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The Realism Thread

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20 hours ago, wazza said:

I want to make the game as hard and realistic as possible.  Alot of clubs now hire the manager and call them 'Head Coach'. I guess this means that all they do is coach the players that the DOF or chairman fetches in and having no say in the transfers into the team.   Is this the realistic way that clubs carry out there transfer business now without input from the manager or am I reading into it?

This would make the FM save harder if you were just a head coach and not allowed any input into the transfers of each club. This could also be varied from club to club so one club allows you to be involved in transfers and another doesn't with it all stipulated in the club vision as this would normally be the chairman's decision on how the club is run rather than the manager telling the club how to do transfers when they arrive.

Does anyone know or can advise of which current English Championships operate only with a DOF for transfers and not allow the manager input into them and only have to coach the players that are brought in by others.  


I think you are right with regards to most managers not being involved in transfers, other than to maybe hand the board a list of targets that would fulfil what they are after.  The issue with having this as a club vision is that it would take a lot of the fun out of the game.  What most people enjoy most about FM is squad building. 

Having said that at lower levels the manager is much more likely to be involved at all levels of the transfer process.

I think the current system is probably about right in that you can delegate transfers to the Chairman/DOF if you wish.  I think there is definitely a conversation to be had about how best to go about this in a realistic way

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Currently playing a journeyman save and at Welling. Where do people sit on accepting players that approach for trials? It seems a bit much every month and feels gamey though I did sign a couple.


I'm largely sticking to scout reports and players I spot in games. Also allowed myself to keep an eye on Bristol City players as in my head cannon this was understandable.

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On 13/09/2022 at 15:33, BristolCity1992 said:

Currently playing a journeyman save and at Welling. Where do people sit on accepting players that approach for trials? It seems a bit much every month and feels gamey though I did sign a couple.


I'm largely sticking to scout reports and players I spot in games. Also allowed myself to keep an eye on Bristol City players as in my head cannon this was understandable.

I'd say your playing it about right, I usually go with my gut in these instances 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/09/2022 at 05:36, Brother Ben said:

I think you are right with regards to most managers not being involved in transfers, other than to maybe hand the board a list of targets that would fulfil what they are after.  The issue with having this as a club vision is that it would take a lot of the fun out of the game.  What most people enjoy most about FM is squad building. 

Having said that at lower levels the manager is much more likely to be involved at all levels of the transfer process.

I think the current system is probably about right in that you can delegate transfers to the Chairman/DOF if you wish.  I think there is definitely a conversation to be had about how best to go about this in a realistic way

The way I have always approached this since I started playing realistically years ago, was to delegate transfers to the Chairman/DOF until I have been at the club for some years and have had success enough to the point where "in my gut" they would be willing to listen to my suggestions about transfers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty certain I won't be buying FM23 due to my inability to get into a save in FM22 (and because my PC is dying and I've still not bought a replacement), I've started a new (hopefully long term) FM22 proper LLM save.

Just rocked up at my first club, Cobh Ramblers, and have to say they have a vision even I might be able to achieve...


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Love it, Junkie! :lol:


As per my last post, I've embarked on a journeyman Lower league career using FM Llama's restriction - can't bring ANY new players into the club I manage - no transfers, frees, loans, nothing except annual academy intakes. If players leave, tough. Proper challenging! Not "realistic" though - I find that still becomes too easy in time. But playing regulat FM, you won't finish bottom - this way, you might!

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i should have found this forum earlier. I have played FM on and off for some time now, and I try to get some realism into the game.

I start unemployed, attribute masking, with lowest degree, Sunday leagues and in some lower league team.

My problem is that I really don't know which means, that FM gives us, are realistic, and which are not... So, I'm still trying to find my set of realism rules.


I have used CA/PA stars. For me they work as they were notes, where scout had written "Check these first", "Average" or "No way!" on those players' folders.  And, because I'm playing on/off, they help me remember most important players after a pause.


