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Double taps

Egg McMuffin

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hey  guys

using Ipad Air 2, IOS 14.1, going to update to 14.2 and hoping they correct themselves?

having a lot of the same issues here with regards to double names, not being able to click on player name or team name from the inbox sometimes to go to the profile, after "instant result" when match report/score shows up, I have to "X" out of the scoreline screen then click "continue"

I feel that overall, the responsiveness is not there, just feels off, not as flowy and intuitive as previous versions, im sure we'll get this right :)


Thank you all for all your amazing work!


PS: Is the save file still 30 yrs only?

Edited by gagobeats
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Hi everyone,

If we could please make a list here of which buttons it is that need double tapping - or feel particularly unresponsive - that would be brilliant as so far this is proving difficult to replicate internally. I know you've already provided devices here as well, but if you could also suggest a list of which buttons you feel are unresponsive along with your devices within the same post then that would really help with tracking the issues here - much appreciated in advance.



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Same for me playing on IPad 2017 (5th Gen), the continue button is requires more double taps than other buttons. As already mentioned the button changes colour slightly to reflect the press but doesn’t do anything.

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Same issue.

iPad Air2 



I have problem with the 'NEXT' button as well.

+ confirm sub button

+ back button

+ tactic

+ training

+ first team

+ reserve squad

+ cancel button in in-game tactic change

+ mentoring adding player button

+ players underlined cant be clicked to see their info


Edited by dokto77
more bugs found in the game
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Same problem here on an iPad Mini 2.

the general moving around screens is laggy and glitchy with most buttons requiring a second press or the buttons you do press activating another page e.g trying to change the settings mid game or changing instructions/using shouts takes about 5 attempts as the game just keeps pausing and starting instead. Also when on the team selection screen any button you press, no matter how far away on the other side of the screen, the game always acts like you’ve pressed the continue button and tries to take you into the match.

Edited by dlj1905
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