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Help Developing Youngsters

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I've struggled with developing youngsters the last two versions of FM. Every time I've had a top potential prospect i've only ever been able to develop him into an average player and was after some advice to get the best out of my youngsters.

I've always used the rules of leave them in the under 18 squad until they're to old. Then if they're good enough add them into the first team giving cup games and places on the bench if not loan them out. Also looking to mentor them to give them the best personalities although with the new mentoring method i've never had much joy with this.


I've added screen shots of 3 current youngsters that I want to make part of my squad. Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated before I destroy another virtual kids dreams  :lol:




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I am currently following this guide:


He separates the training groups by Determination and hires all players, just to mention some examples of his method. I really like his simple and effective philosophy and I adapted it for FM Touch. It has been working for me, hope it helps you too.

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4 hours ago, Tsuru said:

He separates the training groups by Determination and hires all players, just to mention some examples of his method. I really like his simple and effective philosophy and I adapted it for FM Touch. It has been working for me, hope it helps you too.

Could you elaborate on how you adapted it? When you choose HOYD do you go for personality > attributes? Same goes for the mentor groups. If a player has high determination but a worse personality than the player he tries to mentor, do you still assign him in the group? I'm also on FM touch.

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18 minutos atrás, Continum disse:

Could you elaborate on how you adepted it? When you choose HOYD do you go for personality > attributes? Same goes for the mentor groups. If a player has high determination but a worse personality than the player he tries to mentor, do you still assign him in the group? I'm also on FM touch.

Well, I always use filters when I am looking for players. So I created a list of "good" personalities (based on what I think are positive personalities, no web list), saved it, and I have it always on when I am scouting. This way I only look for players that match the personalities I chose. I also use the same personality filter for youngsters.

Regarding the HOYD, I looked for Citzen Model personality ones but they were rare and expensive, so I decided to look at other "good" personalities. I think my current one is Balanced or Determined. I filtered him by Determination.

My mentoring groups are very, very simple - I separate by Determination. I am not really worried about personality changing because almost all the players I hire have "good" personalities, so ok for me.

And I am not radical - if my scouts indicate a very good player or I find a very good on Bosman/free at the market, and I need him, I will hire him even if the personality is not the best one. I currently have a young colombian here which is a Mercenary, for example. This way I can balance the team´s needs with the best personalities possible.

And yes, I train the youngsters for positions/roles/duties I need, focusing on their weak attributes. Normally they stay at the reserves team for two/three seasons, depending on their development and on the first team´s needs. 

I don´t know if this is right, wrong or recommended, but it has been working well for me. Some youngsters are developing very quick and fast, and I have sold some of them for a good amount of money. I really believe I will have many of them playing on the first team very soon, which is excellent as I manage a small team with a very small stadium which doesn´t have many funds or financial growing possibilities (due to being on a small island in Portugal).

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4 hours ago, geordiekris said:

I've struggled with developing youngsters the last two versions of FM. Every time I've had a top potential prospect i've only ever been able to develop him into an average player and was after some advice to get the best out of my youngsters.

I've always used the rules of leave them in the under 18 squad until they're to old. Then if they're good enough add them into the first team giving cup games and places on the bench if not loan them out. Also looking to mentor them to give them the best personalities although with the new mentoring method i've never had much joy with this.


I've added screen shots of 3 current youngsters that I want to make part of my squad. Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated before I destroy another virtual kids dreams  :lol:

OK, Very little wrong with the development of those you have attached, so hard to know what to say.

First things first -  Staff - How much importance have you placed here? Personalities of the HOYD come into play a bit (Not ALL intake will get the best personalities), as with U18 staff (U23 i'm not 100% sure, but I still look for personality when i see the attributes)

Training - Is this you or the U18\U23 manager?

Personally, I take over all of this, and players deveop nicely. I'm still in season 1 on my 21 save. I use a TIPS Ajax model for U18's\U23's, and place my players into the unit's I want them to develop in. TIPS is 3 schedules, Speed\Movement, Intellegence, Technique. Each Schedule has these modules programmed in, which are then tailiored by what the team\players need to develop. P = Personality, so mentoring.

Squad-wise, I place them in the squad based ont star rating\attributes, Better one's go yo my U23's - I tend to also heavily use the minset of "Appropriate game time for ability\age" here. If i have a 17yr old Striker who's better than the U23's. I'd probably have Sibanda, and Oterhals in my U23 squad, but that's just my personal perfence, and is based on traning, game time, and staff...

Finally - Squad size - Are you keeping all of them? If that's the case, how are they all going to play enough games to develop? I'll be trimming my U18\U23's after this 1st season, to the point it might be short, but it's to enable the better players to play more.

Overall - It's normally deemed that Training is best upto 18 years old, and at 18+ loans\game time - but always based on "Appropriate level game time" - The new starter might not get much better playing at League 2, if they are a league 1 player, so they need to go the the league 1 team etc etc


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