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Ass Man feedback missing.

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in the 09/10 season I managed FC Utd in Conference North and had a carp old Player-Ass Man who did ok and provided me with advice on team-talks and in game tactics.

Despite our best efforts, FC Utd were relegated at the end of the season and I resigned.

Now I am managing Hitchin in Conference South and I have again employed an old Player-Ass Man, but now this one doesn;t have any advice to offer with regards to pre-match/half-time/post-match team talks and the screen whereby he offers me in-game tactical advice is also missing.

These options aren't greyed out. They are missing completely.

Has anyone encountered this and if so have you discovered a workaround?

Cheers in advance.

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This has been raised in the bugs forum and is being looked at, but I'm almost certain it affects teams who start the game without an assistant manager.

Had a game where this was happening and there was no assistant at the start. Re-started game with "allow key staff" option ticked, sacked the existing bloke and employed the same ass man as before and it was all fine. This isn't going to do you any good a couple of seasons in though.

If it's any consolation, SI are aware of this issue, so hopefully you won't have to put up with it for long.

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