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[FM21]African Extended - Bringing the World of FM to Africa 2021. RELEASED

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I just came across this website, which looks like a potential goldmine.


Has anyone used it before? For any purpose? And can comment on its potential reliability compared to transfermarkt (which I am currently using most of the time). I want to get the opinion of others before launching into anything using it. There seems to be a lot of info on leagues I have not been able to find info on before. But no idea how up to date it is. So then the question becomes would people be willing to accept potential inaccuracies here for more nations? Or do we think it will bring any more inaccuracies than my current methods? 

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Does anyone know what is happening with the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 in Algeria in 2021/2022? I know that at the end of the 20/21 season Ligue 1 is reducing from 20 to 18 teams. I get the impression that Ligue 2 is also reducing in team numbers, probably to 16 per league (although it is hard to find info on D3A, so that is a bit of guess work.

So can anyone tell me what is happening here so I can faithfully reproduce it, or give me a link to something that explains the plan going forward?

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10 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

Does anyone know what is happening with the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 in Algeria in 2021/2022? I know that at the end of the 20/21 season Ligue 1 is reducing from 20 to 18 teams. I get the impression that Ligue 2 is also reducing in team numbers, probably to 16 per league (although it is hard to find info on D3A, so that is a bit of guess work.

So can anyone tell me what is happening here so I can faithfully reproduce it, or give me a link to something that explains the plan going forward?

For Ligue 2: I'm not sure, where did you find that it will be 16 per league at end of 2021/2022?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020–21_Algerian_Ligue_2 mentions "and the first under its current format."

Also, https://knptm5qkwo7kmrjmuwftv3nqw4--lnf-amateur-dz.translate.goog/2020/12/15/championnat-de-ligue-2-le-mjs-saisit-la-faf/

says "Note that thirty-six clubs make up the new Ligue 2 which will be managed by the National Amateur Football League (LNFA)"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_Ligue_2 says "In the 2020-21 season, the level returned to it amateur format and will be played between 36 teams in two groups of 18 teams"

So you mean the info you found its that it's going to change again after only 1 season?

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11 minutes ago, majesticeternity said:

For Ligue 2: I'm not sure, where did you find that it will be 16 per league at end of 2021/2022?

I cannot remember either, and cannot find it again! it is a mystery. Unless there is going to be some playoff the number of relegated teams from Ligue 1 is not going to match the promoted teams from any of the info I found. So that means the relegation/promotion from D2A and D3A are also not going to match up in 20/21 as well, to maintain the numbers. The French wikipedia notes that there are 6 relegation spots, for each pool in D2A, which is a lot. So to me it was not clear if there was going to be a shift to fewer teams or not in 21/22. Or if numbers are maintained. 

Irritatingly there are no updated league format documents on the Algeria FA website, At least I did not see it, the league regulations are for last season still. 

Either way I am going to have to make special rules for this season, since LIgue 1 definitely looks to be reducing to 18 teams. This is why I wanted some confirmation to make sure I am reading the info I can find right. I do not want to mess around with making multiple competition rules for different years if I can avoid it. I have already decided that I am going to avoid the late starting dates imposed by Covid for all the leagues just to make my life a bit easier. 

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I’ve just finished updating all teams in the official SI database for Egypt so thankfully you’ll have no extra work for this nation at all in future. And we also have a great AR for Morocco now too which will hopefully mean minimal work there too :D

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Btw, for any of the Arabic speaking countries in North Africa (also Mauritania and Sudan) I’d recommend this website: https://www.kooora.com

Its an Arabic language website, but google translate works easily enough. They have an English language version of the site, but there isn’t nearly as much news articles on there as there is for the Arabic one. But for league structures it should work. The English version is https://www.goalzz.com 

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8 hours ago, Kanwulf said:

I’ve just finished updating all teams in the official SI database for Egypt so thankfully you’ll have no extra work for this nation at all in future. And we also have a great AR for Morocco now too which will hopefully mean minimal work there too :D

Wonderful news! I look forward already to having to delete loads of duplicates :D. This is great though because it will allow me to focus my efforts on some of the nations I have not had time to get to yet. Sub-Saharan African needs some love from me in FM21 I think. 

7 hours ago, Kanwulf said:

Btw, for any of the Arabic speaking countries in North Africa (also Mauritania and Sudan) I’d recommend this website: https://www.kooora.com

Its an Arabic language website, but google translate works easily enough. They have an English language version of the site, but there isn’t nearly as much news articles on there as there is for the Arabic one. But for league structures it should work. The English version is https://www.goalzz.com 

That's great to know, thanks. I will look at it. Worst case is I just release it as I see it now, and wait for someone to play the game and come correct me! The best way to find an answer online is to give the wrong answer after all.

