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This is TangFu skin FM2021 Skin.





Clear the cache before using it!

Clear Cache!!!Clear Cache!!!Clear Cache!!!

If game crashed, please clean cache! and delete “Documents\Sports Interactive\crash dumps”




Heffem skin(FM20)


Wannachup skin

YACS skin(FM20)

Tad Twenty skin(FM20)





Have a good time!!


Edited by tracisloo
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@tracisloo Really like the club overview of this in particular- could you share which panels/graphics are needed to replicate just this element of the skin? At the moment for personal use I have a mashup of TCS/Rensie/Colour header mods  and Custom in Match panels but would love to use the club overview from your skin for mine. Currently missing some bits though when I copy across the elements / panels I can identify are needed;

Great work overall on the skin though - feel free to message directly if you're able to help me out with the info! :)358717152_ScreenShot2020-12-20at09_41_57.thumb.png.dadfe085f74ee753b6940f76ece42f5c.png

Seem to be without whatever is needed for the Honours to show Trophy images, the Player Profile Cards and Faces of Last Starting 11!


Edited by giglet13
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to get the fitness/condition to show as a percentage on the squad screen but am generally happy with the dark version of the main skin. Is it possible to take a panel file from this skin and add it to the dark skin to add fitness/condition percentage?


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Em 03/01/2021 em 07:28, frank_olaf disse:

I'm trying to get the fitness/condition to show as a percentage on the squad screen but am generally happy with the dark version of the main skin. Is it possible to take a panel file from this skin and add it to the dark skin to add fitness/condition percentage?


Have you managed to get the fitness/condition as percentage? If you have it, I am looking for that fix as well. Tried messing around with the files from TangFu but no luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
En 5/1/2021 a las 15:06, lugui dijo:

Have you managed to get the fitness/condition as percentage? If you have it, I am looking for that fix as well. Tried messing around with the files from TangFu but no luck.

Need that info too... i'm gonna ward this thread xd

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17 horas atrás, a31632 disse:


I tried that method you kindly explained there, but no luck whatsoever.

In fact, most of my files dont even have the original configuration to be modified to start with (using default files from DarkBase Skin). Trying to simply insert the instructions given there kinda messed up my views...and I my skinning knowledge is limited,, unfortunately. Also tried to use files from skins that have it in there, got nothing...

Would you mind sharing the working files so we can try with the correct coding already? 

Edited by lugui
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1 hour ago, lugui said:

I tried that method you kindly explained there, but no luck whatsoever.

In fact, most of my files dont even have the original configuration to be modified to start with (using default files from DarkBase Skin). Trying to simply insert the instructions given there kinda messed up my views...and I my skinning knowledge is limited,, unfortunately. Also tried to use files from skins that have it in there, got nothing...

Would you mind sharing the working files so we can try with the correct coding already? 

My files are customized to my skin, so the best thing to do if you don't have all files (or none) in your skin, to extract these with the "resource archiver" in the game. That way you have original "untouched/unedited" panels where you can make the changes in as I indicated. Please follow my instructions on how to load/reload the skin (empty cache etc.) as it might not work otherwise. I have been "recaching" and reloading my skin a lot as I'm still perfecting my skin  and I still have all this showing, so it definitely works.

Never got it to work in this "Tangfu" skin though, I can only speak from my own experiences and how to get it working in my own skin

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在 2021/1/15 在 AM12点51分, lugui说:

I tried that method you kindly explained there, but no luck whatsoever.

In fact, most of my files dont even have the original configuration to be modified to start with (using default files from DarkBase Skin). Trying to simply insert the instructions given there kinda messed up my views...and I my skinning knowledge is limited,, unfortunately. Also tried to use files from skins that have it in there, got nothing...

Would you mind sharing the working files so we can try with the correct coding already? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/01/2021 at 18:25, frank_olaf said:

I've just started using this skin and cleared the cache but I am still not seeing the condition %, I still get the heart symbol. Is there anything I need to do to get condition to show as a percentage?


From memory, I got this by changing the zoom to 85%

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
10 小时前, blejdek说:

Hello !

Is gonna tangfu skin be available for fm 2022 ??? Got really addicted to it in fm 2021 :DD 

Especially because the condition and sharpness were in percentages, I absolutely hate icons (no hate please). :)


sorry,i have no time to upload .

About  2day later ,i will upload it.

you can try this. i only upload it in chinese website.


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12 hours ago, tracisloo said:


sorry,i have no time to upload .

About  2day later ,i will upload it.

you can try this. i only upload it in chinese website.


No problem man, just take your time and upload it when you have time :)

I am just very happy that you made it for football manager 2022, I cant tell you how much I love it :) 

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