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'i' Attribute box doesn't disappear until clicking


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To view the stats of players quickly, I used to scroll through a list of players by hovering over the 'i' to bring up the quick stats (hover, move down, hover, move down), however, now instead of just hovering from one to the next, you have to click to get the box to disappear. 


May be intentional, not sure. 

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Same issue here. On every page  where you can use the icon to quickly show attributes, it shows on hover, but  it takes a while to disappear when not hovering. It seems to only disappear when moving the mouse cursor randomly on the screen. Or when clicking next to the popup box.

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Same issue here. At any screen with a list of players (example: squad view - your club) if you use the "hover" next to the players name it correctly pops up the tab/window showing you the attributes, pic, etc. The thing is, it doesn's disappear. You have to click anywhere on the screen. It used to do this automatically. Hover, move mouse cursor away, disappear. Don't know if it's intended, but it kind of defeats the purpose so highly doubt it. It would turn out the same as clicking on the player name anda then hitting back. Using no skins or mods of any kind. Only the usual name an licenses fix.


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This is a genuine pain to be honest, if i want to look at a number of players profiles in a row very quickly the process takes twice as long and is quite clunky and annoying.

It happens whenever you hover over the "icon" to the left of players name. you have to click and then hover over the next, rather than just proceed to hover over the next player like you were able to in previous versions.

I would imagine over players who like scouting and finding regens in long saves would fine this annoying too. I'd be surprised if it was intentional from SI.

Help please!

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This remains a problem in the full release indeed. 

We have provided more info. What is it exactly you need from us SI to address this issue? This really is annoying to quickly see player attributes for example.

The hover off event is not working, the attribute box is still visible.

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