An update on where I am up to, too. Algeria and Ghana are now fully up-to-date. I think I got a lot more player info for Ghana this year as well, felt like I added a lot of players there. Most teams have a full roster this time. 

I'm currently working my way through Nigeria, which is either already pretty up to date from last year, or has also had some love from SI because I am not having to change much. Which speeds things up. Then I will go to Sudan, sort that out. IIRC, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and DRC are all getting some official work done, so I am not going to touch that until we get the data update. So perhaps I will be able to get one of Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Congo, Zimbabwe, or whichever nation people would really like to see ready for when I release. 

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On 16/12/2020 at 09:05, sporadicsmiles said:

Does anyone know what is happening with the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 in Algeria in 2021/2022? I know that at the end of the 20/21 season Ligue 1 is reducing from 20 to 18 teams. I get the impression that Ligue 2 is also reducing in team numbers, probably to 16 per league (although it is hard to find info on D3A, so that is a bit of guess work.

So can anyone tell me what is happening here so I can faithfully reproduce it, or give me a link to something that explains the plan going forward?

The decision to change the entire pyramid was made before the pandemic (in September 2019) :



Subsequently, another decision was made by which the system was adapted to the special situation caused by the pandemic. But the initial decision (that from September) was not annulled but only postponed. Probably another decision regarding the full observance of the 2019 decision or its modification will be taken only in the summer of 2021.

July 2020 decision :




Edited by GreenTriangle
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5 hours ago, GreenTriangle said:

The decision to change the entire pyramid was made before the pandemic (in September 2019) :



Subsequently, another decision was made by which the system was adapted to the special situation caused by the pandemic. But the initial decision (that from September) was not annulled but only postponed. Probably another decision regarding the full observance of the 2019 decision or its modification will be taken only in the summer of 2021.

July 2020 decision :




That is exactly what I was looking for but could not find! So no news yet for next season, in which case I will just leave as is for this season and deal with it once there is an announcement. 

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2 hours ago, dillonbarrett1997 said:

Looking forward to this! Can’t wait to start my Sudanese adventure. Any way you can make the second division playable just so I can make it  little more realistic/enjoyable for my save. Thank you for all your work!

I do not have any plans to activate the second division in Sudan at the moment. It is extremely difficult to get proper player info for those teams. However I do plan to release the player and league portions of the game as separate files. So that way you could use the player file only along with another file which has lower leagues of Sudan active. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet, I was just looking through the forum for something like this. I feel Africa is left out a bit on this game when a good number of Africans play around the world. Next time I start a save I'll be giving this a go.

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Hi all, another update from me.

I am still chugging along with the edits. I am planning to coincide the release with the winter DB update, as there will be some changes to a few of the nations I include here, so I am holding off on going through those countries until I have the final DB. Saves me a bunch of time and effort. On the plus side, I think this leaves me with Nigeria to finish off (where it feels the DB has been expanded significantly, which is great) and Sudan. This should give me plenty of opportunity to try to add one more nation (Cameroon) for release.

I know this is probably not news you all want to hear if you are waiting to start a save with this file, but on the plus side you will not be tempted to restart with the data update!

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19 minutes ago, karanhsingh said:

Nice one! Any plans for ivory coast?

They are definitely on my to do list. Perhaps for FM21, but I do not want to commit to anything at the moment. But For sure Cameroon and Ivory Coast are probably the next two. I want to look at Zimbabwe and perhaps some East Africa after that.

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14 hours ago, orphio22 said:

Are you using data from sortitoutsi? If so, I'm going to try and update Nigeria up there as best as I can

I'm getting it from various sources around the internet. Websites that have team rosters, and sometimes even the team website itself. Nigeria actually seems to be in a not too terrible state. At least there seems to be a lot of players in the database already at the correct club. Admittedly it is hard for me to differentiate between changes I have made in the past and changes that come with DB updates these days. 

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On 11/12/2020 at 18:28, sporadicsmiles said:

I just came across this website, which looks like a potential goldmine.


Has anyone used it before? For any purpose? And can comment on its potential reliability compared to transfermarkt (which I am currently using most of the time). I want to get the opinion of others before launching into anything using it. There seems to be a lot of info on leagues I have not been able to find info on before. But no idea how up to date it is. So then the question becomes would people be willing to accept potential inaccuracies here for more nations? Or do we think it will bring any more inaccuracies than my current methods? 

I assume you have used the Soccerway app?

Normally very accurate for smaller nations regarding teams, rosters etc. 

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14 hours ago, rj44fa said:

I assume you have used the Soccerway app?


