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Refining my Positional Play Tactic

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I've been using the following 433 tactic for about a season total (started end of one season, in Feb. of the next now) and it has been pretty decent results-wise and I'm seeing precisely what I want in some places. But, some parts were designed with certain veteran players in mind who are now on their way out, so I am looking to enhance some of the less effective elements and hoping for some assistance.

We play with an attacking mentality (I've occasionally dropped it to positive, but usually just alter TIs if we need to be a bit more cautious) with the following instructions 

  • In possession: Slightly shorter passing, play out of defense, work ball into box, overlap left, overlap right, wide
  • Transition: Counter-press
  • Out of possession: Higher DL and LOE, use offside trap

There are various player instructions, too (and some key PPMs) - here are (I think) the most relevant:

  • CD: Stay wider (to cover for right back)
  • RB: No extra instructions, but PPMs include getting forward whenever possible, running often
  • RPM: More direct passes, move into channels, close down more... PPMs: dictate play, switch ball to other flank, attempt killer balls, play 1-2s
  • Mez: Dribble more... PPMs: Play 1-2s, get into oppo area, gets forward whenever possible
  • IF: Stay wider... PPMs: Get further forward, play 1-2s
  • IW: Stay wider... PPMs: Run with ball often, play 1-2s

We get a good amount of goals and they are heavily spread around (this is partly due to high number of corner goals, but open play are spread) and are reasonably defensively solid. In general, the right side is quite good...

IWB(s), RPM(s), and IW(s) combine well... the IW (Saka or Pepe) is my top assister, the IWB (Bellerin or this new attack minded MC I'm retraining) gets forward a lot and combines in great ways - sometimes goes outside IW and combines or sends in crosses, sometimes comes inside IW and scores from outside the box. The RPM facilitates all this and finds a good number of through balls to the striker, IW, or IWB after a bunch of short passing

But I am looking to get more from the left. Originally, I had Aubamayang in the LW, so IF(a) made sense to get him scoring. Worked okay (not great) but now he is gone and the existing replacement is more well-rounded but slower. The MEZ was originally Donny van de Beek, and he was okay (again, not great) at scoring/assisting but he has been sold. Also, although I want my CF to combine some, I do want him more involved in scoring than he has been.

At this point, I am likely in the market for a new left CM and potentially left winger (I like the current guy, but he is young, so am open to bringing in more immediate quality). I also recently picked up a new worldclass striker who is tall, strong, and fast with good ability to combine and make things for himself

Play I had in mind: I generally had in mind 4 main attack approaches (not counting counter opportunities)

  1. Develop play on right before RPM switches field to IF in space (supported by MEZ)
  2. IW driving against isolated defender before shooting/passing
  3. Intricate passing play around center of the pitch before playing a slipped pass into IF or IW
  4. Cutbacks to MEZ or IWB(s) at top of box

I get (2)-(4) to various degrees, although (3) is very right side dominant (so IF doesn't really get involved)


Any thoughts on improvements? I've recently switched the F9 to a CF(a) and just toyed with making the IF(a) and IW(A), which immediately resulted in a great goal for him, but otherwise has been meh. The change to CF(a) hasn't seemed to change much at all. I'm open to changing basically any role/duty on the left side (and striker) but would like to keep the right side as is given how well it is working, but can perhaps be convinced of other changes. I'd like the IF (or left sided attacker whatever his role) and striker to be my main goal threats


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47 minutes ago, wyattevs said:

Hi, where is this positional role map found? It looks really helpful, and I am just beginning to play the game.

I did that in Rate my Tactic (https://ratemytactic.web.app) and that is what puts the connections on there (and explains what the different colors mean). Don't use it as the end-all-be-all of tactic creation, but I think it can be a bit helpful

And thanks @Experienced Defender... yeah, I thought the double attack duties were an issue in the first place, but didn't want to shift the mezzala over (since that'd upset the right side combinations), definitely wanted him to get more involved in attack (so wanted an attack duty) but was concerned about goal involvement if the IF was on support. I now think I better understand how to get an IF in support to still be involved in the box well, etc. and so have shifted the IF to support. Definitely does help with involvement (and the IF not running into cul-de-sacs)

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There's a lot I like with what you did, but my main issue is that positional play really needs at least one person per flank to play wide and hug the touch line. With iwb's on both flanks and IF, IWs you probably aren't getting this. This, you are compressing your own teams area of attack. You can manually tell the IW to stay wider but not sure if you're doing that. 

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