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[FM20] Have Coaching Badges, Will Travel....


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Chapter 1: In the Beginning

It was a sunny day in Melbourne and former professional footballer Basil Brush woke up from his bed in the Crown Towers Hotel. Brush, who had recently retired from playing at the end of 2018-19 with Stocksbridge Park Steels, hopped into the shower and shaved ahead of the day in front of him. The last thing that was on his mind was football. He was just relaxing in newer climes after quitting his paid job in the Civil Service to spend a year travelling around the world.

What will I do today? Brush asked himself as he tucked into a continental breakfast in the sumptuous and elegant dining room.

As he was in Melbourne, he thought instantly of Neighbours which is set in the City. That will do providing they do trips around the set, problem solved. After munching that final warm croissant, with a nice cup of tea to wash it down, he headed towards the reception desk.

"Good Morning sir." came the warm welcome from the receptionist on duty.
"Morning." Basil replied. "I don't know but do they do trips around the Neighbours set? It's just intrigued me."
"Let me check."

A few minutes the receptionist re-appeared.

"Yes, they do sir. Would you like me to book you on a trip there today?"
"That'll be superb."
"Right then, shall I book it for 12 noon? We'll arrange for a car to take you there and back."

Feeling rather pleased with himself, Brush relaxed in the hotel lobby blissfully unaware of the developments which would come later in the day.

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Chapter 2: A proposition


Basil enjoyed his trip to the Neighbours studios as he exited the black Toyota Kluger which the hotel had kindly arranged. He looked at his iPhone XS' camera roll and the selfies he managed whilst there. Pictures with Jackie Woodburne (Susan), Ryan Moloney (Toadie) and Rebekah Elmaloglou (Terese) to name just three. He was especially pleased with the one with Toadie as he is the one character Basil thought he can instantly relate to.

He put the mobile back in his pocket, and made his way back into the hotel via the revolving doors when he was halted by reception just before the lift arrived back on the ground floor.

"Mr Brush, Mr Brush..." came the beckoning call.
"Er, yes?" Basil replied with an inquisitive glance at the receptionist.
"There's someone waiting in the bar area for you. He said it was important."
"I'm not expecting anyone though, but OK. Did he say who he was and what was it about?"
"Sorry, no."
"No problems, thank you for letting me know. I'll go and see whoever it is."

As he walked into the bar area, Basil pondered and muttered to himself. "Nobody knows I'm here, bar the family, and I can't imagine they've flown in especially unless there's a sudden emergency back home.": he really was puzzled. Basil approached the table which had views of Melbourne and the Yarra from it, and as he neared a smartly dressed gentleman arose.

"Ah, Mr Brush.." he started to greet with.
"Yes, and you are?" Basil enquired.
"George Theopolous, sports agent."
"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong man." Basil started to retreat but George was insistent that he was in the right.
"No, no. I've been asked to pass this message onto you Mr Brush today"

George handed Basil a piece of A4 paper. On that paper, it had George's company name Theopolous Sports Agency embossed as a letterhead and it all looked formal indeed. Basil read the contents:

"Dear Mr Brush.

First of all, welcome to Austraila.

A client of mine wishes to discuss a proposition with you tonight. Please attend the Rockpool Bar and Grill tonight, 1 July 2019 for 8:00pm and more information will follow.

Sincerely yours,

George Theopolous"

Basil was intrigued intensely, and George bade him farewell. "We will reconvene at 8 Mr Brush. I'm sure you will like the proposal that will be put forwards."

What was it going to be? It certainly sounded oh so mysterious indeed as Basil got up from the chair he was sat in, entered the lift and pressed 4 for the fourth floor suite which he was staying in. "Surely someone out there is not trying to coax me out of retirement?" Basil muttered, still none the wiser.

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Chapter 3: The Mystery Deepens


Basil still couldn' t get to grips with the letter that George had handed him. He read it again and again, in fact he read it several times just to get his head around it. Since he didn't have an agent, Basil always hated them and preferred to do his own negotiations, he wondered who had shopped his name to the George Theopolous Sports Agency. The hotel staff wouldn't dare do that, would they? So he called home...

"Hi Mam."
"Hello son, how's Australia?"
"Great thanks, picking up a bit of a tan haha and I've been on the Neighbours set."
"Why does this not surprise me. Anyway what's up?"
"Mam, who else knows I'm in Australia?"
"Me and your sister. Why?"
"Just that some Australian sports agent approached me earlier. Neither of you been talking about me to strangers?"
"No, far from it. Who do we know down under?"
"There's your answer then. Problem solved."
"Yeah, guess so Mam."
"Stop fretting then in the meantime, enjoy your holiday. You've earned it."

And with that, the click of the call ending sounded. We will just see what tonight brings, Basil thought. Perhaps it was just a joke anyway.

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Chapter 4: Back in the Game


The clock at the Rockpool Bar and Grill ticked to the hour of 8:00pm, and Basil sat at a table all alone. No sign of George, just Basil at the table and few others sitting in the close vicinity laughing as they consumed cocktail after cocktail. He had kept his side of the bargain but where was George and for that matter, his client who so wanted to meet Basil apparently. Basil ordered himself another VB, fiddled with the cufflinks on his shirt again and looked nervously at his watch.

Ten minutes later, he looked at his watch again. Still no sign of the other party. "I'll give them another five minutes then I'm out of here," Basil said to himself. It was like being stood up by a woman on their first date as Basil took another mouthful of VB, tapping the table with his fingertips in frustration. Then just as Basil prepared to haul himself out of his chair, three men came rushing towards him all a fluster: one Basil recognised as the aforementioned George.

"Please, please remain seated. I'm deeply sorry about our tardiness tonight, it wasn't deliberate to keep you waiting." said one of the suited men.
"It's okay, but I was about to leave if you hadn't turned up." Basil replied.
"We understand, but let me introduce myself. My name is Angus Brown, this gentleman here is Giovanni Inserra and of course you've met George earlier."
"Pleased to meet you, what can I do for you Mr Brown?"
"Angus please. More like what we can do for you."
"Uh?" Basil shuffled in his seat uncomfortably as Angus Brown unfolded his arms like a politician ready to address the nation.
"What do you know about the name Werribee?"

Basil was stumped as if he had been bowled through the gate by one of Shane Warne's googly deliveries. He tried to remember where he had heard the name but nothing was registering. Then he had a bit of a light bulb moment.

"Werribee you say? That's a team I think my late grandfather used to pick on the football pools a lot when I was a youngster back in England. Or am I being plain stupid?" Basil stammered.
"Far from it, that's mine and Giovanni's football club. See you already know about us." Angus Brown replied, a smile breaking out across his face.
"Oh right, and..."
"Well the reason we're late is that we had a meeting with Serge (Sabbadini) today, he was the club's manager until this afternoon when he surprised us by resigning for family reasons."
"And we want YOU to succeed him Basil." Giovanni interjected further.
"Why me, I have no managerial experience you realise?" Basil replied with a touch of trepidation in his voice.
"We know all about your fabulous footballing career, George here has been instrumental in researching that for us, and we think you could do a great job for the Bees." Angus said, like a man brimming with confidence.
"Really? You're sure?"
"Never been more so. So what do you say, you can start immediately."
"I guess, erm...OK! Just don't expect miracles; I know absolutely nothing about Australian football, and that includes the A-League, but I suppose you've got to start somewhere."
"Great, sign here." Angus beamed, handing over a contract. "Oh waiter, bottle of your finest Dom Perignon please. We got something worth celebrating tonight."

And that was that. Two months after hanging up his boots, Basil Brush was back in football but in the most strangest way possible.

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Chapter 5: It's all official now!


So this is it, Basil Brush is a football manager. After a career that spanned over twenty years, it's now time for Basil to dip his toes into the world of management. "Cripes, what type of manager shall I be?" Basil mumbled to himself. He knew, from that time as a player he had encountered many great managers and some of them were still in his mobile as contacts should he need to speak to to them for advice. Now it was that time, Basil needed help, and despite the time difference of Melbourne to the UK he started to thumb through a few names. One stood out more than most, one just listed as The Gaffer. Basil pressed the call button and the ringing tone sounded. Moments later, a familiar voice answered at the other end:


"Hi Sir Alex, sorry I mean Gaffer."

"What's up lad, thought you were in Australia?"

"I, I am. I need your advice."

"Oh right, what have you done?"

"Just landed my first managerial job."

"Good one, always knew you had this in you. Where are we starting out at? Newcastle Jets, Brisbane Roar, Central Coast Mariners?"

"Erm, none of those gaffer. A team called Werribee City, semi-professional side just outside Melbourne. About three levels down from the A-League."

"Not bad, just following what I did when I started out..at a smaller team. You got this Basil son."


"Yeah, just be yourself and don't be afraid to ruffle feathers if need be. Never did me any harm, did it?"

"Nope, thanks Gaffer. I can call you again if I need more advice?"

"Anytime Basil, day or night, seven days a week."

"Thanks Gaffer."

And with that, the conversation ended. Basil had enormous respect for Sir Alex Ferguson, he was the main man when it came to modern football management and Basil was pleased to have him there on the other end of the phone. He looked down at the piece of letterheaded A4 and there staring at him was the expectations that Angus had set out for him:

That's doable Basil thought to himself.


For those wondering which nations are loaded at the start, we have England (down to National League level), Scotland (to Highland League), Cook Islands, Fiji (Premier League only), New Zealand (Premiership only), Tonga (top division only), Wales (down to Cymru North/South), Austraila of course (down to National State League 2), Papua New Guinea (top division only) and Sint-Maarten (top division).

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8 hours ago, gavrenwick said:

Mark is powering up that fist of FMS. No pics here bro, just storytelling with good old words. :kriss:

Me , I dont know what your on about Gav hahaha

Thankyou hockeybhoy anyway for editing out the pictures and welcome to FMS 

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Chapter 6: A long night ahead


After signing the contract in the restaurant, and being formally confirmed as Werribee City's new manager: Basil Brush knew he had to start work on his new job pretty much straight away. As any manager would tell him, this would mean some long days and nights ahead which either make or break those who want to try to become managers in their own right. Some former players have been successes as managers, Sir Alex Ferguson being the prime example. Some also have been absolute failures too,: another Manchester United knight Sir Bobby Charlton was hardly a success at Preston North End in the 1970s; lasting just two full seasons and a bit with relegation in that first campaign. Basil didn't want to be one of the latter, he wanted to be a success. If that meant emulating Fergie and starting out low then he would do whatever it takes..no matter where it took him on the journey.

Success is earned, not a given: Basil recalled his first ever manager saying to him when he was growing up. 

As soon as he got back to his hotel suite, Basil fired up his laptop and the email client. In the inbox were a few emails from Angus. The first one was the straight forward "Welcome to the Club" one which Basil skimmed through like he was reading War and Peace on speed. Second email, again from Angus, but one that he had forwarded on from someone called John Waddell. A quick search confirmed John as the assistant manager at Werribee, and Basil knew he would have to lean on him to get to grips with this latest assignment. John had sent Angus the list of the playing staff, senior and youth so Basil could realise what he was to work with.

John had outlined a few things in that second email, which resonated with Basil. One that the team's best player was an Italian by the name of Matteo Ballan. Ballan from his individual player report, was a typical Italian midfielder: technically superb. Basil knew straight away that this was the team's playmaker, a lower league version of Andrea Pirlo maybe. The midfielder also had dual Australian nationality which meant he was not actually counted to the maximum five foreigner rule which the league adopted. Getting players outside of Australia to come and play lower league football wouldn't be easy. In fact, Basil viewed that as an impossibility. With no money for transfers either; everything would be done on a wheeling and dealing basis.

The squad email also talked about the striker Alec Goodwin, and compared to all the other strikers: Goodwin stood head and shoulders above them all. That's my main striker right there, Basil noted. However, there seemed to be a lack of other attacking options so the newly appointed Brush opened the attachment marked "Free Agents list" whilst reading about the youth team. Waddell's assessment was frank, it wasn't a very good one. That said, they didn't have a dedicated Youths Manager to nuture them along as Waddell was doing that amongst various other duties around the Club. Getting a Youths Manager was therefore marked down as another priority. Basil emailed Waddell direct and suggested a bounce game tomorrow afternoon at home between the Seniors and Youths, one way to assess the players at his disposal first hand. Waddell's reply was instant; "Sure why not, they were supposed to be training so a game won't be a bad idea at all. I'll get a referee sorted out."

Brush now turned out his attention to the opened Excel document of Free Agents. He pored over it for what seemed like an age, but opted to contact a couple to offer each a four week trial with a view to a permanent deal at the end. Winger Anthony Ragusa and utility man Michael Mensah were those names, both said they would be available tomorrow, and the Basil Brush regime was well and truly underway. Eventually at 1:00am, Brush powered down the laptop and headed to bed. It had been long, hard day but there would be many of more of them ahead if Brush wanted to be a managerial legend of his own making. Now it was time to get some much needed sleep,..

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Chapter 7: Preparation is vital


The sound of squawking birds heralded a new day in Melbourne as Basil rose from his bed. He hadn't slept well at all with a multitude of things going through his head and all because of last night's whirlwind of events. He put on his dressing gown, put his size 7 feet into his favourite Pokemon slippers and meandered a few hundred yards to the bathroom that was attached to his room in the hotel. He looked in the mirror, eyes shot with that lack of sleep, not how an aspiring football manager should look in the morning. In fact the bags in his eyes were so deep that you could have probably put your shopping in them and found room for more. "Time to get focused," Basil said to himself and kicked off the slippers before stepping into the shower which had hot water flowing out of it and filling the bathroom with plenty of steam.

He spent a good ten or fifteen minutes in the shower, still mulling over what today would bring: his first day on the job.

After showering and ensuring he was clean shaven, Basil adopted his choice of attire for that first contact: a blue and yellow training t-shirt which had the logo of his final club (Stocksbridge Park Steels) adorning the left breast and a pair of blue Adidas shorts to go with matching coloured trainers. This would do for the first day and subsequent training sessions, all other matches would see him prowl that sideline suited and booted. Look smart, and mean business. Basil then proceeded to thumb the online version of Yellow Pages to get hold a car hire business.

"Good morning, Avis Rent-a-Car. Can I help you?" came the initial opening.

"Er, yeah. I'm after a car to rent please." Basil responded.

"Sure, what type of car are you looking for. We have vehicles to suit all possible combinations."

"Erm, a largish one..." Basil had never really had cause to hire a car until now...

"We have a Toyota Camry; that's a rather good one. How long is this for?"

"Well my new employer's going to be paying for it, so that depends to them. I've got their email address here for you to email them an invoice..." 

"No problems, you can hand us those details when you come to pick the car up. What's the name of the driver please?"

"Brush, Basil Brush.."

"Excuse me, that's the name of the new Werribee City Manager. It's not you is it sir?"


"Wow, we're honoured Mr Brush to be your choice of car provider. I'm Shane, and I'm a Werribee City season book holder."


"See you soon Mr Brush, I'll make sure you have the best."

Word had indeed spread quickly from last night, and Basil just stood there in a daze. He powered up the laptop again, cup of tea to his left hand side. He saw there was a new email from John:



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 2 July 2019, 08:35

Subject: Today

Hi Basil,

Guys are keen as regards the bounce game you suggested last night, referee also booked.

Please find attached the pre-season friendly schedule which was arranged before your appointment. We'll have a chat about it when you get to Galvin Park Reserve this lunchtime. See you around 12 noon.



Basil finished off the buttered croissant, drunk the remainder of his cup of tea and got into a taxi which the hotel had ordered for him. "Avis on Franklin Street, please.." The day was underway....

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  • hockeybhoy71 changed the title to [FM20] Have Coaching Badges, Will Travel....