It is one of the things I use. I try to get as many different sources as possible. Transfermarkt is another I use, which is accurate but usually not updated a lot (as far as I can tell). There are other things like globalsportarchieve as well. And if I am being particularly dedicated I will try to use official club websites. 

I use soccerway to try to understand league structures that I cannot find explained elsewhere all the time though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More updates.

I have finished updating Sudan, and that means I just have to wait for the DB update, which will provide updates for the rest of the leagues and I can update the file to accommodate these, remove duplicates, and make sure the final rosters are as correct as possible. So we are on track for a release around the same time as the winter transfer update. I do not know exactly when, I will still need to make changes to the file, but hopefully it will not be a huge amount of work to do there. 

I am going to start updating the league systems and testing these to make sure everything is working properly. I can imagine I will provide an update to this once I get feedback too, to make sure everything is accurate in terms of league rules (there are always people who know these structures in more detail than me who always provide me great feedback). 

I am extremely busy with work at the moment as well, so I have no got a huge amount of time to do edits. Much of my work is at a computer these days, rather than in the lab, so editing on FM is not the same change of pace it used to be. It is nice to take a break from the computer after a day of work than than sit at it. Nevertheless it is still likely I will get the time to add Cameroon before the full release. I do not know how well the current DB is for Cameroon, so if it is already quite good it will be relatively easy to do. 

After that, it is going to be time to take stock of where this file goes next. It is starting to become a mammoth job to update it properly, and the work load gets higher with every nation or league that is included. My aim is still to cover the major leagues in Africa. Nations that regularly provide top class players who end up in Europe, who are always competitive at World Cups, ANC, and whose teams regularly participate in the latter stages of the African Champion's League (although that is already pretty much done). 

The nations I think we are still missing are:

  • Ivory Coast
  • Senegal
  • Mali
  • Zimbabwe

The first three are countries that are included for obvious reasons - good players, competitive teams. Zimbabwe would be an expansion into Southern Africa. I would also like to expand into Eastern Africa with at least one country. Kenya or Ethiopia perhaps, or Uganda is this counts as East Africa. 

The other nations that are also on my radar.

  • Angola
  • Zambia
  • Guinea
  • Libya (that would be all of the Mediterranean countries added then).

And of course it will depend what people want to see included. I doubt this file is ever going to contain players for all African nations, this is simply an impossible task. So I think the future expansion direction of the file will depend on what people are interested in seeing, and we can decide that together. The other option, of course, is to add more breadth by looking at adding some of the second divisions in the nations we have pyramids rather than single leagues in each country. That depends on the structures though. For example I am not hugely enthusiastic with dealing with leagues that have 36 teams in them (I'm looking at you, Algeria).

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I'm about to start a save game with Tanzania. The first division is completely made with correct rosters for this season (and more than 600 pictures)! I also have edited some teams in the second division, but some data is old or even some players were placed in other clubs.

I'm more than happy to share it once I finish it (I think this week) so you can add it to the patch.

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On 02/02/2021 at 04:27, Nahuelzn said:

I'm about to start a save game with Tanzania. The first division is completely made with correct rosters for this season (and more than 600 pictures)! I also have edited some teams in the second division, but some data is old or even some players were placed in other clubs.

I'm more than happy to share it once I finish it (I think this week) so you can add it to the patch.

That would be absolutely incredible, I would be more than happy to add this. Thank you so much!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Em 25/01/2021 em 10:52, sporadicsmiles disse:

More updates.

I have finished updating Sudan, and that means I just have to wait for the DB update, which will provide updates for the rest of the leagues and I can update the file to accommodate these, remove duplicates, and make sure the final rosters are as correct as possible. So we are on track for a release around the same time as the winter transfer update. I do not know exactly when, I will still need to make changes to the file, but hopefully it will not be a huge amount of work to do there. 

I am going to start updating the league systems and testing these to make sure everything is working properly. I can imagine I will provide an update to this once I get feedback too, to make sure everything is accurate in terms of league rules (there are always people who know these structures in more detail than me who always provide me great feedback). 

I am extremely busy with work at the moment as well, so I have no got a huge amount of time to do edits. Much of my work is at a computer these days, rather than in the lab, so editing on FM is not the same change of pace it used to be. It is nice to take a break from the computer after a day of work than than sit at it. Nevertheless it is still likely I will get the time to add Cameroon before the full release. I do not know how well the current DB is for Cameroon, so if it is already quite good it will be relatively easy to do. 

After that, it is going to be time to take stock of where this file goes next. It is starting to become a mammoth job to update it properly, and the work load gets higher with every nation or league that is included. My aim is still to cover the major leagues in Africa. Nations that regularly provide top class players who end up in Europe, who are always competitive at World Cups, ANC, and whose teams regularly participate in the latter stages of the African Champion's League (although that is already pretty much done). 