I do use player searching, and I would like to hear main reasons why aren't you? All managers must have computers, and they can find out which players are on free market. And you can use your phone and call them. If someone agrees to come to a try-out, why not...

With chosen Scouting package you have limited the amount of possible players, with attribute masking you don't know anything from a lot of them, and most of them would say "NO!" when asked for a try-out.

IRL the biggest issue probably is money - when someone is a low/no salary paid player, how to make money for living. But what about young players, who are dropouts from some top level? Would they want to find a team so hard, that they would do anything?


I had a game start as a manager in into 8. level promoted amateur English team, and during pre-season I was able to get as my best eleven mainly young dropouts that were all from top 5 levels. Even from Premier. No salary, no bonuses. Could this happen IRL?


I do understand that 1 hour or 30 minutes idea, but IRL... I live in Finland, and here for some schoolkids it takes more than 30 minutes to get to the school. Even for kids in the elementary school.


In fact, is it so that SI just haven't thought about us, lower leagues fans, enough?

There is a rule for probability calculations whatever happens in top 6 leagues (in England), but all lower leagues use those same probability numbers as that 6. level league? That would kill realism.

Also the number of try-outs in team should be reconsidered. Unless IRL all those try-outs find their own accommodation.

Should us, players make SI to improve those calculations all the way to 8-9-10th, or amateur level?


Should there be less money to be used in semi-pro and amateur teams for scouting or just go by the overall budget? In our amateur team we had quite much money for scouting, but otherwise no money at all. Why?

Scouting in your own "county" or local area could cost nothing. Therefore scouting would have to be done just inside your own area or neighbouring areas included in lower leagues. Or maybe a few thousands in scouting budget just to visit a few tournaments for youngsters...




PS. I have been making a Finnish lower level teams' kit pack. WIP, not tested. From summer -22, so it belongs to FM23. Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/62sfhukhbtohpza/Finnish_1.Div_%27Ykk%C3%B6nen%27%2C_2.Div_%27Kakkonen%27_and_some_lower_teams.7z/file

Edited by rristola
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7 hours ago, rristola said:

I do use player searching, and I would like to hear main reasons why aren't you? All managers must have computers, and they can find out which players are on free market. And you can use your phone and call them. If someone agrees to come to a try-out, why not...

Until a few versions ago, the player search function displayed pretty much every player in the world. This, combined with playing without attribute masking, meant you could filter by attributes and find the perfect player.  Although managers will have computers, googling "free transfer centre backs with at least 14 tackling" isn't at all realistic.

Nowadays the player search function is actually part of your scouting package and, with attributes hidden or masked, I personally agree that it is not so much of a no no. However, I personally would ALWAYS scout or trial players before signing.

For me though, this is a last resort, and it's what drives me to hire new/different scouts. The point of having scouts is that I don't have to do these manual searches. If I sign four players over a season and three are a result of me reviewing the scouting package search and manually sending scouts, I'm sacking my scouts. If my scouts are any good I shouldn't ever have to use the search.

The 60-90 minute or 50-100 miles rule is first of all subjective to the size of the country. I think that's reasonable for the UK, but probably not for Brazil. I would also consider a couple of other things. If I am managing Blyth in the north east and I am choosing between two generally equal potential signings, then I am choosing the one born in Leeds and playing for Halifax over the one born in Southampton and playing for Eastleigh. That being said, if the Southampton born player spent 3-4 years at Sunderland earlier in their careers, then they are fair game as far as I am concerned as they would likely have links, friends, partners etc from there. Also, if the player appears in my scouting reports because he/his agent have offered him directly to my club, I would consider him regardless of any distance rules, much like I would if I was hiring someone to work in an office - yes your previous employment is 300 miles away, but you've applied for the job, so I am going to assume you've thought about this and are up for the move.

Hope this helps, but remember - although generally Llama/realism rules are quite universal or similar, it is your game and therefore about your enjoyment. If you can rationalize something that others are telling you is unrealistic, then don't change what you are doing to please others. Just have fun.