Chapter 8: First Impressions

Meeting someone new is always nerve wracking. Basil saw it like as it going on a first date with someone he had never met before bar a profile on Tinder, not that he was into that thing. So he headed to Werribee, a half an hour's drive from Central Melbourne in a car that he had hired until he had got himself sorted. The hotel themselves were aware their guest would be staying there for the foreseeable, with Angus Brown agreeing to fund the cost of the room as well as the regular payments of the car hire.

"Hi, you must be Basil." John greeted warmly.
"Yep, that be me. You're John, my assistant manager I presume?"
"Sure am, welcome to Werribee City."
"Thanks. Are the on-trial guys here yet?"
"Yeah, they're warming up over there."
"Good, that's a start."
"So what's your thoughts on the pre-season schedule I sent you this morning?"
"Never seen anything like it in my footballing life. Bit intense isn't it?"
"Yeah, but look at this way..."
"What's that?"
"At least you'll get plenty of time to get the players used to your chosen formation."
"That's true, Good point made."

With that, Basil introduced himself to the players.

"Hi guys, my name's Basil Brush and I'm the new manager around here replacing Serge who had to step down yesterday. I appreciate you.."
"Jeez, you're a Pom!" came a sudden interjection. "And is this your real name?"

Some of the players laughed.

"Yes on both counts, I'm English and yes my real name is Basil Brush. I can see why you found it funny. And you are?"
"Oh I'm David, Dave Parkinson. John and Serge signed me a few weeks ago, I'm also the current club captain."
"Thanks Dave, I'll be obviously talking to you a lot then. As I was saying, I appreciate you probably know nothing about me but everyone here is in this together. Hopefully we can do some special things on the pitch together."
"I like the sound of that," Dave said. "Let's get started. Ref's ready and waiting."
"Indeed. I'll look after the senior squad and John's going to look after the Youths until I can get someone in to do that."

Predictably enough in the match itself, the Senior Squad had too much for the Youths and took the honours with a 4-0 win. Striker Alec Goodwin opened the scoring in just the 8th minute when he volleyed home from six yards following a cross from vice-captain Julyan Collett. Every player got some minutes in the game, and the lead was extended in the 57th minute when triallist Anthony Ragusa was tripped in the area: left-back Liam O'Connell produced the perfect penalty right into the bottom corner.

With 21 minutes left, it became 3-0. Youth prospect Vinnie Jarvis putting too much pace on his intended back pass and seeing it roll past Jani Lah for a tragic own goal. The young Englishman wished the ground would swallow him whole after this despite encouraging words and the arm around the shoulder from Basil and John Waddell. The scoring was completed nine minutes from time when a free kick from Ragusa was met with a bullet header from Cameron Williams; leaving Lah with no chance whatsoever. A good workout for all concerned, the result immaterial.

Of the triallists, Ragusa had a great game on the right wing and certainly was vindicating why Brush was so keen to bring him in. Meanwhile the experienced Mensah did a steady job when he came on but not actually outstanding. Plenty of things to think about as Brush drove back to Melbourne, his notebook being full of scribbles here and there.

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Chapter 9: Ins and Outs


A fortnight after the arrival of Anthony Ragusa and Michael Mensah, Basil took a couple more triallists on board as he looked to build a squad capable of making a challenge in the division this season. Arriving at Galvin Park Reserve were defender Tom Lakic, and experienced midfielder Mark Pistininzi

Lakic, at just 22, was a defender that can play anywhere across the back line. He could feature in either full back position and also in central defence which would a major boost to his side. Finding a player that is extremely competent in all three roles is like finding a needle in a haystack. Pistininzi, 30, was a defensive midfielder powerhouse who could be the barrier Werribee need in front of the back four even though he is in the twilight of his career. There's no substitute for experience and Basil saw that in spades with Pistininzi.  They joined fellow triallists Ragusa and Mensah; could any of the four impress enough to become a regular Bee?

The calendar had reached 3 August when the Bees had their first permanent signing under Basil. That signing was the versatile Lakic penned a deal after looking impressive on trial. Basil thought that if he hadn't snapped him up then someone else would have. However due to the wage budget at the time Basil couldn't agree terms with Pistininzi, so some players would have to be moved on if he wanted to acquire the experienced campaigner's services. At the same time, midfielder Dino Paola agreed terms with Sydney FC, the lower league affiliate of the A-League side of the same name. Paola would join the Sky Blues at the beginning of October when his contract at Werribee came to an end. Basil had tried to sign Ragusa the day before but the winger opted to join Geelong, a division below the Bees which seemed a strange choice whilst Mensah was just not the right fit at this time Basil thought. That and being 38, well it wouldn't have pleased the Chairman much.

Basil worked harder than he had before and proceeded to burn the midnight oil to find more signings with the wings and up front being the places he was so keen to fill. In the space of a day, three new faces came in like bus syndrome. These were left winger Michael Holden who had an amazing record of 51 goals in just 117 games over the last six seasons as well as Lachlan Davis and Amanze Kessie who both could play up front or on the wings. All three were under 23 and that ticked the boxes Basil was looking to fulfil as part of the remit Angus had given him. Then on 8 August saw another new arrival, 20 year old midfielder Jamie Gorgovski signing up. Gorgovski had come through the fabled Borussia Dortmund youth system so Basil saw this addition as a bit of a coveted one.

That said, Basil did release three more players to lessen the wage bill.  Left-back Liam O'Connell, midfielder Samuel McCall and wide player Takanori Nishimoto were let go. Whether those decisions came back to haunt Basil and Werribee remained to be seen. Sometimes you are vindicated, sometimes you drop an almighty clanger. That's how football goes...Basil thought to himself! All great managers have been through this; right?

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Chapter 10: Two months in...


There had been 18 days gone since the bounce game with the Youth prospects to the first of 12 consecutive friendlies (all played on a Saturday); which would build everything up for the first league game of the season on 12 October. Basil hadn't, even in his playing days, seen a schedule like this before. Most of the games were away from home as Werribee looked to protect their pitch or so it seemed from Basil's thinking.

That first game was against Mooroolbark Social Club, Mooroolbark being located in the NE of Melbourne . Due to expanse of Australia, Basil soon realised that there is no such thing as a short journey. 45 miles this journey, and they were on only the road less than an hour and a half. Imagine how long it would take to get to Perth? Yeah, just imagine it... Anyway the trip would be a success as the Bees as they recorded a 2-0 win thanks to goals from trialist Anthony Ragusa and midfielder Dino Paola.  Next up was a trip to Clifton Hill were the hosts were defeated by a single scored by another trialist; Michael Mensah. Alas the Clifton Hill game was the last ones for Ragusa and Mensah as their trials ended a few days later. 

August began with a 2-0 win against Berwick City, who are two divisions below Werribee. Goals from Matteo Ballan, with a penalty, and winger Takanori Nishimoto did the trick and a fourth clean sheet. Clean sheet number five would come the following week as divisional rivals FC Bulleen Lions were routed 4-0 thanks to a sensational first display; Lisandro Paz scored a brace whilst new signing Michael Holden and defender Daniel Petrov also scored.

The middle of August saw the winning run continue with a win over Doncaster Rovers, no not the team Basil knew of, Rovers being the first side to breach the Bees the back line in pre-season. However, that's all they managed as Werribee recorded a 3-1 win thanks to strikes from Alec Goodwin, Lachlan Davis and Shaun Weaver.  Malvern City were then beaten in the penultimate game of the month, 2-1, Ballan scoring another perfect spot kick and Weaver with his second in two games to secure what was a 7th successive pre-season win.

That run ended when divisional counterparts North Geelong Warriors held the Bees to a goalless draw on the final day of August. It was a game where the Bees players just couldn't get the ball in the net. But the Bees are unbeaten in eight games, the team seem to be adjusting to Brush's tactics, and it's all set up for the only home friendly against Western United. It would be the biggest test so far against a higher quality opponent, could the Bees sting their A-League visitors and record a famous win? Basil licked his lips with an anticipation he had never experienced before. The juices were certainly starting to flow.

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Chapter 11: Angus has an idea for Basil


Ahead of the Western United game, Basil was asked if he would do a Q&A in the match programme. Normally it would be a player featured, but Angus was keen to have Basil featured. A few days before the game, Basil was summoned into the Chairman's office.

"Hi Basil, take a seat."
"Thanks Angus."
"I've been very impressed how well you've taken to the manager's job. We're unbeaten so far."
"I know. To be honest, I'm surprised myself."
"You shouldn't be. It's totally vindicating my faith in you. Anyway I've got something to ask you ahead of Saturday's prestigious home friendly."
"Sure what is it?"
"We, like all clubs, have a matchday programme and I was thinking...besides writing a column for it - can we do a Q&A with you like we do with the players."
"I'm not sure.."
"Go on; be a sport. It'll give the fans an insight into you. They don't know much bar that press release in the paper."
"I'm still not convinced Angus."
"I think it'll be brilliant, just think how much the fans will love you if this appears. It's a bit of a laugh."
"OK, you've talked me round. When do we do it?"
"This afternoon, Giovanni will be asking the questions."
"Right, I'll see him later."

Basil left the boardroom perplexed. This would see him bear a few personal things but if it helped the fans get to know him better then why not. Angus' plans were certainly something Basil was having to buy into whether he agreed with them or not. And a good working relationship between Chairman and Manager can only mean one thing: the Club can go from strength to strength.

Now what would Giovanni ask, it remained to be seen...

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Chapter 12: An initial hiccup


Basil walked into the boardroom at precisely 1:00pm to meet Giovanni for the Q and A which Angus had been so keen to see him do. Giovanni was there, dressed smartly in a grey Armani suit, compared to Basil who was in a casual Werribee City tracksuit with the zip halfway up and a white club polo shirt. He was about to sit down when he spotted a camera with its lens seemingly focused on the seat where Basil was to sit.

"Giovanni, why is there a camera here?" Basil enquired.

"Erm, we're going to do it as a live stream on the Club's YouTube channel." Giovanni responded with a slight hesitation,

"Well I didn't agree to this."

"Angus never told you?"

"No, just told me you would be doing the interview. I was expecting that we'd be sitting down at the table, you with either pen and note pad or a dictaphone."

"I'm sorry, but we're trying to attract new fans and new ways of interacting with our existing fanbase. This might work y'know."

"It just feels er, kinda awkward. I'm not sure that it will, I mean all the world will know about it if it does go global."


"I like to keep certain things private to myself. I've never been one for media attention. That's why nobody ever saw me do many press conferences or an interview in my playing days. I'm a bit of an off the grid personality."

"Ah I see, but please reconsider."

"Give me a few minutes to myself. I'm just going to grab a soda and go outside for a bit."

And at that point Basil did an about turn, opened the oak doors, and headed to the car park whilst grabbing a can of Coke Zero from the drinks dispenser. He stood in the car park, contemplating. "Perhaps I should walk away from this gig, already I've been lied to." Basil said to himself. "Or shall I change my attitude?" Basil then thought what Sir Alex would have done, he would have done it but insisted no more shock surprises. So this meant a shift of personal focus was needed from the media-conscious Basil Brush now, it was time to step away from the shyness and show people what he was really like. He gulped the last dregs from the can, squeezed it, threw it into the nearby bin like Michael Jordan netting another basket for the Chicago Bulls and headed back inside.

"Right Giovanni, where do we begin?" 

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Chapter 13: Bearing the Soul


So Basil had been convinced to do the Q & A after all, even though he hated media attentions and cameras being stuck in his face. It had been something he hadn't been keen on as a child growing up, always ducking out of the way when a family member wanted him to pose for a picture. But if this could help the fans know some of his likes and dislikes etc then perhaps that Giovanni and Angus certainly had everyone's best interests at heart, including his own. This is how it panned out:



Name: Basil David Brush

Date of Birth: 31 October 1981

Height/Weight: 5ft 7ins/ 79kg

Previous Clubs: Celtic (1997-2003), Sunderland (2003-06), Hartlepool United (loan, 2004-05), Sheffield Wednesday (2006-08), Hull City (2008), Doncaster Rovers (2008-2011), West Bromwich Albion (2011-12), Glentoran (2012-13), Stocksbridge Park Steels (2013-19)

International Honours: None

Playing Honours: (with Celtic) SPL winner 1998, 2002, 2003; Scottish FA Cup Winner 2001, Scottish League Cup Winner 2001, UEFA Cup Runner-Up 2003. (with Hartlepool United) League One Play-Off Final Runner Up 2005, (with Glentoran) Irish FA Cup winner 2013.

Managerial Jobs: First time as a football manager

Who was your team growing up? Celtic, as my late father supported them and his father etc.

Who was your playing idol and why? That would have to be Tommy Burns. Tommy twists, Tommy turns, Tommy Burns. A natural red head like I was when I was younger, and just an incredible footballer.

Which manager provides you the most inspiration? I was weaned on stories of Jock Stein and the Lisbon Lions by my father but I would have to say Sir Alex Ferguson, he's the Gaffer and I know I can always rely on him to advise me anytime.

What is your favourite food? Would have to be Spaghetti Bolognese with extra red wine and garlic in the sauce. I can cook it pretty well myself too.

What is your favourite drink? A nice glass of Merlot from time to time.

Who is your favourite Australian, male and female? Haha, good question. Male, even though he wasn't born in Oz, is Angus Young of AC/DC. Female? Well there's only really one answer to that, Kylie Minogue. Did you really expect me to say anything else?

What is your favourite type of music? I listen to rock and heavy metal, with many favourite bands. Some of them include AC/DC, Shinedown, Helloween etc.

Do you have a favourite author? Not at the moment, but I have always enjoyed books by the late Douglas Adams.

Which celebrity would you like to take out on a date?  That's a difficult question! But if I had to choose then it'll be either Jessica Miesel, Diane Youdale or Pauley Perrette.

What's your favourite TV Show? Back home in England, Match of the Day but these days I like watching NCIS.

Describe yourself in five words?: Likeable, funny, enthusiastic, hard-working and studious.

What would you like to achieve this season? To get the Bees promoted to the next level up.

Favourite Comedian: Jasper Carrott



All those questions and an hour later, the camera stopped rolling. Basil thought to himself, what was I thinking beforehand? It hadn't been actually too bad at all, and hopefully it created a good impression to the Werribee fans watching the stream on YouTube or those who would read it in the forthcoming matchday programme on Saturday afternoon for the friendly game. Basil thanked Giovanni for his time, went back through the doors, grabbed another soda and got back in his car to drive back to Melbourne: the previously mentioned Shinedown's latest album "Attention, Attention" playing via Bluetooth and Spotify on the stereo. Time to relax and chill ahead of yet another day in the life of Basil Brush, Werribee City F.C. Football Manager. It had a very nice sound to it indeed. 


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Chapter 14: Pre-Season Completed


Werribee had five more pre-season games to complete their preparations for the new season ahead of themselves. Basil was getting to know the players, and they seemed a very loyal bunch as well. If an offer came in for them, the player was coming back to Basil and telling him he wanted to stay at Werribee. Perhaps Basil had stumbled upon a squad that wanted to prove themselves to their new manager and not seek a new challenge elsewhere? But with the players on part time contracts and some of them expiring early in the season, Basil knew he would have a job on his hands to keep this squad focused and ready to mount an unexpected promotion challenge.

But anything is possible right?

September began with the prestigious home friendly against Melbourne's third A-League side, Western United. Almost 3000 attended the game, with almost 2400 of them bedecked in the green and white of the visiting team. As Basil arrived at the stadium a good four hours ahead of the 3:00pm kick off, he was greeted by home supporters and given a warm welcome:

"Great video interview boss, can't fault some of your choices."

"Brilliant gaffer, we're proud of you and the team."

That brought a smile to Basil's face as he went through the doors of the Galvin Park Reserve stadium for his first real game in charge of the Bees. They had obviously played the bounce game there in early July but since then they had been on the road, and they would be for four more games after this one. Predictably enough the professional side came out on top, recording a 3-0 win thanks to a brace from experienced Kosovo internationalist Besart Berisha who in the mid 2000s had an ill fated spell at Burnley; and an injury time clincher from midfielder Steven Lustica. Basil was far from despondent though, the team had created chances but just couldn't make them count. It had been a good workout for his Bees side.

