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Hi everybody! That's a big problem. I bought a player I did not really needed (I put him in my reserve team) in order to give my own young player on loan for the rest of the season, and of course granting him minutes. The problem is....the player I bought made the transfer, but the player I gave away on loan, is still in my team. He has no selling date or so, but when I try to offer him to another team it says "he has already accepted a contract offer". Am I going to lose my savegame? What can I do? Thanks a lot!

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Hey @pol1987 and apologies for the late reply.


Just to confirm, did you start your save in the Pre-Release Beta or after Full Release? We've had several improvements in that area which should not see the issue occurring on a new save post full release.


Kind regards,


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  • 2 months later...

Sooooo late by me! I'm sorry. So, it went like that: I was afraid of crashes, so I took the player and forced him to come back to my youth team. Of course I used licensed ingame editor. And all went all right. In July I moved him on loan to the team he was supposed to play for after the previously described exchange.

I think it was a work permit problem: it was a uruguaian player and I think that Lazio had already used non-eu player slots, so the tranfer had probably moved forward; the only problem is that it was "registered" nowhere, I think only coded but not visible to me/human players.

Now I'm pretty relaxed, I hope I won't lose my save.....cause I went on 2-3 seasons from that moment

Do think it could be as I thought? Thanks a lot.

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