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Doesn’t seem to matter where on the iPad screen I touch, action is pre-determined


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In several menus, it doesn’t seem to matter where you touch on the iPad screen, the action the game takes seems pre-determined. 

I have mentioned previously the issue with the tactics screen just before entering a game (instant result button not working and it going straight into a match) However, I’ve found the issue isn’t just this. It doesn’t matter where on the screen you touch at this point, it will always act as if you’ve pressed ‘PLAY’ (to go to the game) - especially annoying if trying to adjust tactics or line up etc

Similarly, when making tactical changes in game, it is so frustrating trying to get the action you want done. If I try to add ease off tackles to a booked player for example, I click to go the tactics screen, click the player to bring up their player instructions and press ease off tackles. Fine so far. Now, I need to confirm this. However, touching the confirm button acts like I’ve touched the undo button, and removes what I have just done (whilst keeping the player instructions screen open) - I can repeat this four or five times before it allows/I get lucky and it accepts the change.

Then, same issue when trying to confirm all changes and go back to the pitch. Touching confirm is hit and miss and will often just move the tactics screen between the two visual options (full tactics pitch view and minimised side bar/instructions view)

Please can this be looked at (why the place the user touches the screen isn’t corresponding with what action occurs)?

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I also have this issue.  The most repeatable examples are:

1.  When starting a match, the screen goes to the tactics summary.  If I click the back arrow in the top left, it treats it as if I’ve clicked continue.

2.  When clicking on the ‘confirm substitutions’ button, it almost always thinks I’ve clicked on a player.  The player substitution subwindow pops up.

3.  During the match, any button can temporarily become a pause/unpause button.  This is especially true of the menu you open to change camera angles, but can happen anywhere.

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This is exactly what I was trying to explain in my mail box button not working, whatever you press it just continues the game, this is actually getting ridiculous now, I am losing count with the amount of issues this game has with no date for when they'll actually sort it out :( would of rather a delayed release than a release on time that is unplayable. Also the most frustrating thing about all these bugs is that so many of them are spotted within 10 minutes of loading the game up an I'm not even exaggerating when I say this.

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