A week later, the Bees hit the road again. This time they were to face another divisional rival, this time in the shape of Moreland City at their Campbell Reserve stadium. John Waddell's fixture planning was certainly interesting but there was nothing Basil could do to change that with the start of the season just four weeks away on the horizons. Moreland took the lead just after the half hour when winger Osman Kose scored but the Bees equalised just three minutes before half time when Lisandro Paz nutmegged Selemidis on the right wing before crossing for Michael Holden to score with an angled half volley into the bottom corner. Neither side could break through after that and the teams shook hands on a 1-1 draw. The game saw a first appearance for yet another trialist, this time full back Milan Popovich.

The next test would come at La Trobe University where Murray United hosted the Bees. The Bees controlled the game from start to finish, limiting their hosts to just a couple off target efforts in the entire ninety minutes, whilst creating 15 of their own. Both the goals came in the second half, and both goals came from defenders which pleased Basil no end as he wanted to see goals from every part of the team and not be reliant on just his striking options. The first came in the 63rd minute when Matteo Ballan's free kick caused many a problem for the home defence and central defender Cameron Davies reacted quickest to poke home from six yards out. The win was secured eight minutes from time, a free kick swung in from the right by Paz and Club vice-captain Julyan Collett headed in at the far post.

Two friendlies left, and the penultimate one would see the Bees venture across town to face Hoppers Crossing who are two divisions below in the state league structure. The Bees predictably had the best of the player but to be fair it was a turgid goalless draw which frustrated the heck out of Basil. This was a chance to increase the morale in the camp with the big kick-off closing in. Was there a plus point from this draw? Yes, it came from the right back spot as Popovich took the Man of the Match award. The full back being the best performer in a dour game where 44 players featured all at some point.

There was some cheer before the final friendly, winger Paz agreed terms on a new two year deal which takes him until May 2021. Basil was rather happy to get that deal over the line as the winger had contributed 2 goals and 5 assists in the 12 friendlies he had featured in, and hopefully the team will continue to flourish with him in the side. The final friendly then, at the Laura Douglas Reserve: home of Hume United who play further down the league pyramid. After failing to deliver in the previous game, the Bees definitely stung their hosts by scoring all their three goals in the first 26 minutes. The opener came in just the second minute when Paz skipped his way down the right wing, and then planted a perfect cross onto the head of Alec Goodwin who thumped his header into the net. The perfect start. The big striker scored his and the Bees second in the 18th minute, a low finish into the bottom corner after Jamie Gorgovski had picked him out in space. The third came eight minutes later; Parsons tripped Holden in the penalty area and Ballan drilled in the resultant spot kick low and straight down the centre of the goal. After that it was easy street for the Bees and as they came away with a routine win.

The big kick off awaits Brush and his team, can they set it alight? Brush hoped so as he relaxed in his hotel, however he had other things on his mind: getting Goodwin to reduce his demands and join Paz in signing a new contract. Alec was his first choice striker, he didn't want to lose him to anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 15: The Final Countdown


As he reflected on the last 3 months, Basil knew reality had certainly kicked in. Those last 3 months had seen him go from retired semi-professional footballer to a full time football manager. "Where has time gone?" he questioned himself whilst quaffing another mouthful of Coke Zero.

The next seven days saw Basil draw up plans, throw away plans, draw up more plans on repeat. It certainly beat number crunching in the Job Centre offices back home in England. Those summers back home where Basil would go away for a few weeks to attend a coaching course were now being to be into practice. The real thing was dawning.

In fact, prior to taking the Werribee job, Basil had no real interest in becoming a manager in his own right. He only did the coaching badges to keep his  "hand in" and keep his love for the beautiful game going. It helped him with his local amateur Sunday morning side back in England for a number of seasons, not that they won anything, but something to do. Now Basil had moved up to the top table, the sudden realisation he was a manager of a proper football team was engulfing him and his thoughts every minute of every day.

He opened up John's latest email which detailed the first month's games:



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 10 October 2019, 10:00

Subject: First month's fixtures

Hey Basil,

Well that was some pre-season, I bet you'd never experienced anything like it. Next time, I'll leave it with you haha. Anyway please see the list of the first month's league games. There's only three this month.

Saturday 12 October - Manningham United Blues @ Home
Saturday 19 October - Moreland City (Away)
Saturday 26 October - Langwarrin Soccer Club @ Home

Pundits have us to finish 6th this season, mid-table. Nice work by the way on trying to get Pistininzi to join us, he'd certainly add a fair bit of experience to the team which might prove useful.

See you Saturday at the ground, 12 noon as agreed. Gives us a bit of time to fine tune a few things before the players start arriving.




Yeah Basil had made a contract offer to Mark Pistininzi the day before, which the experienced 30 year old was now mulling over. However new contract negotiations were stalling with Alec Goodwin, the striker now on a month to month deal. What made it worse for Basil as regards Goodwin, newly formed Macarthur FC were showing signs of a bit of an interest. The Bulls had only been formed a year ago and were looking to soon become the latest members of the A-League which was reputedly looking to expand by one side to take it to an even 12 clubs.

He picked up the mobile, and called the striker. However Basil was left disappointed as the call went straight to voicemail, so he chucked the now empty can into the waste bin in sheer frustration. Basil stomped over to the fridge in the room, took out another can and fired up the tactics planner program on the laptop. "I have to start with a win." Basil said to himself as the tactics chalkboard kicked in. In 48 hours time, he would be on the side-line at Galvin Park Reserve overseeing his first ever league game and waiting to have his plans destroyed or come to fruition. This would be the start of a journey which would take over his life now. No looking back, only forwards.

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Chapter 16: Consistent Beginnings


It was a baking warm day in Melbourne as Basil jumped into his hire car from Avis. The temperature outside was showing 18 degrees Celsius, but the heat inside the vehicle was topping 25, a stark comparison of what he would expect back home. Mid-October temperatures in South Yorkshire would top 14 degrees Celsius if you were lucky but it was a considerably warmer climate in his new surroundings. It certainly felt a wee bit different for sure. Basil turned on the car stereo, and having paired it with his mobile, drove the 20 mile journey to Galvin Park Reserve with the sounds of Helloween's classic power metal album "Keeper of the Seven Keys; Part 1" pumping out.

He arrived at the stadium at exactly 12 noon, at the same time as his assistant John Waddell. The two men walked through the open gate, took one look at the pitch, before heading down the tunnel towards the home dressing room whereupon they awaited the arrival of the players. The team hadn't been announced in advance at the last training session on Thursday afternoon, Basil's philosophy was that unless a player was injured (as in really injured) then the side would be named on the day itself with all available for selection. This was the first of a 22 game league season where each side would play each other home and away over the next seven months. The top two would be promoted to NPL Victoria - 1 with the bottom relegated to NPL - Victoria 3. Werribee had last featured in the higher division in 2015 when they were relegated by virtue of a 13th placed finish. Basil was determined to make sure that relegation was not on the menu in his maiden managerial campaign.

Matchday 1: Werribee City 0 - 0 Manningham United Blues (Attendance: 529)

Despite having the better of the chances, the Bees had to settle for a share of the spoils on the opening game of the season. Blues had to thank goalkeeper Luke Gallo to thank for their point as he denied Bees' striker Alec Goodwin on a number of occasions whilst former Newcastle United trainee Alex Baird kept the Bees in it with saves of his own. 

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar; Murray; Ballan, Zaffina (Gorgovski 72), Paz, Davis (Holden 66); Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Dunn, Weaver, Parkinson, Davies, Kessie.

Man of the Match: Matteo Ballan

Position After Game: 9th

After seeing his side draw a blank on the opening day, Basil decided he needed to freshen up matters early doors. This involved making his sixth permanent signing of the season, Mark Pistininzi arriving as a free agent after seemingly doing enough when on trial. With no funds available for transfers, Basil knew that he was having to wheel and deal in this début managerial season. Players would come in either on trial, on loan or as a free agent whilst wages being prudently negotiated to ensure the Club itself didn't suffer financially. Seven days after that opening game, the team headed to the north of Melbourne to play their first away match.

Matchday 2: Moreland City 1 - 1 Werribee City (Attendance: 75)

Basil made three changes to the side that drew 0-0 on opening day. Club Captain David Parkinson replaced Daniel Petrov in central defence, new signing Mark Pistininzi was handed an instant début in place of Bradley Murray whilst Michael Holden came in on the left wing to take over from Lachlan Davis. The team took the lead in the 25th minute when Holden flicked the ball on for an anticipating Goodwin to beat the hesitant Moreland keeper with a toe poke into the bottom corner. However, the lead lasted just three minutes when James Michaelis headed in from eight yards out. Moreland should have won the game with a golden chance two minutes from the end, central defender William Abbott being left unmarked but putting his effort straight at Baird.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar; Pistininzi  (Murray 80); Zaffina (Gorgovski 68), Ballan; Paz (Davis 68), Holden, Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Davies, Weaver.

Man of the Match: Alec Goodwin 

Position After Game: 7th

Matchday 3: Werribee City 1 - 1 Langwarrin Soccer Club (Attendance: 476)

The final game of the opening month saw Werribee face a Langwarrin side that many had tipped for promotion before the big kick off. However, it was the Bees who dominated the game: creating chance after the chance with Langwarrin firmly on the defensive. This was illustrated by the fact Langwarrin picked up five yellow cards in the game. Werribee made two changes to the side that drew seven days ago, central defender Cameron Davies replacing Nicholas Bavcar with Parkinson switching to left back, and Jamie Gorgovski in for Brandon Zaffina. In one of their few chances, Langwarrin took the lead in the 57th minute thanks to a wonderful half volley by Jordan Templin which gave Baird no chance whatsoever. The Bees levelled immediately afterwards, a teasing cross from Holden being converted by Goodwin from close range for the striker's second of the season. So three games, three draws for the new Werribee manager, maybe that first win isn't too far away as Basil drove back to the hotel.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Davies, Parkinson ©; Pistininzi (Petrov 83); Gorgovski (Murray 73), Ballan; Paz (Davis 65), Holden; Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Weaver, Dunn, Bavcar, Zaffina.

Man of the Match: Alec Goodwin

Position After Game: 6th

Edited by hockeybhoy71
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Chapter 17: Birthday Blues


It was another day in Melbourne, but not an ordinary day as Basil awoke. In fact, it was Basil's 38th birthday and he was on the other side of the world to his family. That didn't stop them from calling him despite the time difference though. Mam, predictably was first, with her usual singing of "Happy birthday" down the line: a tradition that Basil had gotten used to over the years since he first left home in 1997 to become an apprentice at Celtic. Next up was his sister with a FaceTime call and that pleased Basil no end too. Even "The Gaffer" called him to check in and wish him a pleasant day.

Life was still good.

Basil opened the laptop to a couple of emails from John. John's first email was to advise him that the planned loan transfer for Oskar Dillion had fallen through. Dillon was a 20 year old central defender who was on the books of A-League side Western United, and the professional side were looking to loan him out to help with his development. The defender had actually played against Werribee in the pre-season, and Brush had been sufficiently impressed enough to attempt this audacious loan transfer. Dillon had opted to decline the move to Werribee though, and instead go on loan for the season to Oakleigh Cannons who play in the division above the Bees.

John's second email detailed the next round of fixtures which would start in a couple of days time.



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 31 October 2019, 09:45

Subject: November Fixtures

G'day Basil, and happy birthday boss as well.

I've got the new fixtures for you for the month, five games for us this time out. Guess that's something that you'd be used back home in England. This is who we will be playing:

Saturday 2 November - Pascoe Vale @ Home

Saturday 9 November - Goulburn Valley Suns (Away)

Saturday 16 November - FC Bulleen Lions (Away)

Saturday 23 November - Kingston City @ Home 

Saturday 30 November - Brunswick City @ Home

Hopefully we can get that first win soon, and start to make a statement. But then again no game is a given one, right?

See you Saturday at the Reserve, 12 noon again. The players are doing a double training session today, will let you know any feedback on it that comes from it of course.


John W.


Basil digested the fixtures and took a quick glance at the league table. First two games against the 11th and 12th placed teams in the current standings, both winnable. Then the rest would be against sides above Werribee. What surprised Basil though was that FC Bulleen Lions were top of the table, this was a team that the Bees had thrashed 4-0 in pre-season which just goes to show that you should never ever read anything to pre-season friendlies. They mean absolutely nada.

Perhaps he should try again to get Alec Goodwin to sign that new contract? "I'll leave it until after Saturday's game." Basil said to himself. "If he (Goodwin) has a great game then he might realise that the new contract is worth signing there and then." That was the hope, but equally he was prepared for another rejection from the striker. If ever Basil needed some strokes of good fortunes from the footballing gods, now would be ideal.

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Chapter 18: Finally, some good news

It was bothering Basil no end, the protracted discussions with Alec Goodwin. The 23 year old striker was one of the biggest earners at Werribee and was wanting a pay increase to stay a Werribee player. Basil spoke to the player again after the home game against Pascoe Vale, the first in November, but was once again left disappointed.

"Alec, I really want you to stay but I just think we're at an impasse."
"I know boss, but you know how football is these days. I have to look out for myself."
"But you do love this Club right?"
"Yeah, and I respect you as a manager too, but let's talk again in the morning."

Basil drove back to the hotel, convinced that he was fighting a losing battle with his first choice centre forward. Not even the sounds of Fozzy's Do You Wanna Start A War album could cheer him up. Thirty minutes later, Basil pulled into the parking lot at the hotel and exited the vehicle. He was still downbeat as he got into the lift, head slunk low as if his world was about to end. He got his room, ordered a couple of bottles of VB from room service, and just sat there in complete silence; only moving when he needed the toilet and it was time to go to bed.

The following morning Basil's mood hadn't improved, so after finishing his breakfast, he picked up his mobile to call Goodwin. Much to Basil's surprise, the striker answered:

"Morning boss."
"Morning Alec, calling you as we discussed yesterday."
"Yeah. I guess we're going to talk contracts again."
"That's what I was hoping for. Remind me what kind of deal you want? Wasn't it a two year deal at 500 AUD a week?"
"Alec? Alec?"
"Sorry boss. I've been thinking...I've changed my demands,"

Basil sighed, fearing that the striker had moved the goalposts even further away and inched closer to the exit door.

"Right, and they are?"
"I'm looking for a three year deal boss, paying 250 AUD a week."
"I think I'm being reasonable boss, really I am."
"I see. Well let me do some number crunching. I'll be back in a few minutes Alec."

Basil texted John with the player's demands, Waddell advised him to accept.

He released the call with Goodwin from hold, and spoke again.

"Alec, sorry about that. Just had to crunch some numbers to see if we can agree to it. Budgets pretty tight as it is."
"Understand boss. So can you?"
"Yeah I think we have a deal in place here Alec."
"Great, can't see any problems from my side either." Send me the contract via email and I'll get back to you. Laters boss."
"Bye for now Alec."

The breakthrough had happened after weeks and weeks of talking. Basil drafted up the new contract for Goodwin, emailed it to the striker and sat there waiting for a reply. Yet the striker didn't respond straight away, in fact days and days passed. It was two days before the next league game when something happened. Basil woke to find an email sitting in his inbox.



From: Alec Goodwin

To: Basil Brush

Date: 7 November 2019, 00:35

Subject: New Contract


Please find my new contract, signed. I've only signed it because of you.

See you Saturday, am happy to get this sorted finally.


A huge smile broke across Basil's face, the saga was over and done with. Alec Goodwin was to remain a Werribee player for the next three years, mission accomplished off pitch. Now to get those wins on pitch and rise up that table.

