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I'm a GIBbering wreck with all these bugs so I need something to keep me going until we get an update out that fixes some of the bugs.


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8 hours ago, Sheriff7 said:

Some excellent results for national team and so soon!:eek:

The 1st season results look a little strange, until you look at who the opposition is. 

I'm on my phone at the moment and haven't looked at results in great detail, although I notice that GIB are not bottom of Groups & have moved up 1 level in Nations league so yeah that's pretty decent but not a complete surprise because we are the only active league remember. 

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@Sheriff7I'm looking at the National Team results in more detail. 

These are the real life results. cb8be672c51ee216bc02dfd16c81431c.png

I think what this shows is that while there has been consistent improvement even over a short period, when Gibraltar win, they do so with by scoring either 1 or 2 goals and obviously conceding less. 

When I then look at the early results in the game, scoring 5 against Liechtenstein doesn't fit with that and probably has to go down to Gibraltar being the only league loaded. They are effectively playing against grey players and it's an unfair playing field. 

Moving on, 7-0 against Andorra is the same. In the real World, if they had won that game they are likely to have done so 1-0 or 2-1. 

While the margin of victory might be greater against these poor sides, I think the position GIB finished in in each league all the way through is realistic. 

2020. Top of a Group consisting of Liechtenstein and San Marino. 

2021. 2nd bottom in a Group containing Andorra. 

2022. Here is the 1st surprise. Ahead of Bulgaria after narrow wins at home to Estonia and Bulgaria.

2023. 2nd bottom in a Group containing Andorra. 

2024. 2nd bottom ahead of Moldova, (but behind Cyprus). 

2025. 2nd bottom in a Group containing Liechtenstein. 

2026. Bottom in a Group containing Cyprus. (Not sure why they weren't relegated to Div D, but it could be due to an odd number of teams at Level D. (Not completely sure about that). 

2027. 2nd bottom ahead of N.Ireland. This sounds unrealistic to me but N.Ireland were awful and only won 1 game. 

2028. 2nd bottom ahead of Bulgaria (again). The 2nd time we have finished ahead of Bulgaria. 

2029. 2nd bottom ahead of Liechtenstein. 

2030. 2nd in the Group ahead of both Kosovo & Andorra. 

Summary: There is no doubt that some of the early results against weaker opposition will have been skewed by GIB being the only playable Nation but the improvement was pretty modest and doesn't seem really strange until we finish ahead of Bulgaria. That we did so again in 2028 possibly suggests that this isn't as "strange" as we think, (at least in game). 

Finishing 2nd in Div C in 2030 is all about us improving players and not strange at all. 

All in all I think while the early scores against small teams might have been skewed, I think the actual win, lose and draw results aren't too ridiculous. 

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Record League appearance holder


This has changed a few times recently and I can see it changing again soon as GK (23l) Campbell * starts every single game and all outfield players are rotated to some degree or another. Once (23l) Campbell * is the record holder, I think it may take some time to catch him unless he gets injured. There is a 17 year old GK who might have better PA, (and is a (Res) personality), but there is no guarantee that he will ever make his PA. With that in mind I can't see a short-term/medium-term challenger to (23l) Campbell *'s position in goal. 


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1 minute ago, deez0r said:

@Jimbokav1971starting to get into the game a bit more? I know you were struggling for a bit?

Yeah. There are absolutely LOADS of bugs, but I have got into it. 

While there are loads of bugs, as long as I don't look at other Nations, (I'm not interested in this save), then the only thing that really bothers me is the registration/squad numbers issue, which is annoying as hell but not game-breaking in the slightest. This save is perfect for the bigger problems that exist because they will have little impact. 

Wouldn't be keen on starting/continuing a more expansive save yet though. 

Even when the next big patch comes out I think I will see this save through to it's natural conclusion, (whenever that is). 

