Balls Often

(Please note this list may not be exhaustive atm as I'm only listing the ones I know about, please let me know if there are more and I will add them to the list).

Some negative PPM's cannot be trained such as Dwells on Ball, Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble and Argues with Officials although some players have these at the start of the game.

Throws Himself Into Tackles

I'm unsure as to who this would be beneficial for if anybody as it's likely to lead to more fouls being conceded and players being committed to tackles too often and being beaten.

Plays a Simple Passing Game

Should be taught to players with poor passing and creativity stats to ensure possession is not lost.

Stays on His Feet Whilst Tackling a Player

Should be taught to most defenders and defensive midfielders to ensure they do not go to ground as often when tackling and in turn concede fouls or miss the opponent and let them past.

Gets Forward Whenever Possible

Should be taught to attacking players who do not play as strikers such as wingers and full/wing backs.

Runs with Ball Down Left

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats that have a strong left foot.

Runs with Ball Down Right

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats that have a strong right foot.

Runs with Ball Through Centre

Should be taught to attacking players with good dribbling and technique stats.

Tries Long Shots Whenever Possible

Should be taught to players with a good long shots stat that may get into shooting positions.

Likes to Round Keeper

Should be taught to strikers mainly with good finishing and composure stats.

Likes to Lob the Keeper

Same as 'Likes to Round Keepers' I assume although I'm not sure when or why you would choose one over the other?

Shoots With Power

Not sure who this should be taught to or what stats are required

Places Shots

Should be taught to players with good finishing and composure stats otherwise they may not be able to finish precisely

Moves Into Channels

Should be taught to strikers who should be looking to move into gaps in the opposition defence.

Curls Ball

Not sure if you can teach this ability or not.

Hits Free Kicks with Power

Not sure who should be taught this although I haven't seen anything such as 'Curls Free Kicks' so perhaps this should be taught to all players with good free kick stats.

Arrives Late in Opponents Area

Should be taught to players who are normally defensively minded but attack at corners such as centre backs and defensive midfielders.

Likes to try to Beat the Offside Trap

Should be taught to strikers with good acceleration, pace, off the ball and anticipation stats.

Tries Killer Balls Often

Should be taught to midfielders and perhaps defenders with good passing and creativity stats.

So thats my opinion on PPM's although I'm sure others will be able to add to it and advise me of further PPM's and advise me on those which I am unsure of.

Please contribute where you can and I'll amend this post to include other opinions and hopefully it will turn into a PPM Guide of some description.

good post

but i think it's not good to have a player with so much PPM

his play will be too predictable by your opponent

especially if you play online


i think it's better not to try your striker with like to round keeper

he will hold the ball too long when one on one with gk

and while he's doing it another opp.player will come and get the ball

i have try it

the PPM that i like the most is shoots from distance/try long shot for DM, MC or AMC

it's really useful when your attack doesn't work(can't get into penalty area or can't shoot when your player in penalty area)

but off course as written above you'll need player with good long shoot, at least 16


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