Edited by hockeybhoy71
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Chapter 19: The Monkey Is Off The Back


As Basil and Werribee City entered November, they were exactly where the pundits had them to be at the end of the season, 6th. But Basil knew there was more to come from this team, and a win would boost the team's confidence no end. What better way to do that by playing the league's strugglers in the next couple of games. Slip up against them and then perhaps questions would start to be asked. Time to show the real potential of the Bees, and who knows what it could lead to.

Matchday 4: Werribee City 3 - 1 Pascoe Vale (Attendance: 494)

At the fourth time of asking, Werribee City recorded their first win of the new season. The Bees did this with a come from behind victory against a Pascoe Vale side that remain in the relegation spots. Vale took the lead after 17 minutes when a Damien Peters corner had Alex Baird flapping at like a window cleaner and Stephen Haztikostas headed in from close range for his first ever Vale goal. However, rallied by their manager, the Bees stung their visitors thanks to impressive performances by wingers Lisandro Paz and Michael Holden. It was Holden who got the equaliser in the 33rd minute; latching onto a cross-field pass from right-back Tom Lakic with a superb volley into the top corner for his 1st goal of the season.

The home side dominated the game from then on, and two goals in the second half secured the three points for Brush's men. Just before the hour, skipper David Parkinson crossed from the left and Jonathan Munoz's weak defensive header landed straight to Paz who made no mistake for his season opener with a low arrowed finish that gave Luke Gavalas no chance at all. Thirteen minutes from time, Werribee clinched the points when Holden danced into the penalty area before picking out Paz who doubled his tally with a precise header into the bottom corner. The monkey was well and truly off the back.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Davies, Parkinson © (Bavcar 84); Pistininzi, Ballan, Gorgovski (Murray 70); Paz, Holden; Goodwin (Weaver 70).  Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Zaffina, Davis.

Booked: Paz

Man of the Match: Lisandro Paz

Position After Game: 5th

Matchday 5: Goulburn Valley Suns 1 - 2 Werribee City (Attendance: 199)

it's two wins in a row for Basil Brush's Werribee City as they came from behind again to record the points; this time against bottom placed Goulburn Valley Suns in Shepparton. The Suns took a surprise lead in the 27th minute when Lakic had hold of Shaun Kane's shirt a bit too much for the referee's liking. Jamie England stepped up, and comfortably dispatched it into the bottom corner despite Baird diving the right way. The Bees equalised in the 57th minute with a penalty of their own when Cory Sellwood tripped Paz as the winger advanced forward. Matteo Ballan assumed responsibility from twelve yards for the Bees, and sent the keeper the wrong way to restore parity.

Eight minutes later and Werribee scored what proved to be the winner. A free kick by Ballan saw home keeper Algazaly come from a ball that he was never going to reach, Julyan Collett headed it goalwards and Paz poached in his third in two games from six yards out. With bigger tests yet to come, Werribee can now go into them with a great confidence building up in the ranks.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar (Petrov 64); Pistininzi; Gorgovski (Murray 70), Ballan; Paz, Holden (Davis 81); Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Weaver, Dunn, Davies, Zaffina.

Man of the Match: Matteo Ballan

Position After Game: 4th

So two wins in a row for Werribee and rising up the table, hence Basil felt quite content as he relaxed in the hotel room. The only thing that bothered him now? Whether or not they could maintain this or would lead to a collapse more akin to watching the middle order of the England cricket team.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 20: Top of the Pops

Having managed to win their last two games, Basil and Werribee headed into the remainder of November with a great deal of confidence about them. The monkey was off the back but there was no reason to sit back on one's laurels. Once you win one, you want to win the next one and the next one. However winning games is all well and good but it puts a bit of a target on your back for you to be shot at. Basil never believed in complacency as a player, he certainly wasn't going to believe it as a manager. Could the Bees maintain their unbeaten start to the season?

Matchday 6: FC Bulleen Lions 0 - 1 Werribee City (Attendance: 662)

The Bees headed into game six feeling good, their hosts likewise. The two sides had played each other in pre-season, the Bees taking the honours that day with a 4-0 humbling but the Lions had improved since then. Going into the game, the Lions had made a very strong start to the new season: lying no lower than second. Given they were at home, this would be the biggest test so far for Basil and his side. By the end of it, they would have passed with flying colours. One goal was all that it needed when a deep cross from the recalled Nicholas Bavcar saw Alec Goodwin escape his markers and loop home a header for his third of the season. What a way to celebrate your new three year contract!

The Bees were unlucky not to win by more with Goodwin, Lisandro Paz and Brandon Zaffina all going close. It was the perfect away performance, that 27th minute winner being the icing on the cake.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar; Pistininzi; Zaffina (Murray 71), Ballan; Paz (Davis 81), Holden; Goodwin (Weaver 90). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Davies, Gorgovski.
Booked: Collett
Man of the Match: Alec Goodwin
Position After Game: 1st

Ahead of the game against second placed Kingston City, Basil again took advantage of the trial option. Arriving at Galvin Park Reserve was experienced 29 year old striker Nathan Elasi. Elasi had, in 2009-10, played at the top level when he played seven games in the A-League with Melbourne Victory but had had a nomadic career since. His most recent stop had been Wollongong United in the Illawarra Premier League where he scored a season best 15 goals in just 22 games; could he be the perfect back up for Goodwin with Shaun Weaver failing to impress? it was no risk with a possible reward.

Matchday 7: Werribee City 0 - 0 Kingston City (Attendance: 481)

That game against Kingston would see the Bees extend their unbeaten start to the season to seven games; but relinquish the top spot after Brunswick City defeated North Geelong Warriors 3-1. It was a game which Werribee had the best of the chances with Matteo Ballan going the closest to breaking the deadlock in the 44th minute with a long range strike that thudded against the post before bouncing against the post. Kingston City offered few chances of their own, Todd Dekker heading straight at Alex Baird when well placed and substitute Steve Duvcevski replicating Ballan with a long ranger that clattered the post with the keeper scrambling across his line.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar; Pistininzi; Ballan, Zaffina (Murray 84); Paz, Holden (Davis 65); Goodwin (Weaver 84). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Davies, Gorgovski.
Booked: Bavcar
Man of the Match: Faisal Sakhizada (Kingston City)
Position After Game: 2nd

Matchday 8: Werribee City 1 - 0 Brunswick City (Attendance: 473)

It's eight games unbeaten for Werribee City; a new Club and League record, as a single Michael Holden goal was enough to defeat Brunswick City at Galvin Park Reserve. The win was also good enough to see the Bees reclaim top spot at their visitors expense, and continue their good start under manager Basil Brush. The rookie English manager has overseen a resurgence of the Bees, and he has to be proud at what his team is achieving. That only goal came four minutes after the restart when Matteo Ballan played a superb ball inside the Brunswick right-back and Holden angled a low shot across Sebastian Mattei and into the far corner. It was the left winger's second goal of the season.

The game saw both sides be guilty of spurning chances but ultimately the Bees would prevail thanks to the winger's strike, and pundits are now speculating what next the team will achieve.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar; Pistininzi (Murray 90+3); Ballan, Zaffina (Gorgovski 71); Paz, Holden; Goodwin (Weaver 74). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Davis, Davies.
Man of the Match: Michael Holden
Position After Game: 1st

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Chapter 21: Life's Been Good (with apologies to Joe Walsh)

As Basil relaxed in his hotel room a few hours after the Brunswick City victory, it gave him plenty to time to reflect. Four months had elapsed, almost five, since he met Angus Brown in that Melbourne restaurant and agreed to become the new Head Coach of Werribee City. And what a ride it has been so far, he contemplated. Considering that this was Basil's maiden journey into the cut throat world of football management, it had certainly gone well for the Englishman.

The decision had been a successful one so far.

With the halfway point of the season looming on the horizon, Werribee were very handily placed indeed to get promotion at the first time of asking but Basil was not counting any proverbial chickens. One defeat and they could easily back down to fifth if results went against them, that's how Basil was seeing it in the bigger picture. The build up week had seen Brush make yet another signing, this time picking up 22 year old winger Omar Ammache who signed on non-contract terms. With Lisandro Paz and Michael Holden playing well in the wing roles, Brush saw his latest acquisition as a very useful back up to call upon. It also met the board's approval as this was yet another player signed under the age of 23. Brush was certainly trying to build something for the future.

That was one new face in, but time had run out to get a second one in. Striker Nathan Elasi had been on trial with the Bees for the last four weeks, and the former Melbourne City striker had done well. He had played 4 games and scored four goals which was exactly what Brush was looking for, someone who could put the ball into the back of the net and provide good competition for first choice striker Alec Goodwin. Whilst his demands weren't over the top, Brush was concerned that the board wouldn't be happy with him signing a 30 year old journeyman striker. But eventually gut instinct took over and a contract was offered.

Predictably midweek saw yet another email from John Waddell with December's fixture list so Basil could update his planner.


From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 4 December 2019, 10:00

Subject: December Fixtures

Morning Basil.

Well done on the Ammache signing, he's going to be a very option for us should we require him to play. Just hope we can get the Elasi deal over the line as well, that will certainly improve our striking options as we can't rely upon Alec (Goodwin) all the time.

Anyway here are December's games for us:

Saturday 7 December - North Geelong Warriors (Away)

Saturday 14 December - Northcote City (Away)

Saturday 21 December - Moreland Zebras (Away)

Three games and this will take us to the halfway stage of the season by the time we're finished with them. Hopefully we can still be in a good position after them, and yeah we're on the road all the time. Still that's the fixture schedulers for you.


John W.

Could the Bees kick on further and strengthen their grip at the top? The board were certainly pleased so far, so it was safe to assume that things were going to plan. December would be pivotal, it was just about taking advantage and making sure complacency didn't kick in. As the team boarded the bus bound for Geelong, Basil was reminding his players exactly that. They had built themselves up to be a force but now the target was firmly on their backs, everyone else wanted to beat them. No room for taking things easy, winning games builds team morale and smiles on faces. Time to shine brighter than ever before.

Edited by hockeybhoy71
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Chapter 22: Merry Christmas Werribee City!

Basil looked at the December games that the Bees would play, all of them away from home. What kind of fixture planning do they do here; he muttered to himself. Sure he was used to playing back to back home or away games in his playing career, but playing three away games straight, well he hadn't seen anything like it. Well, he had but that was when he was watching the NHL. Still it was a chance for him and his Bees side to really make a statement and put a bit of daylight in what was a very tight division.

Matchday 9: North Geelong Warriors 0 - 0 Werribee City (Attendance: 196)

Werribee City made it nine games unbeaten with a goalless draw in Geelong. The Warriors were second best to their table topping visitors throughout, and failed to force Bees keeper [b]Alex Baird [/b]in the whole ninety minutes. Bees manager Mark Duell cut a very frustrated figure in the visiting dugout, seeing his side waste chance after chance in a game they dominated. Michael Holden, scorer of the winner against Brunswick City seven days ago, went the closest to breaking the deadlock: his 65th minute shot thudding against the post and away from danger. Warriors keeper Marko Stevanja kept his side in it throughout with a series of important saves but the Bees will see this as two points dropped for sure.

The game also saw the Bees give a début to new signing Omar Ammache as a second half substitute.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar; Pistininzi; Zaffina, Ballan, Paz (Ammache 64), Holden; Goodwin (Weaver 73). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Murray, Williams, Gorgovski.
Man of the Match: Tom Lakic
Position After Game: 3rd

Basil knew his team needed extra firepower, they had scored just nine goals in those nine games unbeaten. Therefore it came as a welcome relief when on the Monday after that Geelong draw, striker Nathan Elasi agreed to join the Bees as a free agent on a two year deal. What made it better for Basil, the wage budget was still under control and the board were still happy with him. Hopefully the new signing could help out as it was becoming clearer that Shaun Weaver wasn't good enough. But would the new signing have an instant début on the Saturday at Northcote City? That was something Basil was toying with in his mind.

Matchday 10: Northcote City 1 - 3 Werribee City  (Attendance; 442)

After the frustrating goalless draw in Geelong where Werribee should have really hammered their hosts, Basil's attentions turned to the next game against Northcote City, and he surprised the team by making two changes. Dropped were skipper David Parkinson and striker Alec Goodwin. Replacing them were Daniel Petrov and in an instant début, Elasi, whilst Julyan Collett skippered the team. And it seemed to be groundhog day for the Bees in that first half, wasting chances after chances and leaving Brush to cut an exasperated figure on the touchline. The far from impressed manager made his feelings known at half time as he ripped in his shell shocked side.

Those words seemed to fire up the Bees as they seemed to be better in the second half, and they opened the scoring in the 58th minute when Lisandro Paz bombed down the right wing to cross to the far post where fellow winger Holden beat Paul Petrovski with a neat half volley for his third of the season. As débuts went, Elasi had a steady one and with 18 minutes to go the striker made way for Goodwin. Seconds later, Werribee had gone 2-0 ahead when a cross from Matteo Ballan was met by a pinpoint header by the afore mentioned Goodwin, his first touch and a fourth goal of the season. What an impact!

Sensing they could score again, Werribee looked for a third and got it in the 74th minute. A beautifully weighted pass inside the home left back by Brandon Zaffina found Paz in a pocket of space and he angled a low drive under Petrovski for his fourth of the campaign. Home right-back Paul Swithenbank headed in for Northcote two minutes later but that proved to be just a false dawn and Werribee were back to winning ways, and back in the promotion places. 

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett © (Davies 67), Petrov, Bavcar; Pistininzi, Zaffina, Ballan; Paz, Holden (Ammache 82); Elasi (Goodwin 72). Unused Substitutes: Parkinson, Dunn, Kessie, Murray.
Booked: Collett
Man of the Match: Lisandro Paz
Position After Game: 2nd

Matchday 11: Moreland Zebras 1 - 1 Werribee City    (Attendance: 561)

After getting back to winning ways seven days ago, Brush surprised all and sundry when he named an unchanged side for the trip to Moreland Zebras: their last game of 2019. This meant that new signing Elasi kept his place ahead of Goodwin who had scored in that 3-1 win at Northcote City, the new boy's second successive start. However once more the Bees failed to convert the chances they were presented with and put their hosts to the sword. It would certainly come back and bite them, right?

Sure enough it did when the Zebras opened the scoring 12 minutes from time, Cameron Watson reacting first to the loose ball after a spot of ping pong football in the Bees penalty area following an Aaron Turner corner kick. With time running out, it looked like Werribee would lose their first game of the season but with just a couple of minutes left; they scored a dramatic equaliser. A free-kick from Ballan was blocked by a resolute Zebras wall and back to the schemer who swung it wide right to Mark Pistininzi and the defensive midfielder's low cross was turned in from close range by former Zebras striker Goodwin, who had been introduced as a substitute for the ineffective Elasi. It was the striker's fifth of the season.

There was even more joy in the visiting dressing room at the end, despite them only taking a point. Leaders Brunswick City had suffered a surprise 2-1 loss at Manningham which meant the Bees would end the first half of the season, top of the pile and unbeaten in eleven.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar (Parkinson 77); Pistininzi; Ballan, Zaffina; Paz, Holden (Ammache 72); Elasi (Goodwin 63). Unused Substitutes: Kessie, Dunn, Davies, Murray.
Booked: Pistininzi
Man of the Match: Cameron Watson (Moreland Zebras)
Position After Game: 1st

With the league table staring him in the face it definitely made good reading indeed as Basil munched his way through the four course Christmas Day dinner that the hotel had cooked. Despite being over 10500 miles away from his family, the sight of being a table topping manager more than made up for it. Merry Christmas Werribee City indeed!

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Chapter 23: What do the experts know anyway?

As the fireworks lit up the night sky over the Yarra River, Basil took stock of the last 12 months. It had certainly been a bit of a whirlwind for sure. He had started the year 2019 as a Civil Servant and playing his last season as one of Stocksbridge Park Steels most senior semi-professionals; now he was embracing 2020 as a full time football manager albeit on the other side of the world. Quite a change in fortunes for sure.