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2 hours ago, Junkhead said:

...I personally would ALWAYS scout or trial players before signing.


...it is your game and therefore about your enjoyment.

When I last started a game, that English amateur team was just promoted and also empty of players. I had to speed up player searching. Then, out of nowhere, came up a dropout from Premier League - I signed him without seeing him.

Risky, but... Would you have? And after him also others got interested in us.


What do you know about dropouts? In my team 9 of best 11 were dropouts and 18-20 years old. 6 of them hadn't played at all in previous year. How many academies/players in them are there? Can it be, that every year there are a lot of those who are left without a contract?

Those dropouts are in the database, but is it like that IRL? Was my young dream tean realistic?


As you wrote, those are our rules. But if you would have power over SI, would you change something in scouting rules or budget or... in lower leagues?

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55 minutes ago, rristola said:

When I last started a game, that English amateur team was just promoted and also empty of players. I had to speed up player searching. Then, out of nowhere, came up a dropout from Premier League - I signed him without seeing him.

Risky, but... Would you have? And after him also others got interested in us.


What do you know about dropouts? In my team 9 of best 11 were dropouts and 18-20 years old. 6 of them hadn't played at all in previous year. How many academies/players in them are there? Can it be, that every year there are a lot of those who are left without a contract?

Those dropouts are in the database, but is it like that IRL? Was my young dream tean realistic?


As you wrote, those are our rules. But if you would have power over SI, would you change something in scouting rules or budget or... in lower leagues?

I cannot imagine that there is a single premier League youngster that is dropping down to level 8 / amateur level irl. Not the same summer they are released, anyway. The ONLY way I would personally be able to justify this in my head would be if he was from the town/village that my amateur team was based and was "returning home". I wouldn't expect to keep him for long.

Yes, if I was SI I would be looking to make things as realistic as possible but I understand there needs to be balance. I can't imagine the game would sell many copies if it forced you to play the LLM way.


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My one wish about LLM is that they'd sort out the amateur and non-contract contracts. 

In reality, the players are less demanded and have some form of loyalty. It's a tad annoying to have to offer the majority of the first team a new contract every couple of weeks to keep them at the club. 

That's the one thing I'd like to see addressed in FM22. If that was done I'd be a happy man. 

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2 hours ago, Junkhead said:

I can't imagine the game would sell many copies if it forced you to play the LLM way.

Wouldn't it be the easiest way to have setup for difficulty - adjusting players' willingness to try-outs or to sign?

And like you wrote about that Premier league dropout, and him signing into a amateur team - if that is unrealistic, shouldn't we contact SI using the "Requests" forum?


Same goes with amateur (or all lower leagues) teams budgets, which can be almost zero, and still they can put 20-40 000 (cost of scouting package) into scouting...

What if scouting in local and neighbouring areas would cost nothing (no-cost zone), and then budgets of those teams could be zero? Going to see some youngsters tournament would be asked from the board...


Reason why I am suggesting "Request" forum is, that I have got contact with SI Staff there. I asked why teams that have confirmed promotion/relegation can't scout players according to their to-be level - there is this option "fits first team", but what does it mean next year.


The only thing is, that SI likes these suggestions to be well thought out. How could we get some ideas gathered here? By lower leagues players? Even LLM players? New set of rules for lower leagues.


And, BTW, I think that there are many players, who would like to play lower leagues teams. In many countries third or fourth division teams are amateur-based, maybe even the second division. OK, guessing that.

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In my experience, the budgets and transfer options of teams at the lowest "official" level, IE. The conference north/south are about right.  I suspect that the issue you mention with level 8/9 will be that they are additional leagues so there is no officially supported reality to mirror. It might be interesting too look at a couple of teams in the vanilla database who start as amateur though, if there are any. I don't know if there are (there used to be queen's park, but not anymore) - @Brother Ben may have come across some.

