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Create your own Club – Created players are afterwards not what I created


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Hey guys

So I just started a new game on FMM21 and created my own club. And in the process I deleted all the players from the club it replaced and created my own players. But the positions, roles, ability and potential afterwards in the game are something very different from what I actually did when creating the players.

Is this a bug? Or do I not understand something? E.g. I created an Central defender with 3.5 ability and 4.5 potential with the ball playing defender role, but in game he is then a 2 star ability player with a completely different role... 

Help? ^^

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So we have ability ratings in game show up relative to the rest of your squad and your league - so if say you had another 5* 5* player in your team, a 3.5* 3.5* might show up lower on these screens, would take explain the issue? This would mean they still had the stats you expected, only a different star rating. This is to make the star ratings more useful generally, because often in teams you have alot of players around the same level. This doesn't explain the role change however. I'll take a look at a similar setup internally.


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