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‘Seek loan deal”


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When offering out players for loan, you get ‘Club X seeks loan deal for Player X’ as a news message alongside the loan offer screen for that player. 
‘there’s one inbox item for each club interested, meaning if you’re offering out a lot of young players for loan and there’s dozens of clubs willing to take them, you get dozens of inbox messages, which really clogs it up. This did not happen in FM 20

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Here’s an example of loaning out Nohan Kenneh.  In previous versions you may get the “Say no to ...” messages but the “show interest in” ones are new, and I think unnecessary. You can see which clubs have made loan bids, I don’t think there’s any need for the show interest messages. - they clog up the inbox unnecessarily (I might easily loan out a dozen youngsters in the summer, for example)




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Hi @Burty76,

Do you possibly have a save from just before these inbox items generate? these save can be uploaded via the cloud using the link below, and it would be much appreciated if you could post your file name in the thread after uploading:




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