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Shortlist views constantly resetting + a couple of other more minor bugs


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Ok so whenever I navigate away from the shortlist and then return back, the view that I have resets to the default overview which is incredibly frustrating. Sometimes it just takes a couple of seconds and changes back to my view by itself, but the rest of the time I need to perform an action (scout a player, remove one from the shortlist etc) or change the view manually for it to change back


Other small bugs are:


Swapping players on the squad screen sometimes swaps the wrong player. Only happens sometimes though. Happened way more on the beta. 

Sometimes the filters drop down on the player search screen shrinks by itself when some actions are performed, although not consistently. I can't find out how to reproduce it with the same action every time, just some actions some of the time. This happened on the beta too whenever I hovered over a players inforation popout, but this doesn't happen anymore, something else is prompting it now. 


Edited by jkadms
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