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Of course their results aren't extreme strange but i remember my self managing them and i had many problems especially in the first years.And IRL you don't expect for them not to finish last in their group(most of times in your save they finished higher) of course the fact that they are a more "football' country and grew much quicker from nations like San Marino and Andorra IRL and the active league in your save plays big role at this.Anyway good luck!

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Who is responsible for Youth Intakes? Mar 2032

Youth Intake. Our DoF says that it's a Golden Generation, but it's an awful intake. :(


I wonder why my DoF is messaging me about the Youth Intake rather than the HoYD. Has this been happening throughout the save? I hadn't noticed it until now but we didn't have a HoYD to start with so maybe......

I'm just checking and the Ass Man was responsible for the 1st intake. A lot of the intakes in the thread don's show me who was responsible, (or rather I didn't post the initial report). The Season 6 Summary showed that the DoF was responsible for the intake so maybe it's been delegated specifically to him, (or maybe we don't have a HoYD).......

We definitely have a DoF so now let's see who it's been delegated to.



The DoF certainly seems to be responsible for the the Development Centre. 

This is the only area within the Responsibilities section that seems appropriate. 



I've delegated this to the HoYD from whoever was doing it before. 


I've also delegated this to the HoYD. 

There doesn't seem to be anything else specifically to change. 

You used to be able to specifically delegate who was responsible for bringing players through the Youth Intake. Can't you do that anymore? :confused:

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Season 12 Summary



Youth Intake preview


Youth Intake. Our DoF says that it's a Golden Generation, but it's an awful intake. :(



Pepe Reyes Cup.


National League. 6 goals conceded is 1 short of our record of 5. It would be good to get it even lower next season. 


Gibtelecom Rock Cup


Europe. We've finally managed to progress from a Group Stage in Europe. It might only have been the Euro Conference, but at least in terms of this save it's a significant achievement. The wins this season should boost our coefficient and I think this might become more regular now. 






Squad by Appearances. I've changed tactics slightly this season. Both wingers have reverted from (a) to (s) duties. They are obviously scoring fewer goals themselves, but with half an eye on conceding 0 goals in a league season, but mainly looking at Europe, I think the more conservative instructions will serve is better going forward. 





Facilities. We've got just 1 more level of Youth Facilities to be upgraded but unfortunately I couldn't persuade the Chairman to do it. We will try again next season. 















Best XI.


Overall best XI




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Something I've noticed when looking at the results each week is that there seem to be a lot of goals scored by other teams who are products of our Academy.

I thought I would have a look and see who are the top goal-scorers in the league. 


(28e) Gordon (F.Det) is top of the list. 

(30n) Lewis Flynn. (Resil) has a "." after his name, indicating that I didn't think he was going to be good enough. He joined Mons Calpe on loan for the season and has rewarded them with 19 league goals in 18 games. 



(31e) Gibson (F.Det) has been loaned to Boca Juniors in only his 1st full season and has returned 15 goals from 18 games. 



Borge * has been mentioned a few times in this thread. I used the Editor to add him to the St Joseph's squad when he left Europa FC and couldn't find a new club. I really wanted to sign him myself, but couldn't bring myself to use the Editor for our own benefit. 



(31j) Simon Tierney (Casual) isn't rubbish, but we have better options and I also don't like his personality. This is a very good season to start a career. 



Ruiz. was with us for a short period while we lacked depth up front. he didn't really perform but certainly is now. 



(30h) Dave Richards (Merc) was loaned out because I wasn't going to be able to play him even with injuries. 



(23l) Campbell * is our GK. 



(27c) Gibson (Unamb) is our player too, but our right striker is currently playing as a DLF and I think I need to change that. I'm using a P(a) and a DLF(s) at the moment and am considering going for double AF(a) again. 



(26l) Lawton. OAP is a winger who I didn't rate. He was released on a free and joined Mons Calpe. The OAP part of the nickname indicates that I have received a message advising that he will have a prolonged career. 



(27e) Whitehead. SELL is a winger who I don't rate and am happy to leave. He has been at Lions on loan this season.