What would 2020 bring him? A date with Jessica Miesel perchance? Nah, too much a long shot that one. He viewed he had more chance of winning a small prize on the Victorian State Lottery than a hot date with Ms Miesel, the actress from Atlanta; Georgia who stars in the medical drama "The Resident." No, then the realism hit him.

He could be a title winning manager before half the new year would be out, providing Werribee continued to do what was expected of them. Now how good would that feel? The following morning on the first day of 2020, Basil awoke to John Waddell's latest fixture email which read the following:



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 1 January 2020, 08:00

Subject: January 2020 Preview

Happy New Year Basil!

Hope you enjoyed seeing in the New Year in Oz first of all.

Anyway, please see the fixture list for us this month. There's only a couple of games but we've got to keep our focus right and keep on the right track.

Saturday 4 January - Manningham United Blues (Away)

Saturday 18 January - Langwarrin SC (Away)

Manningham beat Brunswick in the last round of fixtures so they'll be on a high when they play us, it's time to put them back in their place and continue that promotion bid. If we can get a result there then it'll give us some confidence ahead of the trip to Langwarrin which is a tougher assignment but not beyond us.

See you on the bus Saturday.


John W.

John Waddell's words certainly rang true, Basil felt he was blessed to have such a knowledgeable assistant at Werribee. Imagine how much he would probably have struggled without the steadying influence of the 53 year old. However, something else caused a raised eyebrow, the local pundits had been talking about the season so far. Despite the team being unbeaten, the only side in the division to be, the pundits still didn't believe Werribee had what it takes to get promoted to NPL Victoria - 1. 

The pundits had the Bees down to finish third by the time the final ball was kicked in mid-May. Langwarrin SC were the new favourites to win the title with Moreland Zebras now predicted to finish in the second promotion spot. Werribee and Brunswick City would miss out if those pundits had their way. "Is that so?" Basil said to himself. "Guess Basil Brush is going to have to make these pundits eat their words," he mused. Basil hated been written off despite the superb start he had had.

Time to make a statement again.

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Chapter 24: Still leading the way

There were only two games in January for Basil and his Werribee City league leaders as the campaign shifted to the second half of the season, the real business end of proceedings. With the team unbeaten, they had certainly put themselves in a great position to be promoted to NPL Victoria - 1 for the 2020-21 season. Surely they weren't going to collapse in a fashion that would have drawn comparisons with dear old Devon Loch. To the uneducated, this was a horse owned by the Queen that inexplicably slipped yards from the winning post in the 1956 Grand National and lost out.

Basil was determined as ever that he wanted to finish the season promoted in his début campaign, and if the team could bag the title then that would be the real icing on this particular cake.

Matchday 12: Manningham United Blues 1 - 3 Werribee City   (Attendance: 432)

Werribee City continued their unbeaten run in the 2019-20 season to an astonishing 12 games after dismantling hosts Manningham United Blues at the David Barro Stadium. It was a comprehensive loss for the home side, and pushed them into the relegation places. The visitors made a single change to the side that drew 1-1 with Moreland Zebras in their last game, Nathan Elasi being replaced in a straight swap by Alec Goodwin. It was actually the returnee who gave the Bees the lead two minutes from half time when he volleyed home after Alex Dao's weak defensive header landed at his feet. It was his sixth of the season.

However, the Blues stunned Werribee with an equaliser as the game entered first half injury time. As a cross came from the right, Bees central defender Julyan Collett and Blues striker Dean Lorenzi challenged for it but the referee saw Collett challenging a bit too much forceful than he should and pointed straight to the spot. Veteran Blues defender Filippo Gattari assumed responsibility from twelve yards and sent Alex Baird the wrong way with a perfect penalty into the bottom corner. Yet the Bees regained their lead in the 57th minute and it owed so much for the creative skills of Matteo Ballan as much as the finishing of Goodwin. The midfielder carved open the home defence like a knife through hot butter with a 50 yard pass straight to the striker who took it on before finishing with aplomb for his seventh of the campaign.

Still there was time for a second penalty in the game, and this time it was awarded to Werribee. With just quarter of an hour left to play, Mario Clark was adjudged to have fouled Lisandro Paz in the area, and Ballan was given the chance to wrap up the win. The schemer made no mistake with the second perfect penalty of the game, giving Luke Gallo in the home goal no chance whatsoever. It was his second of the season. Difficult away game conquered.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov (Davies 88), Bavcar; Pistininzi; Ballan, Zaffina (Murray 66); Paz, Holden (Ammache 73); Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Elasi, Dunn, Parkinson, Kessie.
Booked: Pistininzi, Zaffina
Man of the Match; Matteo Ballan
Position After Game: 1st

With the games now scheduled to be every other week until May, the break came at a good time for Basil and Werribee. It was enabling the players to be more refreshed when it came to game time, and a fully fit squad could only be of benefit for all concerned. During the latest break, the Club received a boost when central defender Collett agreed a one year extension to remain at Galvin Park Reserve. The 30 year old had been the subject of some transfer speculation prior to agreeing terms but to tie down one of the Club's most experienced players was seen as a good bit of business for Basil and Werribee. 

But it wasn't all good news, Brush had identified another experienced defender in Diogo Ferreira to become one of his first signings for 20-21. Yet the centre half signed for Hamilton Wanderers in the NZ Premiership at the same time as Collett agreed his new deal at Werribee. But not to be disheartened, Brush saw it as one door opening and one door closing. Who knows, Ferreira could be a close season signing if push comes to shove. A couple of teenage midfielders in local A-league squads also took Brush's eye. Brush was planning for a future, knowing quality will be needed to take this team to the next level. Should Werribee lack ambition, Basil was adamant in his own mind he wouldn't hang around when his contract expired in the summer of 2021.

Matchday 13: Langwarrin SC 0 - 0 Werribee City   (Attendance: 574)

It could have been better, Basil lamented to himself as the Bees endured a goalless draw with promotion rivals Langwarrin SC at Lawton Park. Despite being the visitors, Werribee were the better side throughout the ninety minutes. However, once more their lack of killer instinct came back to haunt them as they managed just a paltry three shots on target from 21 attempts. "Not good enough." Basil mumbled to himself when the final whistle shrilled. 

The biggest miss came ten minutes into the second half when the Bees were awarded their second penalty in as many games. It came about when home midfielder Vince Lia slid in on Paz and remarkably the referee pointed to the spot, leaving everyone (including the Werribee contingent) surprised. As designated penalty taker, Ballan stepped forth but this time the midfielder's effort lacked any sort of conviction and allowed Nikola Roganovic to make an easy save. So still unbeaten, could this run last to the end of the season? That's going to be a real test of character Basil thought as he stepped onto the bus home.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar, Pistininzi; Ballan, Zaffina (Murray 66), Paz (Ammache 82), Holden; Goodwin (Elasi 72). Unused Substitutes: Parkinson, Dunn, Kessie, Davies.
Booked: Zaffina
Man of the Match: Nikola Roganovic (Langwarrin SC)
Position After Game: 1st

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Chapter 25: The Invincibles?

After the goalless draw at Langwarrin, Basil glanced at the league table in front of him. Sure the team were still unbeaten and that was a good sign but one result could change that. How would the team respond to a defeat considering this was something that has become alien to them so to speak.

One evening whilst relaxing, for once, Basil tuned into one of the local radio stations and predictably enough there was a phone-in going on. What he heard next raised his eyebrows a bit:

"Up next we have Greg on line number 3, and he wants to talk soccer. Hello Greg."
"G'day mate, yeah I want to talk about my team." Greg stated.
"And who's that? Manchester United, Liverpool in Pom land?"
"Nah, Werribee City mate."
"They're doing brilliant this season mate I tell you, they haven't lost a game."
"That's impressive."
"Sure is, we've got this new Head Coach and he's done so well. Basil Brush's his name."
"They're managed by a puppet?"
"Nah, I'm being serious mate. That's his actual name, and for a Pom, he's brilliant."
"Good to hear, do you think they will go unbeaten all season then Greg?"
"Hey, why not. Let's be optimistic here, they can become The Werribee Invincibles!"

And at that point, Basil switched the radio off and thought. "The Werribee Invincibles", sounded just awesome. He looked online and much to his surprise, this hadn't ever been done in Austraila like EVER! Sure he had heard of the original Preston North End Invincibles of 1889, the Arsenal one of 2004 and most recently the Celtic one in 2017 when the Bhoys won the league and both domestic Cups but wouldn't it be nice to be such illustrious company? However, Basil was not one for getting ahead of himself as his late father always tried to instil in him, preferring to keep those size 7 feet firmly implanted on the ground.

A few days later came the predictable email from John Waddell, outlining February's fixture list.



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 22 August 2020, 09:45

Subject: Updates

Hi Basil,

Guess you heard that guy on the radio the other night. Makes you feel proud that you're doing an incredible job here. Anyway please see our fixture list for February. Three games, all at home, and a chance to really kick on.

Saturday 1 February - Moreland City @ Home

Saturday 15 February - Goulburn Valley Suns @ Home

Saturday 29 February - FC Bulleen Lions @ Home

Nice move also in not standing in Kyren's way the other day. I'm sure that he will respect you long term for that.


John W.

Yeah Basil had seen his Youths Manager Kyren Harrison leave the Club the day after the Langwarrin draw. The 34 year old had decided to leave the Bees for Preston Lions who feature in the division below on a one and a half year contract. Basil could have stepped in his way and caused a bit of friction but would that have been wise? In hindsight, not. An advertisement for his replacement was drafted as soon as the Lions announced Harrison, but as Basil and Werrribee entered February: nobody had been appointed.

Could Basil and the Bees keep this unbeaten campaign running?

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Chapter 26: Love, well promotion, is in the air

The Bees were still buzzing at they entered February, the month of love. For Basil, the only love he was craving was nine points from the three games that Werribee were to play. Well there was no chance of Jessica Miesel was there? With just three points sharing the top four, Basil knew all too well that a loss could really set the Bees back. Not only would it ruin the unbeaten record but also conceivably send them out of the promotion spots which the team had worked so hard to be in all season.

Basil knew if they could make these three home games count then quite possibly, the P word could be thought of more seriously. It had been banned until now just in case it allowed complacency to creep in; and Basil certainly wouldn't allow that at all.

Matchday 14: Werribee City 3 - 2 Moreland City    (Attendance: 465)

The first game in February saw Werribee take on a mid table Moreland City side that had parted with long standing manager Adrian Mathers just a week before. Mathers had been in charge for six years at Moreland and played for them for nine before deciding to take up the manager's role at Altona Magic in the division above. For the game, Basil made a couple of changes from his last line-up. Lisandro Paz was given a well deserved rest with Omar Ammache taking his place on the right wing; and Brandon Zaffina was swapped for Jamie Gorgovski in central midfield.

The Bees took the lead in the 24th minute and what a goal it was. Ammache dispossessed Christopher Cristaldo with one touch and then with his next, played a superb 50 yard pass onto the bootlaces of Alec Goodwin who smashed it over the head of the advancing keeper and into the top corner for the striker's eighth of the season. And that's how it remained until the 52nd minute when it led to three goals in eight minutes. City drew level when Cristaldo's free-kick had Alex Baird flapping at and Conor Rafferty headed in his first career goal unchallenged. Then four minutes later, the visitors led. Tom Lakic backed off Cristaldo a touch, and that was all the former Werribee man needed to create himself a chance which ended up with an arrowed finish into Baird's bottom left hand corner from the edge of the area.

Inspired by harsh words from Brush on the touchline, Werribee were level on the hour. A long range effort from Matteo Ballan was charged down by City's Tobias Haegele but the rebound was fortunate to land at the feet of Michael Holden who took one touch before placing it past the stranded keeper. Could either side find a winner? Yes they could, and it was Werribee. With six minutes to go; Ballan planted a free-kick into the penalty area and central defender Julyan Collett got his head onto it first to plant a header beyond Kieron McDowell to clinch all three points for Werribee City and make it 14 unbeaten.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar; Pistininzi (Parkinson 71); Ballan, Gorgovski (Murray 68); Ammache (Paz 76), Holden; Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Elasi, Dunn, Davies, Kessie.
Booked: Goodwin
Man of the Match: Alec Goodwin
Position After Game: 1st

Matchday 15: Werribee City 2 - 0 Goulburn Valley Suns    (Attendance: 224)

Bottom placed Goldburn Valley Suns arrived at leaders Werribee City hoping to pull off the surprise result of the season on the day after the day of love. However, there was no love shown by the home side as they strolled to yet another win and make it 15 unbeaten. Wingers Paz and Holden were on target with first half strikes and the Suns had no response. The opening goal came in the 26th minute when a high and deep cross from Nicholas Bavcar wasn't claimed by Declan Maiorano in the Suns goal but landed at the feet of the recalled Paz who drove home his fifth of the season from the acutest of acute angles.

The second and decisive goal came in first half injury time. Another deep cross from Bavcar which had the Suns all at sea, and Holden (rested from the start but on as a substitute for an injured Ammache) drove a low effort across Maiorano and into the bottom corner for his fifth of the campaign. Potential banana skin well and truly avoided.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar; Pistininzi (Murray 72); Gorgovski, Ballan; Paz, Ammache (Holden 32); Goodwin (Elasi 64). Unused Substitutes: Parkinson, Dunn, Kessie, Davies.
Man of the Match: Nicholas Bavcar
Position After Game: 1st

Matchday 16: Werribee City 3 - 0 FC Bulleen Lions    (Attendance: 670)

Werribee City finished their three game home stand with a comprehensive defeat of a FC Bulleen Lions side that have slipped down the table considerably. The Lions were surprise leaders after three games but now find themselves potentially being drawn into a relegation scrap whilst the Bees continue their incredible season at the top. Werribee made three changes from the side that saw off Goulburn Valley Suns in their last game with Holden, Zaffina and Nathan Elasi came into the starting eleven; Ammache, Gorgovski and top scorer Goodwin making way.

Three goals in 14 minutes proved to be the difference; and with results going their way, the Bees now hold a six point lead at the top of the table. That opening goal came in the 32nd minute when Paz clipped in a cross to the far post where Holden headed in his sixth of the season and third in as many games. The others arrived either side of half time. Goal number two came from another header; this time powerfully headed in by defender Collett for his second of the season following a Ballan corner. Lions keeper Wyatt Chant hadn't covered himself in glory in trying to save those but he stood no chance when the Bees scored their third 50 seconds after the restart. Paz scampered away down the right and his pinpoint cross found Goodwin, on for the injured Elasi, and the striker headed in his ninth of the campaign.

It just seems to get better and better for Basil and his Bees...

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar (Parkinson 63); Pistininzi; Ballan (Gorgovski 74), Zaffina; Paz, Holden; Elasi (Goodwin 31). Unused Substitutes: Ammache, Dunn, Kessie, Murray.
Booked: Pistininzi, Ballan
Man of the Match: Lisandro Paz
Position After Game: 1st

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Chapter 27: In within touching distance

Everything was rosy in the Werribee City garden so to speak as the team entered March. The unbeaten run had stretched to a remarkable 16 games, and to go on a sequence like this: it takes some doing regardless at whatever level you play at. With the gap being eight points between the Bees and third placed Langwarrin, Basil was starting to think that something special was unfolding.

Those pundits who had written Werribee at the start of the season, and in December, were starting to be served with a large portion of humble pie and served cold too. Basil opened the latest edition of the Herald Sun, the local newspaper, and saw the following:



Bees stinging rivals

"IF you mention the name Werribee City to most of the Melbourne population, you could be excused for the reply being "Who?" back. But the Bees of Werribee are stinging their rivals in the NPL - Victoria 2 division with an incredible season so far. The Bees have taken the proverbial bull by the horns and ran with it.

