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Pre-Match Broadcast interview in post match tunnel

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Happened a couple of times now - in this instance I was asked if Hugo Lloris can keep extending his run of not conceding any goals, however, we won the game 1-5 so he had already lost his run during the game.

Ok, having looked I received the Pre-Match Broadcast interview in the post match....


Edit: Happened next game too during the Europa league.

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Hey @Barak14,

I'm slightly confused as to the issue here.

Was the question about Lloris asked post-match but it appears in your history as a pre-match broadcast interview? 

Could I have a save before and after the game if possible to investigate this? 




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@Thomas Hardy Correct. I thought I was doing the post-match/tunnel media as it was just after the game finished but the questions were pre-match questions about keeping a clean sheet.

It was only when I went to the media history that I saw it was listed as a pre-match broadcast interview - which makes more sense based on the topics asked.

I am not sure I have multiple copies of the save - I definitely have one I took just after it happened in successive matches. (That backup feature might have saved it though - nice work SI). (Uploaded as "André Webster - THFC II last save overwrite backup" and "André Webster - THFC II")

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On 05/12/2020 at 15:02, Carmander said:

I'm still on my beta save. Every pre-match tunnel interview is presented post-game.

Hi @Carmander

Are you able to upload your save game?

I was unable to reproduce the issue when viewing @Barak14 save that was provided.


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Having the same issue, I think.

Getting pre-match interview questions AFTER my games. 


I just finished my game and lost 2-1 but am getting questions about my unbeaten run against the team I just lost to. 


Edited by Schauwn
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6 hours ago, Thomas Hardy said:

Hey @Schauwn,

Do you have a save game before and after this match? 

May help us in trying to reproduce this one.

Are you also on a beta save, the same as @Carmander ?



I'm on the full game. I've advanced past that game, but next time it happens, I'll create a before and after save. 

How do I upload that when I have it ready?

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Hi guys,

I've had this issue also, post-match interview is asking me pre-match questions. I'm on 21.1.3 and started the game on 21.1.1. Have uploaded a save from before a game that I experienced this, it's called Man Utd 21.1.1 vin past match interview. Hope it's helpful

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Hey @Schauwn,

Link below should help with instructions on uploading saves, cheers for the help.

I'll test out this save now @Vin, is it every game you're experiencing this issue or is it seemingly random? Just trying to identify any pattern between these games to help me reproduce.




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Hi Tom, I don't know if it's happened every time, but it's definitely happened more than once in the few games that I've played. I replayed the game that was just about to start in the save I uploaded and it happened again after, I was asked "What do you see being the deciding factor between two teams who have a very similar tactical approach".

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6 hours ago, Thomas Hardy said:

Thanks for that.

What are the names of the files?


Canada Prematch/Postmatch...or something like that. Sorry I dont have them in front of me. Does that give you enough to find them, or do I need to provide the actual file name?

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11 hours ago, Vin said:

@Thomas Hardy have you been able to replicate this? It's happening after nearly every game in the save I uploaded!

Is this still the case after the update?

I tested your save earlier this week and received the affected questions at the correct time (pre-match).



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1 hour ago, Thomas Hardy said:


Is this still the case after the update?

I tested your save earlier this week and received the affected questions at the correct time (pre-match).



That I don't know, have only just downloaded the update so will try it and see. Thanks for getting back to me!

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28 minutes ago, Vin said:

That I don't know, have only just downloaded the update so will try it and see. Thanks for getting back to me!

No worries, fingers crossed the issue will have improved.

Let me know!

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22 hours ago, cmason84 said:

I've the same issue post-update. I've had two pre-match press conferences taking place after the game has finished. Will upload the file save now - Le Havre press conference bug

Thanks for uploading the save. I'm still getting sensible post-match questions when replaying your matches. 

I'll continue to playthrough on your save in the hope of finding a reproducible example of this issue. 

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6 hours ago, Thomas Hardy said:

Thanks for uploading the save. I'm still getting sensible post-match questions when replaying your matches. 

I'll continue to playthrough on your save in the hope of finding a reproducible example of this issue. 

It seems to vary. Sometimes I get post match, sometimes pre-match. Doesn't appear to be anything obvious that triggers it.

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20 hours ago, cmason84 said:

It seems to vary. Sometimes I get post match, sometimes pre-match. Doesn't appear to be anything obvious that triggers it.

Thanks for the info. I can't seem to find this occurring internally.

Are you using any skins which could affect this? May be worth seeing if that makes a difference here. 



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1 hour ago, Thomas Hardy said:

Thanks for the info. I can't seem to find this occurring internally.

Are you using any skins which could affect this? May be worth seeing if that makes a difference here. 



Yes, I'm using Keysie Rensie's dark skin. Would this make any difference?

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