(21l) Craig Griffiths. is a rubbish winger who was released on a free. 



Relatively speaking we have some really good strikers at the club now, and I think as I start to sell/release these players, (as they are replaced by better players), we will see the performances of other GIB teams in Europe really kick on. The only negative with that is that it's going to be much harder to keep clean sheets if these players play against us. I could obviously stop loanees playing against us, but players we release are always going to be available. 


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Biggest bid received. May 2033

The Saudi's don't seem to take no for an answer and just keep coming in with bigger and bigger bids.

The biggest fee received by a GIB club during this save is £137,00.
The biggest fee we have received is £100,000
The biggest fee ever received for a GIB player anywhere in the World is still Danny Higginbotham at £2.5M.


(23a) Cooper (Res) * DLP is 27 years old and I was considering accepting the earlier £500k offer, but we just don't need the money. We have about £15M in the bank £500k or even £1M is nether here nor there. He has 2 years left on his contract and will be 29 then. I think I'm happy to keep him and let him leave on a free then rather than sell him now. This isn't like a normal save where we can just go out and buy a replacement, and in any case he's 1st choice and there isn't anyone better. Even if he was playing in our rotated squad I still don't think I'd want to sell him. 




They are up to £1M now but I still don't want to sell. Like I mentioned above, we just don't need the money so what's the benefit in selling?


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Season 13 Summary



Youth Intake preview. I really want a centre-half or even better 2 of them from this intake. 


Youth Intake. It's not a good intake in terms of CA or PA, (or centre-backs for that matter), but there are some decent personalities there. 



Pepe Reyes Cup.


National League. Just 2 goals conceded in a league campaign is pretty damn decent, but I want 0 conceded. 


Gibtelecom Rock Cup. I went with our strongest side and we still lost. :mad:


Europe. A 2nd successive season where we get out of the Group Stage, but I'm still peeved that we lost to Hammarby IF in the EURO Cup. 




Squad by Appearances










Records. 19 clean sheets in 21 league games is decent. :applause: Are we capable of not conceding a league goal at all in the whole season? 






Best XI. I know that SI tell us that GK match ratings have been much improved with this issue, but if (23l) Campbell * has scored 16 goals and kept 28 clean sheets in 41 games, how on Earth is he only averaging 7.01? GK match ratings are still screwed and if anything are screwed worse than before. If this was FM20 he would be up near 7.5 with stats like that. 


Overall best XI. (23l) Campbell * has now scored 71 career goals in 362 appearances He also didn't score any goals in his 1st 3 seasons for us., so it's effectively 71 goals in 6 seasons at an average of about 12 per season. 




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Another step in the right direction in Europe, a group win and KO round is not to be sniffed at. 

Also, how do you deal with the unhappiness situation of a player who you've rejected a substantial bid for? Just leave them to get on with it and it dies down eventually??

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29 minutes ago, ToMexico!! said:

Another step in the right direction in Europe, a group win and KO round is not to be sniffed at. 

Also, how do you deal with the unhappiness situation of a player who you've rejected a substantial bid for? Just leave them to get on with it and it dies down eventually??

I'm happy with the progress in Europe. Unbeaten in any Group Stage is not to be sniffed at with our restrictions. Playing and winning in the Euro Conference, (is anyone else desperate for it to happen in real life for the opportunities it gives smaller Nations?)

Yeah, for years I have largely ignored unhappiness. I'm not saying that it doesn't have any impact, (because it does), but the impact isn't huge and it has to be weighed up against the benefit the player brings by remaining at the club, (even unhappy). 

There has to be an end-game in sight through. Whether it be making a player happier by playing him in order to get him to sign a new contract, or in the case of (23a) Cooper (Res) *, just keeping him until his contract runs out, or he becomes happy again by playing and winning. 

(23a) Cooper (Res) *'s contract expires in 2 years time, so I simply have to work out what is of greater value. Is it selling the player for whatever you can get for him, (£1.2M at the moment in this case), or is it by keeping him, playing him and letting him leave on a free at the end of his contract?