Unfortunately none of their opponents can keep up with them.

The Bees have just six games to play this season, the latest next Friday night, and they're in within touching distance of something that has never been seen in Australian football whatsoever: an unbeaten season. Werribee have yet to lose a game in 16 so far, and it's all down to their new Head Coach: a former English professional called Basil Brush. Brush, 38, is making sounds in the suburbs of Werribee and considering it's his first ever Head Coach role: those sounds are positive.

So get yourself down to watch this incredible team."

Talk about high praise indeed in a few paragraphs. A sudden glow appeared on Basil's face, and maybe a wry smile too. A few moments later, the predictable email came from John Waddell.



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 6 March 2020, 10:00

Subject: March

Hi Basil.

Don't know if you've seen the local rag lately mate. We've got a rare mention. You should be proud with what you've achieved so far here, you've definitely changed the club's fortunes around and it's been reflected in our crowds.

I know though you won't rest on your laurels though, as you're a bit of a level headed guy. Anyway here's the March fixture list, only a couple of games but both away from home. Win these and I can start to smell glory coming our way.

Friday 13 March - Pascoe Vale (Away)

Saturday 28 March - Kingston City (Away)

See you next Friday.


John W.

John's words really hit a point with Basil; it was like he knew what Basil would be like even before that first ever meeting last July. But Basil knew, and he consistently stressed it when floating ideas with John, it was purely a team effort that had gotten Werribee where they are at the moment and always would be. Because of the way Werribee had progressed, this was probably why Kyren (Harrison) had been poached to become the new Preston Lions Head Coach and John himself was also attracting attention elsewhere. Basil knew he wouldn't stand in John's way should he want to become a manager in his own right but if he stayed put then it would be just grand.

Basil looked to the skies, knowing whatever would happen next would happen for a reason as always. Football had always been a cut-throat industry, Basil had seen managers come and go a plenty, now he had to continually prove that he was not going to be labelled a one season wonder but there might be a time when Werribee had been taken as far as they can. But that could wait, for now.

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  • 3 months later...

Chapter 28: Beware the Ides of March

Said the soothsayer to Julius Caesar in the Shakespearian play of the very same name. Therefore lo and behold, Basil saw a lady dressed in rags whilst walking through the centre of Melbourne a few days before the next game. The lady gave the impression that she was some kind of gypsy, and told Basil to be wary for challenges ahead.

Werribee's next match was at struggling Pascoe Vale, a team needing points to survive the drop. Vale had improved since the two sides had met in November but they were far from out of danger. Could this be Basil's Ides of March? No need to take things easy and assume it was a foregone conclusion.

Matchday 17: Pascoe Vale 1 - 2 Werribee City    (Attendance: 373)

Lisandro Paz had been the two goal hero when Werribee defeated their hosts in the previous encounter, and the winger would prove to be a hero again at the CB Smith Reserve with another brace which inched the Bees closer and closer to the title. Werribee were unchanged from their last game which meant Nathan Elasi was given another chance to impress as the sole striker; top scorer Alec Goodwin remained on the bench. Not a bad replacement to have on hand, and proof of the strength in depth that Basil had his disposal.

The Bees immediately took the game to their hosts, and were rewarded with the lead after just nine minutes. Winger Michael Holden sped past Gonzalo Muñoz as if the Chilean wasn't there before lifting a cross deep into the penalty area. The cross was met by a looping header from fellow winger Paz over Luke Gavalas and send the 248 away supporters dancing with delight. It took Pascoe Vale 26 minutes to create their first chance but Alex Baird produced a superb fingertip save to deny Atilia Ofli the equaliser.

Vale did get an equaliser and it came on the hour when Joseph Youssef sent Dimitri Hatzimouratis clear of the Bees defence. The midfielder, who had been pushed up front in a Vale reshuffle, took a couple of touches before bearing down on Baird. He then drilled a low shot beyond the custodian and into the far corner to restore parity. Basil was far from pleased, and shortly afterwards replaced the ineffective Elasi with Goodwin: demanding more out of his side. Then just as Pascoe had had thoughts of a point off the unbeaten league leaders; Paz and Werribee broke their hearts with a 84th minute winner. That came when a free-kick from Matteo Ballan was met by another Paz header that found the net via the crossbar. 17 games unbeaten now for the Bees!

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar; Pistininzi (Murray 78); Ballan, Zaffina (Gorgovski 69); Paz, Holden; Elasi (Goodwin 64). Unused Substitutes: Ammache, Dunn, Parkinson, Davies.
Booked: Pistininzi
Man of the Match: Lisandro Paz
Position After Game: 1st

That booking against Pascoe Vale proved to be a financial hit for Mark Pistininzi as it was the defensive midfielder's fourth booking of the season. Under the league rules it meant the former Pascoe Vale player would now have to serve a one match suspension. It also meant he would be fined a day's wages under the Bees Code of Conduct. Now attention was switched to yet another away game, this time at promotion rivals Kingston City. A win there would really put the Bees into the proverbial driving seat as regards the P-word which Basil had banned all talk of the dressing room. Five games left to play, and maybe just maybe dreams could come true.

Matchday 18: Kingston City 1 - 2 Werribee City   (Attendance: 627)

Werribee's promotion charge continued with their 11th win of the season and 6th away from home. The win put a massive in Kingston City's own hopes it pushed them three points outside the second promotion slot. The unbeaten Bees made two changes to the side that won 2-1 at Pascoe Vale 15 days ago, and it was an enforced one at that. Mark Pistininzi was suspended for a single game under the yellow card totting up procedure; Bradley Murray came into the starting eleven to replace him. In the other change, top scorer Alec Goodwin was restored in place of Nathan Elasi.

Kingston took the lead midway through the first half, Werribee switching off at a set piece play and allowing central defender Simo Jovanovic to tuck home his first goal of the season from close range. But the Bees were not behind for long as they equalised just a minute later. Good work by Holden down the left saw him tee up Goodwin around the penalty spot and the striker pouched his 10th of the season with a confident finish beyond Dowisha.

The winner came nine minutes from half time, and what a goal it was. Nicholas Bavcar's throw in was headed out to Brandon Zaffina at the edge of the penalty area, and the midfielder took two touches before unleashing an unstoppable effort that just whizzed into the far corner. Some way to open your goalscoring account for the Club, eh? There were no further goals after that but the Bees now go to 18 unbeaten and just need four points from their remaining four games to send those champagne corks a popping.

Team: Baird; Lakic (Parkinson 73) , Collett ©, Petrov, Bavcar; Murray; Ballan (Gorgovski 67), Zaffina; Paz (Ammache 81), Holden; Goodwin. Unused Substitutes: Elasi, Dunn, Govedarica, Davies.
Booked: Petrov
Man of the Match: Brandon Zaffina
Position After Game: 1st

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 29: Don't want to be an April Fool

Four games that's all that remained in Basil Brush's maiden season as a football manager.

The title was within reach, just four points needed. But Basil had been a winner all his life so he set himself a new goal, finish the season unbeaten. That would be some achievement indeed. Even "The Gaffer" had never gone through an entire season unbeaten so this would be one thing that Basil might have over his mentor.

Yet keeping his size seven's firmly planted on the ground and not assuming anything was a given would be just as important as taking three points from an opponent. He opened his emails and there was the fixture one from John:



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 1 April 2020:, 10:00

Subject: April's Games

Hi Basil,

John here as usual. Inching closer to silverware, four points will do it. Then we can take the champagne out of the fridge and start popping some serious corkage. 

You've done a remarkable job it has to be said, even more remarkable considering you had no managerial experience when you came in. I've been so proud to work alongside you and see this Club set record after record. You deserve so much credit for it even though you're not the kind of person that likes to brag about achievements.

Anyway here are April's games:

Saturday 11 April 2020 - North Geelong Warriors @ Home 

Saturday 25 April 2020 - Northcote City @ Home 

Both games at home and a chance to lift the trophy in front of our own supporters. It doesn't sound any better than that, does it?

Yours in football as always,

John W.

So that was the stark reality. Should both Moreland Zebras and Brunswick City fail to take maximum points and Werribee did this month then as John said, the champagne could come out of the fridge and corks a popping. Time to finish the job once and for all then plan for 2020-21, but would that be in Werribee still? That would have to wait for now...winning those remaining games was the objective for the Club!

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 30: Crack open the bubbly!

It was the penultimate month of the season and it had all the elements needed to spark a celebration in the Melbourne suburb of Werribee. The Bees were on the verge of securing promotion to the third tier of Australian football under their rookie coach Basil Brush. Brush knew it, the players knew it, the fans knew it. Could they finish the job with games in hand?

The team had been unbeaten all season, an invincible season beckoned: the first time ever in Australian football. History books were there to be re-written.

Matchday 19: Werribee City 3 - 0 North Geelong Warriors    (Attendance: 245)

The first of back to back home games in April saw a then in-form North Geelong make the trip to the Galvin Park Reserve, could they stop the Bees making it 19 games unbeaten? Werribee showed a couple of changes from the side that defeated Kingston City in their last game, back came Mark Pistininzi after his one game suspension and club captain David Parkinson appeared in central defence in place of Bradley Murray and Daniel Petrov respectively. The Warriors had the worst beginning possible when they were reduced to ten men after just six minutes; midfielder Damien Rastocic being showed a straight red by referee Rob Eedy for a late and dangerous challenge on Michael Holden. It was the right decision looking at replays over and over again.

Encouraged by Brush's words, the Bees took the game to their numerically disadvantaged opponents. Yet it took 25 minutes after that red card for the deadlock to be broken. A quick throw-in from Nicholas Bavcar found Alec Goodwin in a pocket of space and the striker crossed for Brandon Zaffina to nod home his second goal of the season from just outside the six yard box. Werribee doubled their lead 40 seconds into the second half when another Goodwin cross was this time headed out by Warriors' Shaun Montagner but straight to the feet of right-back Tom Lakic who took a couple of touches before blasting the ball into the roof of the net for his maiden Bees goal.

The win was sealed four minutes from time, and with another landmark goal. Substitute Omar Ammache showed great persistence to get in his cross from the left wing despite being tightly marked; and there was Nathan Elasi on hand to poke home his first ever Werribee goal of the season at the seventh time of asking. That result also confirmed a ninth clean sheet of the season for Alex Baird, and with results going their way: promotion for Werribee.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar (Davies 79); Pistininzi; Zaffina, Ballan; Paz, Holden (Ammache 63); Goodwin (Elasi 74). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Gorgovski, Murray.
Man of the Match: Lisandro Paz
Position After Game: 1st

With promotion secured, Brush's next objective was to secure the title. Then the champagne could really be taken out of the fridge and celebrations could begin. Ever since the media had been talking about Werribee and their title aspirations at the end of the first half of the season, chairman Angus Brown had put a case of the finest Möet Chandon aside; chilling away in a fridge in the boardroom. Now it was just a case when it could be used so to speak. With another home game to come to finish off April, maybe sooner rather than later right?

Matchday 20: Werribee City 3 - 1 Northcote City     (Attendance: 479)

Brush and Werribee knew one thing going into this game, avoid defeat and the title was theirs despite whatever everyone else did. It was as simple as an equation as that. So in a surprise move, Brush made one change from the team that had won 3-0 against North Geelong a fortnight prior, Elasi started in place of top scorer Goodwin. Visitors Northcote City and their outspoken new manager Stephen Downes, who played for Grimsby Town and York City, were keen to upset the proverbial applecart.

It was a tense game but eventually the Bees exerted their influence and took the lead in the 23rd minute when Harry Johnson tripped Lakic as the full back charged into the penalty area. Up stepped midfielder Matteo Ballan, who Brush is desperate to tie down on a new deal, and he sent Petrovski the wrong way from twelve yards. The celebrations went up a further notch when the Bees scored their second ten minutes before half time. This time Ballan was the architect as usual with a free-kick deep into the penalty area and Elasi looped a header over Petrovski for his second in as many games. Proper bus syndrome as Brush alluded to post-game.

The champagne was certainly out of the fridge when Werribee scored their third 14 minutes from the end. Zaffina was afforded so much room to measure and pick out a cross which was easily headed in at the far post by substitute Ammache; his first for his new club. Joseph Louey scored his first ever goal for Northcote in the final throes but by then the game was long gone. Parkinson hoisted the trophy aloft minutes later and the celebrations could start in earnest.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Collett, Parkinson ©, Bavcar (Davies 67); Pistininzi; Zaffina, Ballan; Paz, Holden (Ammache 74), Elasi (Goodwin 74). Unused Substitutes: Petrov, Dunn, Murray, Weaver.
Booked: Bavcar
Man of the Match: Matteo Ballan
Position After Game: 1st

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Chapter 31: A busy final few weeks

A weary Basil staggered into his hotel suite after the NPL - Victoria 2 title had been secured. The party was something else indeed as players and staff celebrated as one in one of the most memorable days in the 50 year history of Werribee City. Fearing he would be pulled for a DUI, Basil hailed a taxi to get him back to the hotel but even that proved a tad problematic. Well...

The fans were so ecstatic about the title win, they were partying themselves in the Galvin Park Reserve car park and making hard for vehicles to enter and exit it. Who could begrudge them though? The last time Werribee had won this honour was way back in 1993, so long overdue indeed. Yet the work was far from done.

A few days before the Northcote game, Werribee had announced that Peter Haynes had been recruited as the Club's first ever Director of Football. Basil had been pursuing this matter all season, and finally the Bees had found someone to fill the role. Haynes, 38, who had a more than decent playing career of 72 goals in just 167 games had been acquired from Goulburn Valley Suns where he was fulfilling a similar role. Then just 24 hours after the celebration, Werribee welcomed another new face to the Galvin Park Reserve. Coming in as the new Youths Manager was four times capped former Croatian internationalist Joey Didulica. Didulica, who had spells at Ajax Amsterdam and AZ Alkmaar in his playing career as well as winning the Austrian league title with FK Austria Vienna, was the standout applicant and Brush was keen to work with him.

Brush was still trying to secure a new deal for star midfielder Matteo Ballan but at the calendar flipped into May, no deal had been agreed with the demands of the player being higher than what the board could afford to pay. Shades of Alec Goodwin earlier in the season, eh? But newly formed Macarthur FC monitoring proceedings, there was a distinct worry that the new Victoria - 2 champions could lose such an influential player whose creativity was second to none. Yet Brush hoped he could persuade the midfielder to stay...

That new month meant one more thing, John's fixtures email, the final one of the season.


From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 1 May 2020, 08:30

Subject: May

Hi Basil,

Hope the hangover has subsided now after an amazing last few days. We actually did it fella, we actually did it. I still have to pinch myself that this is all a dream, don't know about your feelings.

Really happy also that we're building something special in bringing Peter and Joey to the Club. To have a former internationalist working with our youth  team is a masterstroke. Hopefully it will take the team to the next level in building its reputation. But I know you're ambitious too and if something better comes up then you'd better considering taking it if I was you.

Anyway here are the final two fixtures of the season:

Saturday 9 May 2020 - Brunswick City (Away)

Saturday 16 May 2020 - Moreland Zebras @ Home 

Hopefully we can finish the season with a bang, and unbeaten too! Perhaps that'll be enough to try and get Ballan to sign a new deal with us and tell those at Macarthur where to stick it!

Yours always in football,

John W.

Two games from immortality, that's what remained. Basil was more determined as ever to finish this rookie season in the best way possible and that meant one thing, remain unbeaten and create history. Nobody had done it before in Australia, and Basil had never experienced it as a player either so it would be doubly sweet. Time to finish the job!

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Chapter 32: History is made!