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The following teams are amateur in the lowest playable leagues on the vanilla game

'Herlev - Denmark 3. division ',
'Karlslunde - Denmark 3. division ',
'Lyseng - Denmark 3. division ',
'Vanløse IF - Denmark 3. division ',
'HKFC - Hong Kong Premier League ',
'Fløya - Norway 2. divisjon Group 1',
'Ferreira de Aves - Portugal Campeonato Serie C',
'Forjães - Portugal Campeonato Serie A',
'Gouveia - Portugal Campeonato Serie C',
'Macedo de Cavaleiros - Portugal Campeonato Serie B',
'O Elvas - Portugal Campeonato Serie E',
'Operário Lagoa - Portugal Campeonato Serie E',
'Santa Marta - Portugal Campeonato Serie B',
'Serpa - Portugal Campeonato Serie F',
'União de Montemor - Portugal Campeonato Serie F',
'Swansea Uni - Wales Cymru South',

I always start as semi-Pro myself for the reasons outlined by @DementedHammer above

Edited by Brother Ben
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39 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

I suspect that the issue you mention with level 8/9 will be that they are additional leagues so there is no officially supported reality to mirror.

My best guess is that SI can't "promise" that they could be able to gather all that info, if there were that many new teams. I just checked it up, in English 7. level there are about 60 teams.            (levels 1-6 -> about 7*20 teams = 140  ; 60 means about half more)

I know that SI was looking volunteers to gather that lower leagues info, but maybe system isn't reliable yet.


But, I'm not meaning whether they are official divisions, or not. Could there be some kind of a universal  "restrictions" system for lower leagues teams - because they just can't afford it? You, as manager, would like to... board says NO.

That system could be budget based, so it could be used all over the world for any lower league team. Even for fantasy team in fantasy world...


In addition, those probability calculations should also be adjusted - you don't move across the country if there is no salary included. As mentioned before. Or, without any special reasons.


BTW, how much was the lowest scouting package in FM? Isn't it weird that a team with 0 budget has that kind of money to spend on scouting???


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5 minutes ago, rristola said:

BTW, how much was the lowest scouting package in FM? Isn't it weird that a team with 0 budget has that kind of money to spend on scouting???

To maintain realism, when managing an amateur club, I don't use a scout. I mean, realistically, if I were a manager of an amateur team and wanted to scout a player, me and Dave the Ass would hop in my Ford Fiesta and drive 20 miles to the player's village to watch a game ourselves.

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40 minutes ago, Brother Ben said:

The following teams are amateur in the lowest playable leagues on the vanilla game

'Herlev - Denmark 3. division ',
'Karlslunde - Denmark 3. division ',
'Lyseng - Denmark 3. division ',
'Vanløse IF - Denmark 3. division ',
'HKFC - Hong Kong Premier League ',
'Fløya - Norway 2. divisjon Group 1',
'Ferreira de Aves - Portugal Campeonato Serie C',
'Forjães - Portugal Campeonato Serie A',
'Gouveia - Portugal Campeonato Serie C',
'Macedo de Cavaleiros - Portugal Campeonato Serie B',
'O Elvas - Portugal Campeonato Serie E',
'Operário Lagoa - Portugal Campeonato Serie E',
'Santa Marta - Portugal Campeonato Serie B',
'Serpa - Portugal Campeonato Serie F',
'União de Montemor - Portugal Campeonato Serie F',
'Swansea Uni - Wales Cymru South',

I always start as semi-Pro myself for the reasons outlined by @DementedHammer above

Cheers @Brother Ben, knew you would be able to filter a spreadsheet somewhere or what have you :D

- @rristola, think the budgets of these amateur clubs in the vanilla game will give a far more realistic view of where the game is re. amateur teams rather than editor enabled leagues.  Understand what you are saying about a blanket rule for lower league teams, and I am not sure how things are in Finland, but in the UK there can be massive differences in the size and financial capabilities of clubs at lower levels.  Teams like Rushden, Salford, Gretna etc spring to mind as relatively recent examples of clubs who had insane budgets compared to the rest of their divisions, so a fair rule limiting most clubs would unfairly restrict them and be unrealistic. The size difference of clubs at National League (level 5) in England is huge - Wrexham, Notts County and Oldham are absolutely massive clubs compared to Altrincham and Maidenhead. 

