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Low Player Ratings After Update


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Neil has literally just said that because it affects ALL players in an active league, not just user players, that it isn’t as game breaking as it would be for just user controlled players.

I want the ratings fixed as much as anyone, and they will be, as Neil has now said on more than 3 occasions. We just need to be patient.

Read between the lines. If you were brand new to FM you wouldn’t even know there was an issue I’d imagine. In my current save my ST has 11 goals in 13 games. He has a rating of 7.16. I know full well he should have a minimum rating of 7.6 at the very least. It’s not hard to know who is playing well and who isn’t. Just add something like .50 to any overall rating and you’ll be close to knowing how that player is playing, based on ratings we have come to expect in FM.

Yes morale could be an issue, press conferences are a bit silly and all the other knock ons. But they’re happening right across any loaded leagues. It’s not just you and your team.

From what I’m reading from the devs my guess would be a hot fix for this one. Not that they’ve said that directly, because they just can’t. But reading between the lines, that is my hunch. 

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5 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Neil acaba de decir literalmente que debido a que afecta a TODOS los jugadores en una liga activa, no solo a los jugadores usuarios, no es tan rompedor como lo sería para los jugadores controlados por el usuario.

Quiero que las calificaciones se fijen tanto como cualquiera, y lo serán, como Neil ha dicho en más de 3 ocasiones. Solo tenemos que ser pacientes.

Leer entre lineas. Si fueras nuevo en FM, ni siquiera sabrías que hay un problema que me imagino. En mi salvamento actual, mi ST tiene 11 goles en 13 partidos. Tiene una calificación de 7.16. Sé muy bien que debería tener una calificación mínima de 7,6 como mínimo. No es difícil saber quién juega bien y quién no. Simplemente agregue algo como .50 a cualquier calificación general y estará cerca de saber cómo está jugando ese reproductor, según las calificaciones que esperamos en FM.

Sí, la moral podría ser un problema, las conferencias de prensa son un poco tontas y todos los demás golpes. Pero están sucediendo en todas las ligas cargadas. No solo eres tú y tu equipo.

Por lo que estoy leyendo de los desarrolladores, supongo que sería una solución urgente para este. No es que lo hayan dicho directamente, porque simplemente no pueden. Pero leyendo entre líneas, esa es mi corazonada. 

Could you put some solution to see what our players really do well ?

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The ratings issue is kinda ruining the game for me a bit now along with some aspects of the me since the last patch, shots and crosses constantly being blocked and noticing less cut backs and more shots from daft angles again. Add to this some of the just stupid questions and lists of answers in the press conference and other UI and smaller immersion faults like teams 20mins apart travelling the day before an away game and staying the night of thengame and travelling back next day

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On 01/01/2021 at 19:37, barbecuepit said:

Thanks for acknowledging the existence of this issue!

I do think the player values are hugely affected though, player ratings are correlated with player performance which directly impacts development. I've had my full backs and strikers suffering attribute and value drops due to these 'poor performances'. 

I have had to stop playing the game for fear of my players development being further stunted as i await, hopefully, a hotfix.

Exactly. Low ratings affect morale, which affects development. Which affects attributes and team performance across the board. The only thing not making this destructive to the game is it happens to all teams. But when the media is still treating a 6.3 as a clanger, and you don't have enough subs to remove all the underperformers, it very much is affecting performance across the board. 

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I also forgot to mention the DM position. It is so bugged as well. In FM 20 this position with Bennacer or Tonali could as a Regista or DLP come close to a season average of 8.00. Now even though I’m number one they have season averages around 6.70-6.90. 

The consequence of that is that the value of Bennacer and Tonali doesn’t rise and they get no awards. Extremely frustrating!! 

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I always see that central strikers (STC) have very low match ratings. If thet don't score, it is 6.1-6.4 rating. They are extremely underestimated.

When you look at the league player ratings statistics, you can't see hardly any Strikers.

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3 hours ago, rumian83 said:

I always see that central strikers (STC) have very low match ratings. If thet don't score, it is 6.1-6.4 rating. They are extremely underestimated.

When you look at the league player ratings statistics, you can't see hardly any Strikers.