The nations I think we are still missing are:

  • Ivory Coast
  • Senegal
  • Mali
  • Zimbabwe

The first three are countries that are included for obvious reasons - good players, competitive teams. Zimbabwe would be an expansion into Southern Africa. I would also like to expand into Eastern Africa with at least one country. Kenya or Ethiopia perhaps, or Uganda is this counts as East Africa. 

The other nations that are also on my radar.

  • Angola
  • Zambia
  • Guinea
  • Libya (that would be all of the Mediterranean countries added then).

And of course it will depend what people want to see included. I doubt this file is ever going to contain players for all African nations, this is simply an impossible task. So I think the future expansion direction of the file will depend on what people are interested in seeing, and we can decide that together. The other option, of course, is to add more breadth by looking at adding some of the second divisions in the nations we have pyramids rather than single leagues in each country. That depends on the structures though. For example I am not hugely enthusiastic with dealing with leagues that have 36 teams in them (I'm looking at you, Algeria).

Great effort! Can't wait to try your update.

Angola seems like a good shot, strong connection with Portugal, every year many players go to Portuguese second and third tier, and if they are really good even first tier.

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Well, this morning I managed to take a look at Cameroon. The current DB already seems to be in a better condition than I can do without extensive research, so I have just tidied it up a little bit (added PA/CA, positions and DOB) but left it alone.

On 17/02/2021 at 23:29, andresimoes8 said:

Angola seems like a good shot, strong connection with Portugal, every year many players go to Portuguese second and third tier, and if they are really good even first tier.

I took a quick look at Angola and it seems to be the same as Cameroon. In a very good state already with minimal changes required. Although everyone being referred to by a single name makes it a pain in the ass for checking players! But if this is the case I suspect I can include Angola too. Well, add the league in, since the I cannot see myself having to make any changes. So it seems likely Cameroon and Angola will be included in the initial release.

With coming updates, maybe this file will become obsolete! 

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The winter patch dropped, so I will begin to finalise this file and remove the huge number of duplicates that now exist. This is great news as it means the official DB is catching up to this file!

Edit: And you guys may be happy to know I have a 5 day weekend starting on Friday. Good timing SI.

Edited by sporadicsmiles
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  • sporadicsmiles changed the title to [FM21]African Extended - Bringing the World of FM to Africa 2021. RELEASED

Before even going in to this file, I just wanted to say a huge thanks for your time and effort (not just this year). I have very strong ongoing African connections and work like yours has to be commended as I know accuracy of information in Africa (not just football) is very hard to obtain.

One day hopefully FM can reflect Africa in a much better way, and it will be incredible. Of course the best way to do that is information exchange and via the original database, but if that can't be done then your own work and those of others like @UnitedJoshdomthat have helped out in here is massively important.

Thanks again and respect to you. 

@NahuelznI never expected anyone to make an accurate roster for Tanzania and feel somewhat ashamed that I have never done anything to help on that front. Very interested to see that incorporated in to these files at some point if you both agree.

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3 hours ago, Jogo Bonito said:

Before even going in to this file, I just wanted to say a huge thanks for your time and effort (not just this year). I have very strong ongoing African connections and work like yours has to be commended as I know accuracy of information in Africa (not just football) is very hard to obtain.

One day hopefully FM can reflect Africa in a much better way, and it will be incredible. Of course the best way to do that is information exchange and via the original database, but if that can't be done then your own work and those of others like @UnitedJoshdomthat have helped out in here is massively important.

Thanks again and respect to you. 

@NahuelznI never expected anyone to make an accurate roster for Tanzania and feel somewhat ashamed that I have never done anything to help on that front. Very interested to see that incorporated in to these files at some point if you both agree.

Thank you. I definitely put a huge amount of effort into this. And I too would like to thank the guys who put the effort in to the update of the database for the latest database update. The database is in such a better state than when I started this project. The game may never include a lot of African leagues, but the database is so much better than it was before. So thanks to the guys who did that, and SI for making the effort.

I hope to continue to do this for the foreseeable future. 

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6 hours ago, Captain Krakatoa said:

how do i know if these files are able to run with other league expansion fmf?


The DB changes file should work with any league pack, since it contains edits to people only. 

The league will should work with any league pack, as long as you do not include files for the countries within my file. There is no reason why they will not work alongside other leagues though. If in doubt try to load the packs and holiday a season with one or two leagues to make sure everything is functional.

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19 minutes ago, lucasnake said:

Mate, can you reupload the previous leagues file, and leave it there as a option for those like me who prefer to play with the default database? Because the new one doesn't work with the default anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. You want a version for the 21.0 version of the game?

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