As I am unable to sign a replacement because of the self-imposed #YouthOnly rule it completely negates any benefit of selling him for £1.2M. The money is largely useless. We have £15M in the bank and just 1 level of facilities still to improve. What am I going to spend the money on? 

If the selling value of the player is removed, I then have to look at the other players in the squad and decide who would play instead of him. Last season, (for the very 1st time in this save), I created 2 "Team Selection" and kept rotating them throughout the season. Obviously the "European Squad sometimes played non-European games, but where possibly they played in domestic Cup competitions rather than the league. 


There is 1 obvious benefit in this in that my strongest squad is always available for European games, but the hidden benefit is that it builds and retains positive playing relationships between the players in each individual Team Selection. I have found that this results in improved performances when compared with playing more "random" partnerships. Sometimes it's better to play a weaker player with a positive player relationship than simply the strongest player. 

I have been unsure as to the benefit of this previously, but I am completely sold now. 

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7 minutes ago, abulezz said:

Great season - you are not doing bad in Europe at all. Great update. 

Yeah. Things are progressing nicely. We can still be improved at the back and our wide players and strikers are still developing so there is still room for improvement there too. It's only in central midfield where we will find it hard to improve I think. 

You never know though. Maybe once we max out all Facilities and with the relatively recent upgraded scouting range to Worldwide, we might see some small benefit in terms of the Youth Intake. 

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1 hour ago, jatko26 said:

How is the League reputation now?




@jatko26Managed to piece this together from old saves. 

2020. 118th. 
2021. 106th. (up 12).
2022. 107th. (down 1).
2023. 104th. (up 3).
2024. 100th. (up 4).
2025. 94th. (up 6).
2026. 88th. (up 6).
2027. 85th. (up 3).
2028. 80th. (up 5).
2029. 80th. (no change).
2030. 75th. (up 5). 
2031. 76th. (down 1).
2032. 76th. (no change).
2033. 73rd. (down 3).

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I'm happy with the progress in Europe. Unbeaten in any Group Stage is not to be sniffed at with our restrictions. Playing and winning in the Euro Conference, (is anyone else desperate for it to happen in real life for the opportunities it gives smaller Nations?)

I have a few qualms about the Conference League, I feel there are too many "big" clubs in the competition, I've had the likes to Leipzig in my group and played Athletico I think it was in the KO round. Too many 2nd chances for big clubs to win European silverware by dropping from CL to EL or EL to EC. 

I see the EC2 as that chance for clubs from Belgium, Slovenia, Hungary or Greece to win European silverware not Leipzig, Inter or Athletico because they failed in the EL and dropped down to EC. If that makes sense.

3 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

Yeah, for years I have largely ignored unhappiness. I'm not saying that it doesn't have any impact, (because it does), but the impact isn't huge and it has to be weighed up against the benefit the player brings by remaining at the club, (even unhappy). 

There has to be an end-game in sight through. Whether it be making a player happier by playing him in order to get him to sign a new contract, or in the case of (23a) Cooper (Res) *, just keeping him until his contract runs out, or he becomes happy again by playing and winning. 

Yeah there have been times, certainly in FM19/20 where I was an African club and needed to stem the flow of players leaving and thus made a fair few unhappy but over time they forgot about it because we won X, Y or Z. 

This save I've had a interesting one where I signed a player from Rosenborg because he was unhappy and wanted to play for a club to increase his chances of playing for the national team. Don't get me wrong he's a good player for within Norway but certainly not international quality. He's been here for two seasons and is now unhappy again and wants to move again, the club he wants to sign for?....Rosenborg! A club who hasn't won the league in at least the last 6 seasons. 

4 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

As I am unable to sign a replacement because of the self-imposed #YouthOnly rule it completely negates any benefit of selling him for £1.2M. The money is largely useless. We have £15M in the bank and just 1 level of facilities still to improve. What am I going to spend the money on? 