I think the issue you are talking about is likely that concessions are made to accommodate the user.  I bet not a single other club in level 8 offered a contract to a premier League drop out in your save, and even if they did, no one else had 9 of them in their first 11. Not that you've done anything wrong, but what I'm saying is that I don't think limiting entire leagues is the way to go, rather decreasing the likelihood of a premier League drop out signing for a human controlled level 8 club.

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36 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

hop in my Ford Fiesta and drive 20 miles to the player's village to watch a game ourselves.

That was exactly my point. With volunteer scout, or not...

4 hours ago, rristola said:

What if scouting in local and neighbouring areas would cost nothing (no-cost zone), and then budgets of those teams could be zero?

My idea was that there really wouldn't be any money for scouting package in lower leagues teams. I guess that in your team there is money for that package, but you don't use that money.

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37 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

in the UK there can be massive differences in the size and financial capabilities of clubs at lower levels

Do you think that there could be any set of improvements in FM so, that the result would be more realistic? Budget, willingness to sign aso. Concerning lower leagues.

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27 minutes ago, rristola said:

Do you think that there could be any set of improvements in FM so, that the result would be more realistic? Budget, willingness to sign aso. Concerning lower leagues.

Each club has their own budget, each club has their own reputation and each town and city an attraction value that dictates the chances of a player moving to the club. It's already there. I do think ai squad building could be improved at all levels, but I think the big question here is - how many of the other 20-22 clubs in your division- semi pro or amateur - have signed a team full of premier league drop outs? I suspect the answer is none. I would even wager that none of the other clubs have signed a SINGLE free transfer direct from a prem academy. If that's the case, then the answer is self regulation.

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38 minutes ago, rristola said:

That was exactly my point. With volunteer scout, or not...

My idea was that there really wouldn't be any money for scouting package in lower leagues teams. I guess that in your team there is money for that package, but you don't use that money.

Exactly. I don't use any package, and when my chairman somehow gets scouting recommendations to my inbox I delete them without looking. I find it's quite possible to create what I regard as a realistic narrative simply by choosing not to use various functions. I even use the pre-game editor to create a coach/physio to complement my player/assman and player/coach for a full staff team.

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1 hour ago, phnompenhandy said:

To maintain realism, when managing an amateur club, I don't use a scout. I mean, realistically, if I were a manager of an amateur team and wanted to scout a player, me and Dave the Ass would hop in my Ford Fiesta and drive 20 miles to the player's village to watch a game ourselves.

This reminds me of one team that I once played for, where the injured or suspended players were asked to scout out future opponents, rather than getting the Saturday off. 

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10 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

Each club has their own budget, each club has their own reputation and each town and city an attraction value that dictates the chances of a player moving to the club.

2 hours ago, Junkhead said:

In my experience, the budgets and transfer options of teams at the lowest "official" level, IE. The conference north/south are about right.

With these two thoughts combined, the "system" (probabilities to do something) is about fair in official divisions. Therefore with adjusting those probability percentages concerning lower leagues even them could be more realistic.


I can easily agree that those dropouts signing was unbelievable. And, as you said, wouldn't happen IRL. And that's why I asked...


1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

in the UK there can be massive differences in the size and financial capabilities of clubs at lower levels.

Yes, agree, That's why those "restrictions" could be either league level based (not willing to) or budget based (can't afford). If any lower league team HAS money, then they of course can spend it. And they would also be a bit more attractive.


But, IMO, lower leagues could be moe realistic, if SI... Do you mind, if I try to change something in those rules with "Requests"?

