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Journalists lack name etc.

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Hi guys

I have a problem, or atleast I think it is a problem.

I checked alot of other threads and couldn't find anyone with the same issue\concern as me, so here goes:

Whenever I'm attending a pressconference, all the journalists are named "a journalist".

Also, their personality and our relasionship both say N\A.

Is it supposed to be like this (I have to get to know them first) or do i have to fix it? If so, how?



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I'm managing in England and have a journalist with a name, although he is from a made up generic source called "The Leicester Football Free Press".

No other journalists who have turned up at press conferences have names though.

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because you would also need to have made up sources as well. you can't have "made up journalist name" who is reporting for "the sun", for example, because of licencing laws.

you could however have "john-bob bobbins" as a journo who works for "the daily evening united kingdom news of the country" newspaper, for example.

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