If the selling value of the player is removed, I then have to look at the other players in the squad and decide who would play instead of him. Last season, (for the very 1st time in this save), I created 2 "Team Selection" and kept rotating them throughout the season. Obviously the "European Squad sometimes played non-European games, but where possibly they played in domestic Cup competitions rather than the league. 

My save goal and limitations are different to yours obviously but I have a league restriction on foreign players which is limited to 9 registered. Obviously I can signed more and do but they can't be registered and have to be sent out on loan/play for the 2nd team which has caused unhappiness issues. This is why I'm not adverse to selling one or two of my betters players each season as I know I can replace from within or have a certain player out on loan who can fill the void. 

I have had mutiny in the squad in the past couple of seasons due to me selling a top player but for well knowing I can move a player up and then sign a further under study for cheap and rinse and repeat. 

A gripe with the game though could be the fact that the player/squad forgets too quickly even when something is not done to try and solve the unhappiness in the first place. 

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2 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

2020. 118th. 

2021. 106th. (up 12).
2022. 107th. (down 1).
2023. 104th. (up 3).
2024. 100th. (up 4).
2025. 94th. (up 6).
2026. 88th. (up 6).
2027. 85th. (up 3).
2028. 80th. (up 5).
2029. 80th. (no change).
2030. 75th. (up 5). 
2031. 76th. (down 1).
2032. 76th. (no change).
2033. 73rd. (down 3).

Nice work! That's impressive. I'm at 80th in 2027 but obviously without your HG restriction!

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Great thread ! Thinking about starting a youth only with one of the teams ? No relegation so i have to pick one of the teams without holidaying ? i was thinking about Manchester 62 (they didn't win the league since 90's). 

Any tips (do's or don'ts ' ?)

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3 hours ago, OlivierL said:

Great thread ! Thinking about starting a youth only with one of the teams ? No relegation so i have to pick one of the teams without holidaying ? i was thinking about Manchester 62 (they didn't win the league since 90's). 

Any tips (do's or don'ts ' ?)

Thanks very much. 

Yeah, there is no relegation so no need to holiday. 

Manchester 62 have had an up and down time in my save and their league history suggests that they have even won the league, (which I'm sure isn't true). I've never really paid an awful lot of attention to this page before but it looked like they finished top & 7th in 2026/27. :confused: I don't know how that chart works. 


I don't get how the chart above works, but I understand that there are 2 different leagues each season and it makes this look a little weird. 


In terms of do's or don'ts.....not really sure. Just go with the flow and enjoy it. When you are playing a GIB save though, just keep in mind that it isn't a short-terms save. Expect to go deep into it or don't bother. 

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Big Transfer (relatively). Apr 2034

There was a £350k min fee release clause in his contract. I don't usually allow that but he insisted. I thought I would get away with it by putting as short as possible expiry date in there, but it just didn't work on this occasion. 

It looks like he didn't feature much, but he has been playing in our European and domestic Cup games. He actually made 47(5) appearances for us. 




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Season 14 Summary




Youth Intake preview.


Youth Intake. Nothing higher than 3.5 PA is rubbish. It's really rubbish. 2.4 CA is good though. It's really good. The personalities are rubbish too. 



(34c) Joseph Fenty (Spirit) leads the way on CA and he looks brilliant. He isn't going to have to improve much to be a very good player for us. 


(34i) Richard Lyons (Unamb) has a really poor CA/PA, but I think he looks really good. He could play in our 1st team today. 


Pepe Reyes Cup.


National League


Gibtelecom Rock Cup.


Europe. I need to stop being fixated on qualifying for the Champions League or Euro Cup. We have qualified for the Euro Cup, (and that should be some sort of success), but actually all it did was mean that we didn't win any group games. It's not like the Euro Cup generates much more cash than the Euro Conference, so what's the point? It should be said that we were pretty damn close to qualifying for the Champions league Group Stage though. That shouldn't be sniffed at. I think what I'm going to do for a 2-3 years is have a go at prioritising the league and see if I can concede less than 2 goals, (which is our current record). 



