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Small things that should be easy to change, but would make 100% better.


Recommended Posts

1- Get rid of the white screens during scouting. If it is a dark skin, keep it dark.

2- Let us leak stories to the press. Give us a menu item to point to.

3-Let us train specific attributes. I do understand that not every attribute should be allowed to be trained. But let us choose 3-4 attributes that get trained.


During the Match

1- Allow us to shout at the referee.

2- Long time wanted, let us review the replay of Red Cards and when Penalty kicks are given. It does me no good to see a replay of a penalty kick.

3- The Dugout/Assistant advice should be a button and always available. When would my assistant not be available during a match? In the same way I should always be able to see information on weather and pitch condition.

4-Having the players at the bottom of the match screen is brilliant. However, it needs tool tips. When I hover over a player I should get a tool tip that gives player condition and body language in words.


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