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Unable to advance a online game freezes on compiling press officer summary

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I've tried 5 times. To nothing but failure, the game freezes after the first game of the season on compiling press officer.. ive instant result the first game only for the same problem to occur after watching the 2nd game.. im a massive FM fan and its disappointing that I can't play and enjoy the game, is anyone else having thisĀ problem? Also add a cursor speed the fact it goes slow then shoots across past where you want is annoying.. and the buttons are so inconsistent on xbox you press A and sometimes it can't take 3/4 presses before the game registers itĀ 

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I'm trying to play an online game and it doesn't work at all.


Everytime the host saves the game it crashes for the host. This causes the game to become corrupted, we have restarted 4 times already because of this.


If we are too slow entering the password for the game server, it crashes the game to the Xbox dashboard.


We're all on the Series X too.

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Jumping into this.

I'm currently playing on the Xbox One and my friend is on the Xbox one X trying to play an online game. The game will *freeze* after a match has been completed when you try to continue. The loading bar doesnt move and it gets stuck at the start where it says compiling press conference I believe.

We have 5 leagues loaded.

England - First 3 divisions

Germany - All 3 Divisons. Currently managing in the third division.

France - First 2 divisions

Italy - First 2 divisions

Spain - FirstĀ divison

After the game crashes you have to force close the game and it corrupts the save for the player trying to join. When he (in this case me) tries to rejoin it just comes up with an error saying unable to join server. This can be fixed by the host advancing a day and saving the game and quitting.Ā Close the game completely and re open the game and re load the save.

Edited by LB is me
Added more info
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  • SI Staff

Hi all, thank you very much for getting in touch and providing information and steps for this issue.

This is currently under investigation with our Development Team, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience it is causing.Ā 

Thank you again for your posts.

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We are aware, its very odd that this is being reported so much as neither ourselves or Microsoft reported it and both ourselves and MS certification were testing network games - so we need to figure out why we aren't reproducing it

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45 minutes ago, EdL said:

We are aware, its very odd that this is being reported so much as neither ourselves or Microsoft reported it and both ourselves and MS certification were testing network games - so we need to figure out why we aren't reproducing it

OK thanks. Hopefully it can get sorted soon.

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1 minute ago, tomatosauce88 said:

Press continue where? Can't press top right cause of the save bar being in the way

So before it freezes, when you finish a match you have to all wait before you can advance. Every time I've done that in my online save it's worked, every time we haven't, it's frozen. It's annoying so hopefully a fix will come in šŸ¤ž

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We kinda stumbled on a way to keep playing earlier..Ā 

Let the person whoā€™s joined the game leaveĀ first, not the creator of game. We had this issue earlier it was stuck on both our screens, my mate turned his game off and the Press Officer Summary on my screen disappeared and I could carry on playing. The only thing is he then had to rejoin game, but the only way he can find my game is if I invite him, he couldnā€™t find me via search options.Ā 
Itā€™s a pain but hopefully works for you.Ā 

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25 minutes ago, MoliveIOW said:

So before it freezes, when you finish a match you have to all wait before you can advance. Every time I've done that in my online save it's worked, every time we haven't, it's frozen. It's annoying so hopefully a fix will come in šŸ¤ž

Ah I see thanks for the help. Much appreciated.

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Just like to say that it isn't only the Press Officer Summary that causes online to crash. Everytime the host tried to save for us it froze once the save bar got full, and then crashed the game. The save is there when you go to load it back up, but it says that the save is unable to load.

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Everytime weā€™ve gone into a online career game after the game it has gone to a loading screen where it says compiling press officer summary and has frozen permanently on this screen. Not been able to play a single game without this happeneningĀ 

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Do we have any updates on this??

I know game is great as single player but i would of bought full version on steam instead i opted for xbox edition so i could play online! this is a game breaking bug can we have an update on when this will be fixed?Ā 

Tried all solutions from turning timers off to waiting until host was last to press or all continuing at same time none of it works! only way to progress past it is for everyone to leave apart from the host then the progress bar starts for compiling press officer summary and then wait for everyone to join back in...it gets old and annoying fast!Ā 

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i know youā€™re very aware of theĀ compiling press officer crash but I am also experiencing this problem. This is happening on an online save with 1 friend. I am using an original Xbox one s and he has a completely original day one Xbox one. Any other information needed let me know

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Can I quickly add something to this thread me and my mate have tested this workaround with me and him and also with another network save(another set of mates) and its worked every time so far were onto match 6. Try pressing RT or continue at the same time as each other and it manages to compile the report and weve been able to avoid the issue apart from on day 1 where we didnt know about the issue.Ā  Also just checked that M9r5h9ll above said the same thing it works.

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Me and my mate, have tried playing the first matchday on Xbox and then on our laptops (online game 2 player)Ā and it crashes regardless of which device we try,Ā we cannot Ā even complete the first game of the season! Crashes atĀ the exact same bit every time - ā€œCompiling Press Summaryā€. Weā€™ve given up now šŸ‘Ž

Edited by LJ90
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I have been had the same issue, but me and my mate were determined so we tried everything, we noticed after every game don't press continue til the other player is ready to press it at the same time, I know it's a pain in the ass but has worked every time, give it a go and see how you get onĀ 

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  • SI Staff
2 hours ago, JoeyG8 said:

Not even going to update us all just going to leave it now theyā€™ve taken our money ? 4 days and still no patch !Ā 

Running through xbox submission alone can take 4 days, let alone we have to reproduce, fix and test all the issues ourselves first - updating a console game is not a quick thing I'm afraid - we are working on it!

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7 hours ago, EdL said:

Running through xbox submission alone can take 4 days, let alone we have to reproduce, fix and test all the issues ourselves first - updating a console game is not a quick thing I'm afraid - we are working on it!

EdL, you guys are fine. I see so many complaints in this thread. And look, I get it. This bug is obnoxious and annoying. I play with a friend and have to reset my game after every match. Even hitting continue at the same time, sends him through but never loads me. Its a pain and makes a save slower but it's not unplayable.Ā 


They've acknowledged the problem. They are working on it. It's not as though they are able to go, "hey this is a problem, that must be caused by line 145766 of code. Easy fix!" They have to reproduce the issue to know how to fix it. That does take time. Lets remember that this is a game that has never been on the new consoles in the early early days of release. There will be bugs.Ā 


They are working on it. They aren't stealing your money. Calm down.Ā 

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4 minutes ago, jono_867 said:

I had this issue also. I advise save it before games and use force continue option, i use 2 mins. if it crashes try getting the other users to leave, wait out the force continue time and it loaded for me, get the others to join back and nothing is lost.

If this does not work then replay the matches &Ā Make sure the other users do not complete the match first. The host clicks continue after games firstĀ and the press officer loading bar appears. Sometimes it fills halfway and sometimes its empty. Ā When the other users click continue it fills up and continues. The host has to be the last one clicking continue after allĀ matches. Ā I have tried and tested this 5Ā times.Ā 
Also i only had one other user and me as the Host.Ā 
Hope this helps



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