Squad by Appearances


Finances. We are well sorted financially, with almost £20M in the bank and almost guaranteed qualification for the Group Stages in something or other. 



Facilities. We were maxed out, and then it was downgraded, and now we are in the process of maxing out again. 








Best XI


Overall best XI. 




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2 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

Thanks very much. 

Yeah, there is no relegation so no need to holiday. 

Manchester 62 have had an up and down time in my save and their league history suggests that they have even won the league, (which I'm sure isn't true). I've never really paid an awful lot of attention to this page before but it looked like they finished top & 7th in 2026/27. :confused: I don't know how that chart works. 


I don't get how the chart above works, but I understand that there are 2 different leagues each season and it makes this look a little weird. 


In terms of do's or don'ts.....not really sure. Just go with the flow and enjoy it. When you are playing a GIB save though, just keep in mind that it isn't a short-terms save. Expect to go deep into it or don't bother. 

FC Europe is the second best team to play with (if u take facilities and youth and history as most important things) ?

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3 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

I don't get how the chart above works, but I understand that there are 2 different leagues each season and it makes this look a little weird. 



Yeah it's telling you both the results of the "Overall" League and where they finished in their end of season group in the same graph. I can't work out if it's a bug or not!

40 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

FC Europe is the second best team to play with (if u take facilities and youth and history as most important things) ?

Europa and Lincoln are the two best teams but Lincoln have by a country mile the better youth facilities. I think Europa starts with basic everything.

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6 minutes ago, jatko26 said:

Yeah it's telling you both the results of the "Overall" League and where they finished in their end of season group in the same graph. I can't work out if it's a bug or not!


Except that that's not what it's telling us. 

According to that graph, Man 62 finished 1st and 7th in 2026/27.

They finished 7th in the 1st section, so played the second part of the season in Group 2, where they finished 1st, (so ultimately 7th again). There was no 1st place. There was technically 7th and then 7th again. 



I can't be bothered reporting another bug right now, but I will report it tomorrow. :(

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@Jimbokav1971 i have a few questions :

Manchester seem to have a lot of good facilities / coaching and average attendance. But they didn't win a lot in your game. I see that they start with a very old squad, could be one of the reasons ?

Can u play friendlies against teams outside of Gibraltar ? One of the reasons i have issues with Iceland is that we only are able to play against teams from Iceland.. after a few seasons i was done with that.

Gibraltar has two cups ? What is the average break between seasons and winterbreak ? thanks :) 

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1 hour ago, OlivierL said:

@Jimbokav1971 i have a few questions :

Manchester seem to have a lot of good facilities / coaching and average attendance. But they didn't win a lot in your game. I see that they start with a very old squad, could be one of the reasons ?

Can u play friendlies against teams outside of Gibraltar ? One of the reasons i have issues with Iceland is that we only are able to play against teams from Iceland.. after a few seasons i was done with that.

Gibraltar has two cups ? What is the average break between seasons and winterbreak ? thanks :) 

I'm not really sure what the reason for Manchester 62 not doing well. It seemed to me that ourselves, Europa FC and St Josephs were all out in front and everyone else was pretty similar. 

Yeah we can play friendlies outside GIB. Pretty sure you can do so in Iceland too. The only issue limiting it might be reputation. 

Gibraltar has a normal Cup, (Gibtelecom Rock Cup), and then has the equivalent of the Community/Charity Shield, (Pepe Reyes Cup). 

The last game of the season each year is the Gibtelecom Rock Cup Final and it's played the last week in May. 

The 1st League game of the season is usually played prior to the Pepe Reyes Cup in mid to late August. 

The earlies European Rounds I have played in have been 1st week in July. 

That means there is at least 1 month between the end of the last season and the start of the new season.

