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Give back control of Individual Training

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I have had this problem on the past few versions of FM, so I am guessing by now it is not a bug. Maybe someone can help...
The problem is this:

I generally have my assistant lead individual training, but on occasion I would like to take control of a players individual training. So, from the Training>Individual screen I set the individual's focus and I am prompted with 'your assistant is in control of individual training, do you want to take change his set training' and I click 'take control of this players individual training' So far, so good!

Now, lets say in three months time I want to hand back control to my assistant and let them control that particular individuals training again, how do I do this?

On the staff responsibilities screen the assistant is still listed as in charge of individual training anyway (because I only ever took control of one player). So I have tried 'taking control' of all individual training, continuing the game for a day, and then delegating it again but it seems that I simply cannot ever give back control of that player to the assistant manager.

How do I know? Because as time goes on the players training focus does not change from what I set it to, and if I try and change his individual training focus to something else, I can do so without any warning message. If I do this to any other player I get the original message of 'your assistant is in control of individual training, do you want to take change his set training'. So I am sure that I am still in charge of his individual training forever which is not what I want.

Can anyone help? I'd like to take control of one or two players to train them up in a new position, but I don't want to have to be in charge of their training forever!

I should note that I am aware of the option 'yes, but only this player for the next month', but I found on previous versions of FM that by clicking it the player would never quite learn their new position properly, even if I went back every month to set their focus. Maybe this has been fixed and it would be the best option for me to use, but it would seem reasonable to be able to have control for a few months and then be able to hand it back again. Is there a way to achieve this?


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