Basil and Werribee City entered the final month of the season on the cusp of making more history. Never before in Australian football had a team finished the season without a league defeat. Now the Bees and the rookie Pom Manager stood on the verge of immortality. The task was simple, avoid defeat in the final two games of the 2019-20 season and Brush's name could go alongside Brendan Rogers (Celtic 2016-17), Arsène Wenger (Arsenal, 2003-04), Antonio Conte (Juventus 2011-12) to name just three modern day campaigns but who could forget the original Preston North End invincible campaign of 1888-89.

Everyone was suggesting they could do it but Brush being Brush, he wasn't getting too carried away with two very hard games to finish with: one which was away to second placed Brunswick City. Brunswick themselves had eyes on a prize, bagging that second promotion spot behind the Bees and a place in next season's NPL Victoria league: two tiers behind the A-League.

Matchday 21: Brunswick City 0 - 4 Werribee City    (Attendance: 569)

It was billed as the biggest test for Werribee in their bid to go through the season unbeaten. It ended up being the biggest win of the season for the visitors as they swatted their hosts aside with ruthless finishing. Brush opted to make two changes from the side that appeared in the Bees last game with Cameron Davies and Daniel Petrov coming in for Julyan Collett (surprisingly dropped) and Nicholas Bavcar (injured but also suspended).

Despite the changes, it took Werribee just six minutes to open the scoring. Tom Lakic swung in a cross from the right and Michael Holden planted a header beyond Sebastian Mattei for the left winger's seventh of the season. The lead was doubled in the 27th minute and it certainly sent the 266 visiting supporters dancing with delight. A beautiful through ball from Matteo Ballan sent in-form striker Nathan Elasi racing clear and he slipped the ball under Mattei into the gaping goal.

Two goals in the final stages sealed the comprehensive win. In the 87th minute, James Jones was adjudged to have blocked off debutant Amanze Kessie illegally in the penalty area; Ballan stepped up to ram home the resultant penalty into the bottom corner. It was the midfield playmaker's fourth of the season. Then in time added-on, Werribee completed the coup de grace with a fourth goal to really rub salt into the proverbial wounds. Jamie Gorgovski's cross was headed goalwards by Holden but Mattei could only palm it into his own net to add yet misery to the goalkeeper's miserable day.

Team: Baird; Lakic, Petrov, Davies, Parkinson ©; Pistininzi; Zaffina (Gorgovski 69), Ballan; Paz (Kessie 69), Holden; Elasi (Goodwin 80). Unused Substitutes: Collett, Dunn, Williams, Ammache.
Man of the Match: Matteo Ballan
Position After Game: 1st

Matchday 22: Werribee City 2 - 1 Moreland Zebras      (Attendance: 688)

History was made at the Galvin Park Reserve as Werribee City completed an incredible season by remaining unbeaten in all 22 league games, the first time in Australian football history. It capped an amazing season for the Bees and their rookie manager Basil Brush who was only appointed last July. For Brush, it represents a remarkable first ever campaign and leave Werribee with a possible fight on their hands to keep him.

Werribee took to the field in front of their largest crowd of the season, and there were two surprise selection choices from Brush. Second choice goalkeeper Thomas Dunn was rewarded with his first start of the season in place of Alex Baird whilst Gorgovski replaced Brandon Zaffina in central midfield. Two goals in nine minutes had them celebrating more on the day that the Champions flag was unfurled in the Melbourne suburb. The first came in the 21st minute, and it was a fourth goal in four games for Elasi. Holden provided a delicious cross from the left and the striker powered home a header from ten yards past Stephen Hatzikourtis.

The second came directly on the half hour and what a goal it was. Lisandro Paz picked up a throw-in from Lakic and fed it duly onto Gorgovski who took a couple of touches before unleashing an unstoppable shot from outside the penalty area that whizzed in the far bottom corner; Hatzikourtis given no chance whatsoever. Despite playing in a kit that reminded those present of Juventus, the visitors were far from being their lookalikes as Werribee controlled matters. However, the clean sheet for Dunn was taken away from him when Nick Niagioran headed in with just three minutes left. Yet the Zebras would finish the game with ten men as central midfielder Jake Barker-Daish was sent off for two yellow cards as the game entered injury time.

All hail the Werribee Invincibles!

Team: Dunn; Lakic, Petrov, Davies, Parkinson ©; Pistininzi (Collett 73); Gorgovski, Ballan; Paz, Holden (Ammache 65); Elasi (Goodwin 81). Unused Substitutes: Zaffina, Baird, Williams, Kessie.
Man of the Match: Jamie Gorgovski
Position After Game: 1st

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Chapter 33: End of season celebrations

It was with a very sore head that Basil woke up with the day after the final game of the season. The party had gone well into the night at the Galvin Park Reserve as the team celebrated an incredible achievement. Beer cans cast aside all over the dressing room, or as "the shed" as the players referred to it as, and bottles of champagne equally cast asunder.

Even Basil, normally a reserved character, allowed himself to go wild for a bit and embrace he and his squad had actually performed in the last eight months or so.

The following day, it was the Club's end of season shindig which meant yet party celebrations and more alcohol to consume. The team awards would be handed out, who would be the lucky recipients? For players, fans and management alike the tension could be cut with a razor sharp knife. Therefore at 7:00pm that Sunday evening, Basil stepped into the cab that the reception had called for him and headed to the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) where the Club had decided to hold the event...no expense spared by Angus Brown!

It was a proper black tie and tuxedo event, Basil thought he looked more like a penguin than a football manager, with players, fans, the fourth estate and dignitaries sat around tables of ten in the main conference centre. Following an impressive meal, it was time to present the awards with  local comedian Tom Gleeson acting as both Master of Ceremonies and entertainment for the evening.

The first award was the prestigious Fans Player of the Season. It was a hard fought award but midfield playmaker Matteo Ballan came out on top in the end. The 31 year old took the award ahead of winger Lisandro Paz with top scorer Alec Goodwin rounding out the top three. When asked by Gleeson if he was going to sign a new deal and snub Macarthur FC, Ballan was coy with his response: "Guess, we will have to wait and see.": Brush knew in the next few days, this would be his immediate task in hand before he headed back to England for a two week break to see his family.

Ballan's midfield partner Brandon Zaffina was next to take to the stage: his game winning strike at Kingston City being voted as the Goal of the Season. It was a fabulous strike on the day, and when it was replayed on the big screen: everyone was stood up and applauding how impressive it really it was. Award number three was the Signing of the Season, and taking this one was left winger Michael Holden who marked his second spell at the Galvin Park Reserve with some brilliant performances and justifying why Brush was so keen to bring him back home so to speak.

The penultimate award was the Young Player of the Season: winning this was 24 year old striker Goodwin. Before the season had kicked off, he had been in a contract stand off with the Club (similar to Ballan now), but terms were thrashed out just before the big-kick off and the striker rewarded his new boss' persistence with a double figure goal haul despite being out of the team for certain periods of time. 

The final award was the Fans Team of the Season based on the 21 players who played for the Bees this season. In Brush's favoured 4-1-2-2-1 formation, the side was as follows:

GK: Alex Baird

RB: Tom Lakic

CB1: Julyan Collett

CB2: Daniel Petrov

LB: Nicholas Bavcar

DM: Mark Pistininzi

CM1: Brandon Zaffina

CM2: Matteo Ballan

RW: Lisandro Paz

LW: Michael Holden

CF: Alec Goodwin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 34: We're going through changes

After the party, it was about time to plan for the new season. One of those issues that it was time to tell certain players that they were not needed next season and as a result they would be released on free transfers.

All in all, Basil had to tell seven players they were no longer needed. Those were as follows:

Nemanja Govedarica
Cameron Williams
Shaun Weaver
Bradley Murray
Cameron Davies
Damian Hodgson
Jani Lah

That meant Basil had to find a couple of goalies for his youth team and hope they develop, two new central defenders, a central midfielder and a striker. But with a bit of time on his hands this time, Basil was sure he could find the right pegs to fit in the right holes. There was to be a surprise before Basil boarded the flight back to GB though. Angus Brown called his manager into the office.

"Basil, I know you've got your flight back home on your mind but there's something I need you to know."
"Yeah sure, what is it?" Basil enquired
"Well I'm taking a back seat Basil."
"You what? You can't. I mean..."
"I've decided to cut back on my football commitments Basil. You've brought great pleasure to me and this football club but the time is right to do this."

Basil gulped.

"So what does this mean for me?"
"Nothing is different for you Basil. The Club is possibly being taken over, I've had two very good offers made and need to deliberate which is best for Werribee City. This explains why I haven't been able to sanction any transfers for you. Now you get on that big bird, and go and see that family of yours. We'll stay in touch with developments."
"Oh right, OK."

Four days later, Basil was sat in a country pub with the sun beating down, when his phone rang. It was an unknown number, one that wasn't stored. Sceptically thinking it was a scammer, Basil answered with trepidation.

"Basil? Basil Brush?"
"Erm, yeah that's me. Who is this?"
"Basil, my name is Craig Adam and.."
"Sorry Craig, I'm on holiday and I'm not interested in buying anything."
"No Basil, I'm not trying to sell you anything."
"So OK, how did you get my number?"
"From Angus, y'know Angus Brown. I've just bought Werribee City from him. So I thought I'd give you a quick call and introduce myself."
"Right..am sorry for the misunderstanding."
"Sure no worries big guy, you enjoy the break with the folks. I'll see you back in Melbourne when you're back, me and my chauffeur will pick you up from the airport."
"Yeah OK."

With that in mind, the call ended and Basil messaged his faithful lieutenant: John Waddell. "Start the player recruitment John" was the short and sharp message. The brief was to build a side capable of staying in the NPL Victoria Division, and not being drawn into a relegation scrap. Basil also knew with this being the second year of his two year deal, agreed with the former Chairman, all eyes would be on him. The invincible season that made him a possible wanted man.

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Chapter 35: New faces arrive

Despite being in England for the first couple of weeks, Basil was still very much hands on with his recruitment drive for the new season. Regular Zoom conversations were being held between him and John Waddell. Waddell would come up with a recommendation and then send all the details over to Basil complete with a video of the player in action for the manager to peruse over.

Once Basil had completed his due diligence, Basil and John would then convene and a decision whether or not to offer that player a contract. That process brought the Bees four new players as the calendar ticked over to July 2020. Having released seven at the end of the season, Basil knew he had to bring some new faces to provide healthy competition to those currently at his disposal. Those new faces were as follows:

Jordan Wilkes - D R: Free Transfer
Despite being only 25 years of age, Jordan has accumulated over 150 appearances since debuting for Heidelberg United in the 2013-14 season. Last season wasn't a good season for the defender though as he failed to tally a single outing for St. Albans Saints after joining them from Altona Magic. Predominantly a right back by trade, Wilkes can fill in as a central defender should circumstances call on him to do so.

Jordan Thurtell - GK: Free Transfer
Signed to provide extra competition to both Alex Baird and Thomas Dunn, Thurtell came through the Australian Institute of Sport programme before being snapped up by Perth Glory. Although he failed to make a single appearance for the Glory, there seems to be some untapped potential there which Brush is keen to take advantage of. Whether he displaces Baird as first choice is uncertain at present.

Oskar Dillon - D C: On loan from Western United
If at first you don't succeed then try, try again. Well that's true of the third Werribee signing for the 2020-21 season. Dillon was a target for Brush last season, but opted then to sign on loan for Oakleigh Cannons where he missed just one league game. Western United were keen for their young prospect to gain more experience and this time Brush and Werribee succeeded. Could he be the steal of the season?

Michael Cole - ST C: Free Transfer
With Shaun Weaver leaving the Club, there was a vacancy in the striking department that needed to be filled. Although, Cole is just 19, and unproven: there's something that Brush seemed to like in the former FC Bulleen Lions striker. It will be very interesting indeed to see what role he plays in the season ahead although he will be possibly a starter for the youths.

Added to that, there has been a further boost for the season ahead. Midfield playmaker Matteo Ballan had agreed terms on a new one year deal which will take him past his 32nd birthday on its conclusion. Brush had been keen to get his midfield maestro under contract and hopefully will be rewarded with more stellar performances as the Bees plan for life in the next level.

Edited by hockeybhoy71
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Chapter 36: On the move?

[justify]Basil knew that the first season had done wonders for him. He was no longer seen as an unknown; taking on a role which he had no experience of whatsoever. Although it was just that one season, it had been a productive one and one that some media pundits tipping big things to happen next for him.

The success had even hit back home in the UK; and especially in Basil's native North East. "Local boy done well" was the headline of the [i]Hartlepool Mail[/i] as they ran a story on Basil's success at Werribee. And his name was being linked with vacancies albeit some of them not massive. Geosonic Lowland League side Vale of Leithen had reputedly been interested in acquiring Basil but nothing came of it: Werribee had apparently asked for a compensation figure but the Vale baulked and pulled out. Then one day....

Basil was relaxing in between player searches when his mobile rang, once more it was a number that he didn't recognise.

"Hi, is that Basil Brush?"
"Erm, yeah speaking. Who is this?"
"The name is Lederer, Paul Lederer. I'm the Chairman of Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club."
"I just wondered if you could pop over to Sydney today. I'll get a flight booked for you as you don't want to be driving for nine hours..."
"Um, yeah. What time's the flight?"
"Couple of hours from now."
"We will look forward to meeting you then, I'll be in a car parked outside whilst my chauffeur will be in the meeting hall holding a board with your name on. Just follow him from there on, please. Oh, and thank you."
"Thank you."

Basil quickly showered, changed into his suit and hopped into his car. Thirty minutes later, he was all checked in at the airport and waited for the call for the flight to Sydney. Whilst sitting in the departure lounge, he decided to do some research. Wanderers were a Hyundai A-League side which represented a massive step up in class from Werribee. The PDF email that Paul Lederer had sent showed that Wanderers were financially sound which meant, if appointed, Basil wouldn't be raiding the bargain basement. Former Liverpool and Germany defender Markus Babbel had been a previous manager for a short spell before being succeeded by Ernie Merrick. Merrick had decided to retire from the game at the end of the season hence Lederer was keen to fill a role.

As he boarded the Airbus A319, Basil knew he was on a possible winner if he impressed Lederer enough. He could improve on their 11th position in the 2019-20 season, after all nobody had expected him to do what he did when he took over at Werribee did they?

A shade over four hours later, Basil brushed through security to be met by the chauffeur and led to a jet black limousine where Lederer was sat in the rear. The car then sped its way, its two passengers sharing a few jokes here and there in the back, to the Bankwest Stadium in Parramatta: 24 km west of Sydney City Centre but a shorter hop of 25 minutes from the airport. Once at the Stadium, Lederer ushered Basil to the board room and the two men talked in earnest for a good hour or so.

The chauffeur returned to whisk Basil back to the airport, and as he eventually took his seat on the return flight, Basil smiled to himself. "I think I did alright," Basil muttered to himself. "What will be, will be." Until he knew otherwise, Basil Brush would honour that second year at Werribee but if a new challenge presented itself to him then he'd take it with open arms. In the world of football management, Basil knew that was oh so true.

But was this too big a jump? Especially for a manager with very little experience.

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Chapter 37: A knock back leads to looking forwards

Basil sat in the hotel bar, laptop open and drinking a soda as the world passed him by. He was thinking about the Western Sydney Wanderers position he had just been interviewed for a couple of days previous. To be courted already by a Hyundai A-League side despite only having one full season's managerial experience represented a feather in the proverbial cap for Basil. Obviously the invincible season had done wonders for the Werribee manager.

Brush called "The Gaffer" (Sir Alex).

"Hello Basil," came the warm and welcoming Glaswegian tone.
"Hi Gaffer, how's things? Still enjoying that retirement?"
"Of course, been tending to some plants in the garden. What can I do for you?"
"Gaffer, I've had an interview for another managerial post."
"That's good son, you thinking about leaving Werribee after one season then?"
"Well not really.."
"Would it be a step up the managerial ladder then?"
"Yeah, Western Sydney Wanderers in the A-League."
"That's the pinnacle of Australian league football right?"
"How do you think you did?"
"Well, I thought I came across well to them."
"That's alright then. Just don't take it to heart if they turn you down, you've still got Werribee."
"Thanks Gaffer, you're the best."
"Haha, anyway I need to walk the dog. Let me know if you need anything else."
"No problems."

