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Match scheduling options to be a per-game setting


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I have encountered a troublesome challenge when switching between online game with a friend and private games for myself. I though this was a bug but appears it is not, hence posting here.

The challenge is that the "match scheduling options" seems to be a global setting (and not a per-save setting). So if you change from "Allow matches to be moved for television" to "Play Wednesdays and Saturdays" in one save, this changes for all my other saves as well (including online saves). 

This becomes a problem when I prefer to have "Do not allow matches to be moved" when playing for myself, but obviously preferring "Play Wednesday and Saturdays" when playing with friends (so we play at the same time).

This is very difficult to combine since the match scheduling option is a global setting. I need to remember to change to the correct setting right before a new season is being generated, otherwise I am stuck with the undesired calendar for the new season. This is particularly hard when figuring out in an online save that we will be playing Saturdays and Sundays respectively the coming season since we forgot to set "Play Wednesday and Saturdays" before the season was generated...

So to sum up, would love for the "match scheduling options" to be a per-save setting, not a global setting, so I can play games with this setup:

  • Private saves: "Do not allow matches to be moved"
  • Online saves: "Play Wednesday and Saturdays"

PS: For now, I guess the closest to a workaround is to be aware of this and try to remember to set desired option before a new season is generated?

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