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19 minutes ago, rristola said:

But, IMO, lower leagues could be moe realistic, if SI... Do you mind, if I try to change something in those rules with "Requests"?

I am afraid I'm not quite sure what you are asking here. If I've read it right, you're asking if I mind if you make requests of SI that could change the LLM play style rules.

I don't mind, and even if I did, tough! The game belongs to everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/09/2022 at 01:54, Mars_Blackmon said:

Is there anyone who plays this way and have a youtube channel?

I'm following 2 such YouTubers now. FM Llama as recommended by Cadoni above, and "Load FM!"

FM Llama's rule is to bring in NO players. No transfers in, no loans, no frees - just play the hand you're dealt plus academy intake kids (and bear in mind in non-league they have naff all CA and with minimal facilities and coaching quality are unlikely to improve without a sustained run in the first team). Load FM is a little different - starting unemployed and with no coaching qualifications, he has to start with a very lowly non-league club, but he does allow recruits - so long as his hopeless DoF brings them. The manager is strictly a Head Coach with no say in transfer ins and outs. I'm currently on a new save combining both, but at amateur level [FM21 English to L14 and Scotland to L15 files], so amateur players can bog off at a moment's notice. I've added an even extra difficulty level in managing a village club's reserve side (typically CA max 4), which means the first team manager will just promote any player I get a tune out of to his first team. Anyone I lose to the first team or another club I can't replace. Playing such a way, realistic in the sense that my real self might get a coaching job at such a level, makes every rare victory or point gained very precious indeed.

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On 23/10/2022 at 21:15, phnompenhandy said:

I'm following 2 such YouTubers now. FM Llama as recommended by Cadoni above, and "Load FM!"

FM Llama's rule is to bring in NO players. No transfers in, no loans, no frees - just play the hand you're dealt plus academy intake kids (and bear in mind in non-league they have naff all CA and with minimal facilities and coaching quality are unlikely to improve without a sustained run in the first team). Load FM is a little different - starting unemployed and with no coaching qualifications, he has to start with a very lowly non-league club, but he does allow recruits - so long as his hopeless DoF brings them. The manager is strictly a Head Coach with no say in transfer ins and outs. I'm currently on a new save combining both, but at amateur level [FM21 English to L14 and Scotland to L15 files], so amateur players can bog off at a moment's notice. I've added an even extra difficulty level in managing a village club's reserve side (typically CA max 4), which means the first team manager will just promote any player I get a tune out of to his first team. Anyone I lose to the first team or another club I can't replace. Playing such a way, realistic in the sense that my real self might get a coaching job at such a level, makes every rare victory or point gained very precious indeed.

I should have added that there's a very active FM community who play the game this way. Here are links to 2 active threads:


The Official dafuge FM23 Challenge


The FM23 Youth Academy Challenge


I would join them except that I intend to use the editor to move my club, Loch Ness in the 6th tier of Scottish football into the lowest playable league, League Two, and from then follow all the restrictions. Then, when a fan-created Scottish lower league file is released, I'll start again in the amateur world at level 13 or 14. That way my CA1 academy kids won't be out of their depth and I might start to get some promotions under my belt.

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On 15/10/2022 at 00:20, FelixForte said:

Are you really playing with realism if you're watching reruns of goals and offsides? Managers don't have that luxury!

Yeah they do. As a LLaMa myself (currently managing Queens Uni in the N Irish 3rd tier on the beta), I watch their highlights on YouTube first. In my last FM21 save, I was watching YouTubes of my 14th tier Scottish village clubs. So I can easily justify a mental narrative of watching my chairman's video he recorded on his phone of each match!

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On 23/10/2022 at 19:54, Junkhead said:

Update - Cobh save on FM22 properly up and running.

Bottom of the league after six games with a single point. Told you, @phnompenhandy :lol:

I'm north of the hard/soft border myself on the FM23 beta. Already won my first match. On a losing streak since then and the fans are furious with me. Brilliant!

