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Question/suggestion about team talk

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I've been wondering about this since TT was introduced, I thought it will change in this one but it didn't.

What I'd like to know is why aren't we able to select any of the possible team talks, instead just given few options per game, depending on some kind of game calculations inside. I could never understand that. It barely ever shows exactly the option I'd like to use. So what's up with that?

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There is additional issue here because the game doesn't understand you don't always need to win. IRL, naturally, if you lead 3:0 or so, you seriously don't need to win, all you need to do is fulfill requirements to qualify. However, sometimes even players don't get it, so they lose and then they bash you publicly as if you "choose wrong team talk" and missed the situation completely. Ah well...

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There as a really good team talk thread for FM08... i will try and dig that up of i can find it on my laptop..

Team talks do play a big part in your games and i have turned around many games on FM08 and FM09 via my team talks.. depending on opposition, venue and odds the right team talk and few individual team talks can make a big difference on how your players performe especially half time team talks..

also its a good idea from time to time to check your team talk feedback and see how it impacts certain players.

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