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Here the results with Liverpool, not because that's a challenge, but because most other tactic creators show their results with liverpool, and you can compare them better...
104 pts, all cups, and 30 clean sheets, only 8 goals against and still best scoring team in the league with more than 100 scored
unbeaten season, no losses in premier league or any of the cups



Edited by DavyDepuydt1
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4 hours ago, DavyDepuydt1 said:

Here the results with Liverpool, not because that's a challenge, but because most other tactic creators show their results with liverpool, and you can compare them better...
104 pts, all cups, and 30 clean sheets, only 8 goals against and still best scoring team in the league with more than 100 scored
unbeaten season, no losses in premier league or any of the cups



wow, just amazing, only 8 goals conceded and no loss, by far the best "nomal" tactic in this ME

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So far so good.. using liverpool.. first game with arsenal 6-0 win, 3-2 to man utd away game.. 4-0 to leeds home game.. 

Pls dont say its liverpool u can win everything.. thats not true.. sometimes its the way they play and the satisfaction. I used a tactic called phoenix and won a quadruple with liverpool but i dont feel it.. the satisfaction..  so far this tactic is good

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@ygooh7 This was a superb tactic up until the last update, which SI released on thursday. SI loves ruin games. 

Do you know if the creator will update the tactic?

I played FM early on thursday with Newcastle. Everything was fine. Then yesterday I fired up the game, and suddenly everything is ****. Didn’t find out they updated the game until late last night. 


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On 09/01/2021 at 19:02, Ricketts147 said:

I also didnt realise about the update.  I was flying in my save, now I cant see to score anymore and draw 0-0 or 1-1 most games.

Ah well, back to drawing board to create a new tactic!

Same boat here. Was loving this tactic and suddenly it collapsed like a wet fart.

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It still works, just switch from "Positive" to "Attacking" ;)

I am only playing the Demo, but I'm pretty sure its the latest match engine.

Also take into consideration that we dropped 7 points in missed penalties(scored 1 in 5)


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I'm really surprised this tactic isn't receiving a lot more praise :confused:

I bought the game and in my first save with West Ham, making only 1 forced transfer in January I came 5th and won the FA Cup.

I'm 30 games into season 2 and we are top(although Liverpool have a game in hand)

We have the best defence by a mile and a faultless consistency.

(I'll upload some images later)

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So, we won the league in season 2 and we were practically unplayable, conceding only 19 goals in 38 league games and we were the second top scorers.

I was looking forward to Champions League football in season 3, but I knew before the season started that we were not going to find it as easy as the previous season. The players seem to have deteriorated from the season before despite winning the league, Caraboa cup and losing out on a Euro Cup final on penalties.

I have the same back 6(includes gk) as last season, in fact, all I did was bolster the squad a little with some quality to hopefully progress in the CL, but its like they are playing a different tactic to the previous season and I've also noticed a lot of stupid decisions on the pitch which weren't there previously.

Oh well, I suppose I got two decent seasons out of the game, more than I ever expected after deciding to buy the game after giving up on it two releases ago.

Unless there was another update, none of it makes any sense.




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If anyone's interested, I made a tweak that seems to have made a massive difference to my fortunes in season 3

I went back to the previous save where I left off when I was struggling and managed to secure 4th place.

I switched the IWB's to WB's and replicated as many instructions I could from one to the other.

If anyone want's to have a try I've uploaded it.

I also had some success changing the wing back instructions to "defend" to see out tight games and "attack" when needing a goal.

Obelisk (4-5-1) v1.0 Tackle AttackWB.fmf

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  • 4 weeks later...

This tactic is still way ahead of any other tactic I've tried on FM21(although I'm sure the next  patch will ruin it)

Here's how to use it

Underdogs - If you have a poor team for your division use the original tactic from the first post(remove tackle harder) You will definitely overachieve, but it is how much you overachieve and how much you improve your squad that will decide which version you use in season two.

If you somehow managed to win the league then you will find that the tactic will struggle in season two and you will either have to switch to the "Attacking" version, which is the original(minus tackle harder) with the only change being team mentality from "positive" to "Attacking" or, if you find that doesn't work you should switch to the "Attacking" version with WB's that I uploaded.

Once you have won the league then you are probably going to have to make another switch if you find that both the "Attacking" version and the "Attacking version with WB's" isn't enough anymore then its time to switch to the "Very Attacking with Attacking WB's" version which I have uploaded.

Once you are the best team in the World(my Chelsea test - season three) then you should only ever need to use the "Very Attacking with Attacking WB's" version and if you find you have the odd game where you're struggling to win, then its time to employ a couple of opposition instructions for that extra bit of Oomph.

First identify the oppositions key players and be sure to use Tackle Harder via the OI's. Then, again identifying the oppositions key players, employ the OI show onto weaker foot(if indeed they have a weaker foot)

That is pretty much it, but I have found that the following can also make a significant difference

1. Do not change tactics depending on opposition. It may seem to work at first, but I found that over the course of a season our consistency of results suffered as a consequence. So choose your tactic for that season depending on the criteria I've listed above and stick with it, unless..... your results and performances are dropping, then you probably need to switch to the next more attacking tactic.

2. Unlike past FM's I've noticed that completely changing your whole team from one match to another causes a loss of performance. I used to always have a League 11 and a  Cup/Champions League/Euro Cup 11, but that will no longer cut it(I've found) in FM21. Making around 3-4 changes doesn't seem to upset things at all, but once you hit 8 or more changes you might find yourself struggling. In a way this helps because you don't require such a big squad, personally I've gone from 23-24 in past FM's down to 19 or 20 and if you find that you need cover for a couple of positions, grab a couple of players on loan. 


Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version IWB's Positive Underdogs.fmf Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version IWB's Attacking.fmf Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version with WB's.fmf Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version Very Attacking.fmf

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Halfway through the season and we have started to draw a lot of matches that we should be winning.

I made the choice to go from using Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version IWB's Positive to Obelisk (4-5-1) My Version IWB's Attacking. It's early days but its looking promising.

I've uploaded a pic of the league table at halfway through the season to give an idea of what was achieved and a couple of images from the sort of games I was seeing, which made me move up a tactic.

Edit - The Villa Palace games(half time) stats I was 0-1 down at half time - The Leeds game stats I lost 1-2 and missed a pen. 




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