The call had only just finished when Basil received an email in his inbox. He opened it immediately.



From: Paul Lederer, Chairman

To: Basil Brush

Date: 8 July 2020, 16:43

Subject: Wanderers

Hi Basil,

Many thanks for taking the time to come to Bankwest and speak to me about the vacant managerial position here.

I really liked your enthusiasm for the game and what you want to achieve. You strike me as a manager that really wants to go places in football. However, I regret to advise you that you haven't been successful in your application. The Club have gone with another applicant whose experience in Australian football slightly edged it for him.

That's not to say you're not good enough, I am sure you will land a big job soon. Just keep believing in yourself and your abilities.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Lederer
Chairman - Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club

The first managerial knock back of his fledgling managerial career. Basil sighed and took a further gulp of the soda until it was well and truly empty, crushed the can, and composed himself. Werribee were his focus now, time to finish off the two year plan and then re-evaluate at the season's end. He had hardly time to compose himself when a second email arrived, this time from a more known source: John Waddell.



From: John Waddell

To: Basil Brush

Date: 8 July 2020, 17:00

Subject: Pre-Season 2020-21

Hey bud,

Good work on the transfer front so far, still think we need a few more acquisitions though. I've enclosed the pre-season schedule that I've been busy putting together. The Melbourne Victory game is obviously the stand out, it'll be a good test for us against the big boys like we did with Western United last season.

July: 18th - Melbourne Victory @ Home, 25th - North Caufield Maccabi (Away)

August: 1st - Brandon Park (Away), 8th - Beaumaris SC (Away), 15th - Doncaster Rovers (Away), 22nd - Endeavour Hills Fire (Away), 29th - South Melbourne @ Home 

September: 5th - Spring Gully United (Away), 12th - Moreland City (Away), 19th - Eastern Lions (Away), 26th - Northcote City @ Home 

I never read much in these results though, it's the league that matters and now we have a new chairman: a new face to try and impress. Don't think we can expect to have a season like last but if we finish top half then that'll be a real statement.

I'll see you at the Reserve tomorrow for the first team meeting with the players of the new season. They're itching to see what you have planned.

Yours in football,

John W.

Time to kick on, and prepare notes for that meeting. Basil was sure that the players were gonna be moaning about something, but he had no idea what. He would soon find out in a matter of hours.

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Chapter 38: Grumblings

It was that time again, the first meeting of the team for the season ahead. At the back of his head, Basil sensed something wasn't right but he couldn't fathom out what. Sure seven players had left the Club but none of them figured in the plans for the new season so those decisions were pretty much no brainers. The four newcomers would all be present so it was a good chance for everyone to become reacquainted after a summer break.

Time to clear the air.

Basil parked his car at the stadium and was met by John Waddell, his trusty lieutenant.

"Afternoon Basil."
"Afternoon John, anyone here yet?"
"Nope, just us at the moment."
"OK, we'll hold the meeting in the main stand instead of trying to squeeze into the sheds."
"Sounds good."

Then shortly one by one, the players arrived in dribs and drabs: senior and youth players alike. Each of them looked relaxed and disturbingly, confident as they started to seat themselves in the main stand. Basil and John remained stood out front, ready to address. Ten minutes later, all were present. Basil looked at his notes, composed himself, and spoke:

"Good afternoon guys, and for the newcomers here: my name is Basil Brush and I'm the First Team Manager here at Werribee City. I'd like to welcome you all to our first team meeting of the new season. First of all, it's good to see all of you looking so well after your break."

There was no noticeable reaction.

"I'd like to say to you, I think I was being a shade unrealistic when I said I thought we should aim for a mid-table finish this season. It's a step up in quality for us all, and we know we need to be on our A-game all season long."

There was a distinct grumbling as Basil finished those words. Basil noticed it, and looked at Waddell, his reaction said everything.

"OK then lads, you've got some kind of beef here and as the manager, I don't like this disharmony. Especially after what the majority of us experienced last season. Has anyone got the nerve to tell him what's amiss? After all, that's what these team meetings are for. If you're gonna stay silent then that's not gonna help anyone."
"I'll tell you what's up boss," Julyan Collett said as he rose from his seat. "I'm personally disappointed by the fact we look very lightweight in our midfield at present. It's as if you're just gonna rely on everyone that did well there last season and that's not on."
"Oh, is that it Julyan?"
"Yeah it is."
"Right. Anyone else think Julyan's right here?"

Alex Baird stood up, then Thomas Dunn and in the end, eleven players stood up to back up the vice-captain's comments. It was a real show of strength and unity something that Basil had never encountered before.

"I see, well we need to do something about it then."
"Yeah get some flipping reinforcements in otherwise we won't achieve whatever you're aiming for here." Collett replied, forcibly.
"Well, we're going to do something then. I do appreciate your honesty."
"Thank f**k you're listening then." 
"No need for that kind of language Collett, I appreciate we've not brought in that many new faces at the moment but this is going to be a priority for me and the Club. We don't have much in the shape of cash to spend on these reinforcements, in fact I'm not going to lie: we have nada, nothing. So I'm going to have to raid the free transfer and loan markets to strengthen. That process starts later today, I'll be sitting down with Wads (John Waddell) and we'll look to get the transfers done as soon as possible."
"We're hoping to have added to the squad come start of the season, this argument ends here." John Waddell added.

The players who had stood up, sat back down like a set of dominoes, one by one.

"Now that's addressed, I've got two more new faces for you. Please welcome to Werribee Steve Bebic who will help coach you and Robbie Cole as our Head of Youth Development. Robbie will address all the youth prospects separately."

The meeting carried on for a good half an hour after that, but Basil was still very unhappy with the atmosphere as the players drove away. "We're gonna need a few more newcomers Wads. Otherwise there's a potential storm brewing." Basil said to his assistant manager. John Waddell sighed and nodded, the second season preparations hadn't got off to be the best possible start at all.

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Chapter 39: We're going shopping

As Basil and John Waddell sat in the offices of Werribee City, Basil couldn't help but think about how uncomfortable that team meeting was. He had hoped that, despite the loss of seven players, the players would come back happy and ready to keep up the good work that had gotten them promoted. What he got was a squad that was on the verge of mutiny, led by Julyan Collett. Reinforcements had to be sought to try and get the harmony back in that dressing room. It would be a shame to let player power take over, and with a new Chairman to please as well. The team had to get back down to focus and ironing out their differences.

As the week towards that first pre-season game ticked on, Basil managed to bring in five newcomers. Two of them were against his transfer principles but when you have no money to spend, like Basil did, then every new face would be welcomed with open arms.

Lachlan Scott - ST C: Free Transfer
Basil had been tracking the striker all summer, and after weeks of negotiations: finally got his man. Scott was a poacher's poacher and had played in the A-League despite being only 23 now. He made 20 appearances for Western Sydney Wanderers in the three and half seasons he was there but as Wanderers cast their net further, the chances slowly dried up. A spell at Wollongong Wolves failed to kickstart his career so Brush has brought him to Werribee. His signing should put more pressure on Alec Goodwin and Nathan Elasi to deliver in front of goal. 

Josh Gaspari - M C: Free Transfer
The first of four midfielders to arrive that week. Josh is a hard working midfielder who was released by Gungahlin United at the end of a two year stint there. He's not afraid to add bit of aggression to his game so might be suited to breaking up team's attacks in midfield when called upon to do so. He has very good passing abilities which make him an asset to the Werribee midfield contingent and is always willing to support the attack and chip in with a goal or two.

Marinos Gasparis - M C: Free Transfer from Altona Magic
Basil didn't want to sign veteran players at all but when someone like Marinos seemed to be available then perhaps this is what the team needed to achieve what he wants to happen this season. Alongside Matteo Ballan, the new signing is one of the most technically gifted midfielders in the squad and if Ballan is not producing then Marinos can take over the mantle in game. He was named in Altona Magic's team of the season last season which goes to show how good he is despite his age. A risk worth taking on low wages, eh?

Michael Jessup - M C: Free Transfer from Yarraville Glory FC
The second veteran midfielder signed by Basil in as many days. Although he's at the tail end of a career, Brush sees this signing as an impact player who could change the game Werribee's way if circumstances dictate it to be. The board will obviously not be pleased with this signing or the one before but sometimes there's no actual substitute for experience. He has the potential, like Gasparis, to make those younger midfielders around him better players than they are now. And if that benefits Werribee then it was a short term risk again on low wages that paid off.

Brayden Holmes - M C: Free Transfer
The final signing of this frenetic period of recruitment was youngster Brayden Holmes, one that Basil sees as a work in progress. The youngster made 16 appearances for St Albans Saints last season after coming through their youth programme and was surprisingly not offered a full contract by them to continue his development. Capable of playing in central midfield or in the hole behind strikers, Holmes could be a diamond of a signing just waiting for a manager to let him unleash his full potential. He'll begin the season in the Werribee Youth squad but is one to keep an eye on.

So with these players in, Basil at least thought that this would improve the mood. In fact, it didn't. Collett was still moaning around that it wasn't good enough, and was refusing to talk with the manager at all. Basil decided action was needed and put the central defender on the transfer list as punishment. There was only room for one person to call the shots here and that certainly wasn't Julyan Collett. One player did seem happy about the recruitment drive though, left back Nicholas Bavcar came to see Brush personally and told him it was a smart stroke of business dealing the manager had done. Now if the others could see it that way...

Perhaps a signing of another central defender would really put the wind up Collett. Now that would be some statement...

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Chapter 39: Back into the routine

As the hours ticked on, Basil waited and waited. He had agreed terms with a new central defender but the question was: had the paperwork been registered in time for him to debut in the prestigious home friendly against Melbourne Victory which would start the pre-season preparations. Unfortunately for Basil and Werribee, time ended up being against them so Basil had to keep with what he had, and with the youths having a friendly same day, it meant a depletion of options. It also meant that Basil couldn't leave wantaway Julyan Collett out of the matchday squad this time out.

Collett was still unhappy, and nearly half the squad were siding with him. Now if the actual season got off to a more than decent start, perhaps the tide would start to turn back towards supporting the manager and stop being a bunch of spoilt brats. That Basil envisaged was one way of proving his way was indeed the right way. Then take stock from there.

Pre-Season Match 1:   Werribee City 1 -3 Melbourne Victory

A capacity crowd of 4275 flocked to the Galvin Park Reserve to see the City's principal Hyundai A-League side roll into the suburb of Werribee top open the Bees' pre-season campaign. The visitors were treating it with respect as they named their senior squad to face their part-time hosts. All the goals came in the first half. The first arrived in the 14th minute when right-back Leigh Broxham floated in a cross which met by a flicked header from former PSV striker Ola Toivonen into the top corner.

Five minutes later, Victory were 2-0 ahead. Former Danish internationalist Jakob Poulsen picked out the run of Toivonen and he sprinted clear to drill home a fierce right foot shot. The gulf in class was being very evident but Werribee halved the arrears five minutes from half time; Marinos Gasparis picked out Lisandro Paz unmarked on the right and his half volley whizzed home. Yet Toivonen completed his hat-trick in the 44th minute when Traoré picked him out and he ensured it was a perfect hat-trick (header, right, left) with a directed finish. There were no further goals after that but plenty of things for Werribee to look at in their usual post-game video analysis.

Team: ]Thurtell (Baird 56); Lakic (Wilkes HT), Petrov (Collett 69), Dillon (Zaffina 71), Bavcar (Parkinson 45); Pistininzi (Gorgovski HT); Gasparis (Jessup 56), Ballan © (Gaspari HT); Paz (Davis 56), Holden (Ammache HT); Scott (Elasi 56)
Scorer: Paz

Before the second pre-season match, Brush added a 10th and 11th new signing to the squad to add even more competition for places. The signings meant that Werribee had cover for every position in their side. However the dark mood generated by the Collett outburst meant that there was still work to do to get back to a happy dressing room. Brush welcomed the following players to Werribee:

Brendan Gonano - DM: Free Transfer

After the release of Bradley Murray in the close season, Werribee had no real cover should Mark Pistininzi get injured or be suspended. Thus when the opportunity to sign Brendan Gonano arose, Brush was keen to bring the 23 year old to Galvin Park Reserve. Like new  team-mate Jordan Thurtell, Gonano came through the AIS ranks before turning professional with Melbourne Victory. He didn't make an appearance for the A-League side but then bounced around before settling down at Richmond SC (in a second spell). Can fill in at right-back if needed.

William Abbott - D C: Free Transfer

Adding more competition to the central defence positions is the 11th new signing, William Abbott. When Collett had his outburst, Brush set to work in bringing in a quality replacement and he thinks he has found it in Abbott. At 27 year old, the new signing has plenty of time to get even better in a career that has seen him play for a number of clubs. The Tasmanian ticks all the boxes that Brush likes in a commanding central defender, height and a defender who just wants to er; defend. He also can fill in as a right-back if required such is his versatility.

Then to really turn up the heat, Brush asked Collett to show the newcomers and to help get them acquainted to their new playing surroundings. The rebel did as he was asked, but Brush spotted a scowl as the three players walked around. Talk about putting down a marker on someone.

Pre-Season Match 2:   North Caufield Maccabi 0 - 7 Werribee City

Werribee's second pre-season saw them travel to take on minnows North Caulfield Maccabi, and a good chance to bag a hatful for goals to improve confidence. New signing Gonano went straight in the squad, but Brush landed a surprise by fielding youngsters Nemanja Kojic and Vinnie Jarvis in central defence. This luxury meant that Collett was missing from the squad entirely which Brush saw as a way to teach the player a lesson, and to be honest the team didn't miss his involvement. Everyone in the 22 man squad got minutes, and as a whole it proved to be a good workout for the Bees.

The scoring started in the second minute. After Maccabi had halted one move, Gonano put the ball back into the mix and as the keeper came then hesitated, Lachlan Scott looped his header into the gaping goal. The 3 away fans were celebrating again in the seventh minute, Brandon Zaffina picking up a pass from Josh Gaspari to lash home an unstoppable effort from outside the box. Scott was back on the scoresheet in the 10th minute when he collected a pass from Zaffina, charged forward with intent, and hammered it in from just inside the right hand corner of the area and beating the luckless home keeper at his near post.

It was only a matter of time before he completed his hat-trick, and he had it in the 17th minute. Omar Ammache clipped in the cross and the striker just simply directed his header into the far bottom corner. Easy. Then he got a fourth and Werribee's fifth in the 29th minute, Jordan Wilkes stood a cross up to the far post and the striker did the remainder. A sixth came five minutes later when Scott got baulked in the penalty area as he challenged for a Paz free-kick. Paz stepped up and confidently dispatched from twelve yards. Brush changed the side completely which caused a lack of tempo but there was still time for a seventh in the 53rd minute, Michael Holden applying the finishing touch to what looked a goal bound header from fellow substitute Oskar Dillon. Seventh heaven indeed.

Team: Baird (Thurtell HT); Wilkes (Lakic HT), Kojic (Petrov HT), Jarvis (Dillon HT), Parkinson © (Bavcar HT); Gonano (Pistininzi HT); Gaspari (Gasparis HT), Zaffina (Holden HT); Ammache (Davis HT), Paz (Holden HT); Scott (Goodwin 59)
Scorers: Scott 4, Zaffina, Paz (pen), Holden

Edited by hockeybhoy71
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  • 3 weeks later...

Career snapshot

Here we will document what has been achieved in the career so far, including any managerial changes. It will be updated at the end of every season.

1 July 2019 - present Werribee City: Playing Record: 15-7-0, Trophies Won: NPL Victoria 2 Championship, Personal Accolades: None

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