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Frequently Conceding from Long Goal Kicks...

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Help! Across 2 different saves I've been conceding around 10 goals per season from the opposition goal keeper kicking the ball from his hands straight over the top of my defence for the striker to be clean through on goal. 

Now I know, you might think easy fix! Drop the defensive line back.. No, I've tried numerous combinations of line of engagement and defensive line combined with pressing intensity and preventing short goal kicks. Nothing has worked! I thought if I went v low defensive line and low line of engagement with less urgent pressing it would stop but I still conceded 3 in 10 games from it. 

I also thought maybe long goal kicks are v effective this year so have been getting my keeper to distribute behind their defensive line for 3 seasons.. Not even produced me a key highlight yet I've conceded about 30 in those 3 seasons from it. 

Is anyone else having a similar issue? Am I unlucky or is their a key tactical change I should make? (tried cb's on cover as well) 


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I'm playing in tier 6 England. I notice in one game the ai kept trying long balls over the top. I ignored it until they scored twice from it! 

I dropped my defensive line to lower and put my fastest  CB on cover. Worked a treat. They had no answer, he cut out the long balls with ease and I went on to win.

I tell this story as its the first time in ages that I consciously made a tactical change during a game that actually worked 🙂

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Not seeing this in my game - my defensive line is as low as it can go. Not to counter this issue, but because my team are awful.

I would also not call 10 goals "frequent", but I suppose it depends on which league you are playing in and how many games you play.

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3 hours ago, Junkhead said:

Not seeing this in my game - my defensive line is as low as it can go. Not to counter this issue, but because my team are awful.

I would also not call 10 goals "frequent", but I suppose it depends on which league you are playing in and how many games you play.

34 game season in the Bundesliga.

Can you find me a real life example of a team conceding 10 goals a season from goal kicks? I can't. Thus I believe it worthy of the word frequent.. 

Edited by DezyNev
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8 hours ago, Overmars said:

The best thing you can do is use fast central defenders with good anticipation, jumping, and heading and hope they don't get caught out.

My first choice CB pairings have 13 and 14 acceleration and 14 and 15 pace. That's pretty quick! I don't want to have to just buy CBs with 16s just to avoid this, it seems stupid. 

Even in my other save where I play with 3 CBs, one of which is Luiz Felipe on cover with a standard defensive line, we concede from long goal kicks. Mainly annoying cos it's something that's only benefitting the AI on my saves, I haven't found a way of replicating it myself. 

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3 hours ago, ImDaWeasel said:

It's your tactics or whoever's tactics you are downloading. Haven't conceded a long goal kick since sorting out my defence myself 40+ games ago.

How did you go about sorting out your defence? I'm running out ideas myself! 

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48 minutes ago, DezyNev said:

34 game season in the Bundesliga.

Can you find me a real life example of a team conceding 10 goals a season from goal kicks? I can't. Thus I believe it worthy of the word frequent.. 

Yeah, you may be right. In lower leagues it happens reasonably often, but I don't have any stats. Wasn't meaning to come across as dismissive. Apologies.

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24 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

Yeah, you may be right. In lower leagues it happens reasonably often, but I don't have any stats. Wasn't meaning to come across as dismissive. Apologies.

In lower leagues happens at least 3-4 times per match (luckyly not always scored)... it can be due to lower league poor defenders, sure, but in lower league GKs are poor too but they still manage to reach their strikers with a precision above 80%....

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2 hours ago, DezyNev said:

How did you go about sorting out your defence? I'm running out ideas myself! 

Dropped my backline to standard, never any higher regardless who I play against. Set both centre backs to BPD-C. Have at least one full back sitting further back too ie. not on WB-A or CWB-A.  Play offsides and press the GK too. Covered them long balls pretty much for good. Just basic stuff. The ME is one of the most accurate ever when it comes to reacting to your tactics. 

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I would also avoid tight marking if you are consistently having this issue, at least for your CBs. That will make them stand off the forwards more and have a little bit of cushion. Maybe also stay on feet and even have them press less. If they aren't consistently winning the ball when challenging for it, the alternative is to stand off and avoid being beaten. Of course this will have knock on effects if the opponent constructs possession moves near your box, but if your biggest issue is the long ball over the top, making your CBs less aggressive and standing off more can help.

I personally stay away from offside trap, but if your defenders have a good partnership and the right attributes it could help. If they don't have a strong partnership or the right attributes, it will just make the long balls over the top worse.

Edited by woolymuffler
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I tend to score several goals like this. Typically my goalkeeper holds ball in his hands for a while then fires a long kick for the strikers. Worth to note that my team instructions include 'distribute quickly', 'play out of defence', 'distribute to full backs' and 'roll it out' so basically my GK regularly ignores all of this. Imo it's just a tendency of current ME.

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