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Something completely different - Post match analysis (watch back) & non-linear team/player instructions


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Something that is completely missed out of FM that features heavily in real life is the post match analysis and watch back of the game. All managers talk about how important it is to watch a game back and learn from mistakes... I would also love this as a manager and to create specific instructions based on what I see

For example

In my last game, despite having "prevent short gk distribution" unticked 3 of of my attacking players were converged on the edge of the penalty box for a goal kick. Needless to say keeper played it over them to the wings and automatically 3 players have been taken out of the game.

Another  example would be a DM that has "tackle hard" and max closing down as an instruction diving in on Mo Salah when in the box - in this specific situation and during the watch back I'd like to tell him to stand off and ease off the tackles (while preserving the instruction during normal situations)

What I'm suggesting is that during a "watch back" post game I can pause the screen and physically drag the players to where I would like them to be and for it to be remembered thus allowing me to really create instructions for my team rather than choosing from the current lineal presets. Extrapolate this for any situation.

This could also play into the current gestures/relationship building direction that the game is going in with players  as there is far more scope for more interaction, praise, criticism etc..

I'm no coder, but I suppose in layman's terms am asking for situations to be remembered and equations implemented in the match engine (when x is here y goes there) which can't be a million miles off how it currently works? (based on zero knowledge!)



Edited by seagull84
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