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Creative Freedom

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What are the best creative freedom settings for your players, usually its low for back 4, middle for centre mids and high for wingers and strikers.

Is this correct? Or am I way off as I just sense having high creative freedom encourages more long shots and wasting precious chances

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the better the player's skills and Creativity and Decisions are the better they will go with alot of freedom ... but yes, the more attacking the more often the greater freedom allowed, it all depends if you want/ or trust your players to run around acting on their own will or stick strickly to your tatics and commands ...

If your in a lower league club, and your players have terrible mental attributes, Id tend to lesson their creative freedom (as in keep it normal), even for strikers ….

Otherwise its like telling 11 disabled kids to cross the freeway unsupervised!

They’ll run around like headless chickens, get hit and killed! ;) ... if you get me.

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