The Winter break seems just a little bit random, but it's generally the whole of Jan and Feb, (with the exception of games that are postponed and squeezed in there). 

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Just now, Jimbokav1971 said:

I'm not really sure what the reason for Manchester 62 not doing well. It seemed to me that ourselves, Europa FC and St Josephs were all out in front and everyone else was pretty similar. 

Yeah we can play friendlies outside GIB. Pretty sure you can do so in Iceland too. The only issue limiting it might be reputation. 

Gibraltar has a normal Cup, (Gibtelecom Rock Cup), and then has the equivalent of the Community/Charity Shield, (Pepe Reyes Cup). 

The last game of the season each year is the Gibtelecom Rock Cup Final and it's played the last week in May. 

The 1st League game of the season is usually played prior to the Pepe Reyes Cup in mid to late August. 

The earlies European Rounds I have played in have been 1st week in July. 

That means there is at least 1 month between the end of the last season and the start of the new season.

The Winter break seems just a little bit random, but it's generally the whole of Jan and Feb, (with the exception of games that are postponed and squeezed in there). 

Thanks for the feedback. i read that Manchester 62 had or have a good reputation concerning development. a lot of Gibraltar born players in their squad and Gibraltar U21 had many players from them


Jong Oranje shows off the talents of AZ and top European clubs such as FC Barcelona and Manchester United, while at Jong Gibraltar Manchester 62 is the purveyor of choice. The current number seven of the Premier Division, the highest league on the peninsula, is represented by six players in the twenty-man selection.

At Gibraltar, most players can only dream of a football adventure across the border. Only three players play abroad, in Spain: goalkeeper Jaylan Hankins (Las Palmas II), midfielder Evan De Haro and striker Dylan Borge (both employed by Algeciras CF).


It seems that they got a very high 'youth importance rating' and high youth coaching( very important like u told us) and youth recruitment.. that seems correct. now i'm going to sleep and i'll decide what i'll do :) 

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4 hours ago, OlivierL said:

Thanks for the feedback. i read that Manchester 62 had or have a good reputation concerning development. a lot of Gibraltar born players in their squad and Gibraltar U21 had many players from them

It seems that they got a very high 'youth importance rating' and high youth coaching( very important like u told us) and youth recruitment.. that seems correct. now i'm going to sleep and i'll decide what i'll do :) 

"Youth rating" is a National rating rather than a club one and will be really low in GIB, hence the overall standard of player produced will be poor no matter what level of facilities atvthe club.

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GIB National Team squads. Jun 2035

A little info that @OlivierLand others might be interested in. 

National squad.

23 players in the squad.
13 players still with Lincoln
3 more players have come through our Academy under my tenure and have moved on. 
Borge, Shay Jones (F.Amb) MR & Britto (Det) all came through our Academy before I arrived, (so it total that's 19 of 23 players produced by Lincoln). 
Louie Annesley came through the Academy at Barnet, (no matter what the game says). 
Jayce Olivero came through the Academy at Lions
Ronan (Det) (ENG) SELL came through the Academy at Ipswich.
Jamie Pearce came through the Academy at Europa FC


U21 Squad

16 players at Lincoln. 
3 more players have come through our Academy under my tenure, (so that's 19 of 23 players produced by Lincoln). 
Christian Figueras came through the Academy at Mons Calpe
Malachi Bower came through the Academy at Lions
Julian Livingstone and Lewis Giles came through the Academy at Europa FC.


U19 Squad

13 players at Lincoln. 
6 players have come through the Academy at Lincoln and moved on, (so that's 19 of 23 players produced by Lincoln in total). 
Ryan Wright came through the Academy at St Josephs
Matt Foley came through the Academy at Europa FC
Andy Robertson came through the Academy at Boca Juniors
Louie Bartlett came through the Academy at Europa FC


U18 Squad

2 players of 12 at Lincoln
2 players came through Academy at St Josephs. 
1 player came through the Academy at Mons Calpe. 
2 players came through the Academy at Man 62. 
1 player came through the Academy at Europa Point. 
2 players came through the Academy at Europa FC. 
1 player came through the Academy at College 75. 
1 player came through the academy at Boca Juniors. 