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28 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

I should have added that there's a very active FM community who play the game this way. Here are links to 2 active threads:


The Official dafuge FM23 Challenge


The FM23 Youth Academy Challenge


I would join them except that I intend to use the editor to move my club, Loch Ness in the 6th tier of Scottish football into the lowest playable league, League Two, and from then follow all the restrictions. Then, when a fan-created Scottish lower league file is released, I'll start again in the amateur world at level 13 or 14. That way my CA1 academy kids won't be out of their depth and I might start to get some promotions under my belt.

Not wanting to sound rude but neither of those threads would fall under the remit of this thread.  (sorry)


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1 hour ago, Brother Ben said:

Not wanting to sound rude but neither of those threads would fall under the remit of this thread.  (sorry)


Interesting. I've not been very active on this forum for a while as I skipped purchasing FM20 and then FM22, so I'm out of touch. I've just discovered this thread and it appeals to me very much. Could you explain why they are inappropriate? Is it because the challenges ultimately aim for world (or at least continental) domination? I must admit, as a LLaMa of two decades myself, I've only once ever reached a top division, so they're not groups I'd participate in myself, but they seem to set out the guidelines I've noted in skimming this thread.

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11 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

Interesting. I've not been very active on this forum for a while as I skipped purchasing FM20 and then FM22, so I'm out of touch. I've just discovered this thread and it appeals to me very much. Could you explain why they are inappropriate? Is it because the challenges ultimately aim for world (or at least continental) domination? I must admit, as a LLaMa of two decades myself, I've only once ever reached a top division, so they're not groups I'd participate in myself, but they seem to set out the guidelines I've noted in skimming this thread.

just from a realism standpoint I suppose, never signing anyone would be hugely unrealistic

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12 minutes ago, Brother Ben said:

just from a realism standpoint I suppose, never signing anyone would be hugely unrealistic

Oh right, I get that. Well, having inadvertently found an impossibly difficult yet realistic scenario in my last save with FM21 and a L14 English LL file where I was managing my L13 home village amateur club's Reserves., I hope to do that again when the lower league edits for FM23 are available.

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16 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

Oh right, I get that. Well, having inadvertently found an impossibly difficult yet realistic scenario in my last save with FM21 and a L14 English LL file where I was managing my L13 home village amateur club's Reserves., I hope to do that again when the lower league edits for FM23 are available.

Sorry if that came across a bit funny.  Realism is pretty subjective. 

Hopefully Dan & Messi will be on the case again for those lower league files!

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Just now, Brother Ben said:

Sorry if that came across a bit funny.  Realism is pretty subjective. 

Hopefully Dan & Messi will be on the case again for those lower league files!

My (FM) life depends on those guys - and Mozza and other who do the same for Scotland. These days every 2-bit amateur team has YouTube videos - you can get so immersed in the game at any level now.

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I recently got FM23 and started my llm save landing the curzon ashton job, struggling in a relegation battle. As the club has a DoF, I handed him all responsabilities he can get (hiring staff and players, renewing contracts, …). He started well with bringing in a center back, but now he is only signing youth players and deadline day is approaching. Some key first team players also signed contracts with other teams, leaving us at the end of the season, without the DoF trying to renew contracts. He is really passive and it makers me nervous, especially because I got the team out of the relegation battle and would love to get some decent singings in before the deadline day and some contract renewals before I lose half my team to other clubs. 
Is there a way to get him more active? I do allow myself to set transfer targets when my scouts present me a good player, but most of the time he can’t agree terms with them.

Anyone else who has experience with making the DoF handling transfers?

