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Huge logo backgrounds


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Hello I want to make my logo background in the header larger. Like those I see in screenshots around here. I use custom logos with backgrounds which are magnified but not by much. I want it to be massive as I like that effect but I don't know how to do it.

An example of larger logo backgrounds can be found in the flex skin screenshots.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I only found this:

<!-- container to handle the layout of the 'background' logos -->

<container height="100">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0"/>

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0"/>

<!-- Right Side Logo -->

<widget class="picture" id="rgtB" auto_size="all" file="pictures/logos/background/default/left">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" inset="0"/>

<!-- set main 'background' logo -->

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="sbpc" set_property="file" skip_if_null="false"/>

<!-- tells the picture to listen for the 'main picture needs recolouring' property and sets its own 'should recolour' property from it -->

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="sbrc" set_property="srec" skip_if_null="false"/>

<!-- the background, foreground and outline colours of the object we use for recolouring the default main picture if there is one, and it should be recoloured -->

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="bkcl" set_property="rrep"/>

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="fcol" set_property="grep"/>

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="ocol" set_property="brep"/>


Is that right? If it is what do I change to get that effect?

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