So in total Red Imps have produced 59 of 81 players in the National squads
2 players have been produced by ENG clubs. 
Europa FC produced 7 players. 
Lions produced 2 players. 
Mons Calpe produced 2 players. 
St Josephs produced 3 players.
Boca Juniors produced 2 players. 
Man 62 produced 2 players. 
Europa Point produced 1 player. 
College 75 produced 1 player 

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Just found a bug.. runned one year holiday with Manchester 62 and we finished 7th (1 in group 2). They gave us 260k prize money.. so the winner from group 1 gets the same prize money als the winner of group 2 .. not correct :) because the numbers 2,3,4 don't get that kind of money. 



Edited by OlivierL
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13 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

i can Add this league as playable ? 4k players added to the database if i do this. What is it ? it seems to be the u23 league (manchester 62 not involved).


I didn't know you could do that. 

Good spot. 

Yeah, its U23's + Hound Dogs. I've just done the same. Thanks. :thup:

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3 minutes ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

I didn't know you could do that. 

Good spot. 

Yeah, its U23's + Hound Dogs. I've just done the same. Thanks. :thup:

I tried this in my holidayed game .. added 5000 players ?? strange :)  @cel1234 any clue if this will give us more players and is it possible that my u23 can enter that league in the future ?

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13 minutes ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

I didn't know you could do that. 

Good spot. 

Yeah, its U23's + Hound Dogs. I've just done the same. Thanks. :thup:


found this. It seems to be the second division.



The Gibraltar Intermediate League is a reserves competition of football in Gibraltar. The competition is organised by the Gibraltar Football Association (GFA).

Until 2019, it was the third and lowest level of football in Gibraltar. The champion promoted to Division 2.

For the 2008/09 season, the GFA has merged all reserve teams, which until then had played in both Division 2 and 3. Since then, only standard teams have played in Division 2 and the Division 3 was renamed the Reserve League.

In 2019, Division 1 was merged with Division 2 to form the Gibraltar National League. The Reserve League became the Gibraltar Intermediate League in 2018.



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Top goal-scorer. May 2036.


(33j) Luke Blissett. (F.Pro) is the top goal-scorer in the league with 22 goals from 20 appearances and is obviously a product of our Academy, but let's have a look at him. He's a pacey striker rather than a clinical finisher and this is the type of striker that normally does well at lower levels, but we are a league at a lower level so that possibly explains why he is successful. He played 2 games in Europe this seasons and didn't score.



(27c) Gibson 1 (Unamb) * was our top goal-scorer with 15 goals from 18(1) appearances. He's a clinical rather than a pacey striker and in my opinion that's what we need for Europe. 



(23l) Campbell * was our 2nd highest goal-scorer and the 3rd highest in the league in total. As well as gaining 103 International Caps, he's also scored 99 career goals which is none too shabby for a GK. He will only be here for 1 more season, (before leaving on a free), so there will be plenty of time to reach the 100 mark. 




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Season 16 Summary



Youth Intake Preview


Youth Intake



(36a) Phillips (ENG) (Fickle) looks really good. He's not a clinical striker but he is a more pacey finisher that might just be really effective with the right PPM's.


Pepe Reyes Cup.


National League


Gibtelecom Rock Cup.








Squad by Appearances












Best XI


Overall Best XI.




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9 minutes ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

Season 16 Summary



Youth Intake Preview


Youth Intake



(36a) Phillips (ENG) (Fickle) looks really good. He's not a clinical striker but he is a more pacey finisher that might just be really effective with the right PPM's.


Pepe Reyes Cup.


National League


Gibtelecom Rock Cup.








Squad by Appearances












Best XI


Overall Best XI.




41 milj !! wow :) 

with Philips you get that pacey striker that could make the difference in this league. 

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