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21 minutes ago, George_84 said:


I recently got FM23 and started my llm save landing the curzon ashton job, struggling in a relegation battle. As the club has a DoF, I handed him all responsabilities he can get (hiring staff and players, renewing contracts, …). He started well with bringing in a center back, but now he is only signing youth players and deadline day is approaching. Some key first team players also signed contracts with other teams, leaving us at the end of the season, without the DoF trying to renew contracts. He is really passive and it makers me nervous, especially because I got the team out of the relegation battle and would love to get some decent singings in before the deadline day and some contract renewals before I lose half my team to other clubs. 
Is there a way to get him more active? I do allow myself to set transfer targets when my scouts present me a good player, but most of the time he can’t agree terms with them.

Anyone else who has experience with making the DoF handling transfers?

Funnily enough, I'm doing that in my current save. I'm trying to start off as the worst manager in the world, with the worst staff to support me. It's in my current thread


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1 hour ago, George_84 said:

...club has a DoF,... Is there a way to get him more active?


I have same kind of problems. (With a MOD) I have a team in Finnish 5. level. I have no badges, and I was only Sunday Leagues player, so my reputation is LOW.

Team is doomed into relegation, so its reputation is low. Amateur team, so no money. Now it seems, that other amateur players from even lower leagues won't agree to sign with us.

I have used both the Board and a DoF in signings, but no...


Could it be, that this is caused by those lower leagues not having enough created players (too much "greyed" names) in them?

Things will change before transfer window closes?

Could it be that I won't have enough players and my team will be disqualified from the league? (Or will game just add those grayed names...)


Have you ever tried to play "lower leagues" in, well, "lower class" football countries? Can it be done in FM (number of grayed names)?


BTW, in one earlier test game I tried to find a scout. All unemployed scouts had the same list of countries in their knowledge list. And none of them had Sweden (neighbor country) in that list.

    Is that more funny than sad...?

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Maybe he’ll surprise me at the end of the transfer window and the beginning of new season. Curzon Ashton is one of the poorest teams in the league, so maybe my not so good DoF is just handling like the clubs reputation. I’ll see how he does in the future.

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8 hours ago, George_84 said:

Maybe he’ll surprise me at the end of the transfer window and the beginning of new season. Curzon Ashton is one of the poorest teams in the league, so maybe my not so good DoF is just handling like the clubs reputation. I’ll see how he does in the future.


I've been following this guy's save for a while now. A "Head Coach" challenge is where you are just a head coach and all transfer/contract activity is left to the DoF.
As a 'Journeyman', he's changed clubs a number of times. What's been interesting is just how diverse the DoFs have been - some have done very little, some keep bringing in useless players, and others have been excellent. This can be the case at any level.

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8 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

transfer/contract activity is left to the DoF.


You are a more experienced lower leagues manager.

Have you noticed that there would be any country where you just "can't" play lower leagues style, because the player database doesn't cover lower leagues good enough?

With using mods or not, those two have to be balanced? Even DoF can't lure those "grayed" players...


Which are the best countries to play lower leagues (number of players and staff)? England and...?



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57 minutes ago, rristola said:


You are a more experienced lower leagues manager.

Have you noticed that there would be any country where you just "can't" play lower leagues style, because the player database doesn't cover lower leagues good enough?

With using mods or not, those two have to be balanced? Even DoF can't lure those "grayed" players...


Which are the best countries to play lower leagues (number of players and staff)? England and...?



I pretty much only ever manage in the British Isles although I did a short save in the Pacific Islands earlier. You don't want my advice since I'm always looking for ways to make the game harder!

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I always start in the vanarama south or north, depending on the job offer. That's mainly because in the past years a lot of bigger clubs tumbled down the leagues and there are great rebuilding projects once you made your name in the lower leagues and work your way up.

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When setting up my initial game, I am trying to use all of the available leagues in one way or another (view only or playable).Obviously it's tough to get the right combination....for the leagues I am designating "view only" I am loading up the nation in the custom database.  My issue however as a fairly new player, is which options here should I be selecting?  I will have far too many players for processing if I select all of the options...which ones do people consider neccessary for a realistic experience?  

Thank You for any advice and/or help


Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 3.20.56 AM.png

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