The hole rating system is completely broke after the latest patch. 

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It's not fixed anything related to this issue. Presumably this wasn't meant to be the fix for this issue? If it was, it hasn't worked


Key tackles still not registering in leagues with human player

Key passes still much higher in leagues with human player

Clear cut chances still much lower in leagues with human player (Although this seems to be more broken in leagues with no human player, 24 clear cut chances created in 1 game for instance)

Crosses attempted still much higher in leagues with human player

Number of dribble attempts still much lower in leagues with human player

Key Headers much higher in leagues with human player

Clearances much higher in leagues with human player

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This issue was about player ratings. Not about the game registering player stats in the ME.

For the issue raised in this thread, player ratings, the hot fix has worked. Seeing ratings much more like we’re all used to after the fix.

As for the registering of stats, I guess that will come in the next update. 

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40 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

This issue was about player ratings. Not about the game registering player stats in the ME.

For the issue raised in this thread, player ratings, the hot fix has worked. Seeing ratings much more like we’re all used to after the fix.

As for the registering of stats, I guess that will come in the next update. 

It does seem marginally better, maybe I was quick to jump on it as thought the issues were inherently linked. It seems like full backs and deeper lying centre midfielders are able to score more highly on points again without relying on goals or assists which is a promising start.


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5 hours ago, joebocop89 said:

It's not fixed anything related to this issue. Presumably this wasn't meant to be the fix for this issue? If it was, it hasn't worked


Key tackles still not registering in leagues with human player

Key passes still much higher in leagues with human player

Clear cut chances still much lower in leagues with human player (Although this seems to be more broken in leagues with no human player, 24 clear cut chances created in 1 game for instance)

Crosses attempted still much higher in leagues with human player

Number of dribble attempts still much lower in leagues with human player

Key Headers much higher in leagues with human player

Clearances much higher in leagues with human player

What is league with human player???

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It's a shame this, managed to get Sheff Utd to 5th in the first season by playing a 5-3-2. Back 5 were LWB (Wing Back - Support), RWB (Wing Back - Support), 2 CB (Ball Playing Defenders - Defend) and the other CB (Central Defender - Cover). The back 5 had extremely low ratings (usually maximum 6.5) to the point where I actively criticised performances, berated etc, when really it seems like a game issue.


It does have more of an effect than it initially seems, I sold players, dropped players etc based off the ratings so it radically changed my save. 



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6 minutes ago, Abysmal said:

I really dont know what it is happening to my game. Winning 3-0, 4-1, 2-0 and yet still consistently getting 6.5, 6.6 ratings, im really not sure what to do at this moment.

Have you updated the game? Check for updates as soon as mine updated it was back to normal 

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimWombat said:

Have you updated the game? Check for updates as soon as mine updated it was back to normal 

Yeah its updated, exited and restarted steam to make sure and then checked the game details and it all says up to date. Just wondering if its my actual game that is bugged or something?

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Whilst this is alot better now, in that it's at least now possible for a full back to get over a 6.3 rating, whereas before that would be pretty much their cap. However, the issue is definitely still present. In leagues with a user controlled team you can see that over the course of the season all full backs drift to being the lowest rated players in each team. Whilst it's not easily perceptible it looks like the base performance for a full back is lower than that of other positions. Whilst it's not as jarring, as at least now they do get rewarded for clean sheets and attacking contributions there is still something not right

This doesn't seem to be an issue in leagues without a user controlled team. Which makes me wonder if it is something to do with the other issue surrounding key tackles, key chances, crosses attempted etc. that is also posted on this forum.

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Apparently it’s not linked to those missing stats being registered, although rationally it’s hard to believe it doesn’t make a difference.

I haven’t looked into it in as much detail as some but I can confirm that the hotfix has made a difference by the amount of lovely green I am seeing post match now.

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8 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Apparently it’s not linked to those missing stats being registered, although rationally it’s hard to believe it doesn’t make a difference.

I haven’t looked into it in as much detail as some but I can confirm that the hotfix has made a difference by the amount of lovely green I am seeing post match now.

Yeah surely the average ratings are determined by an algorithm that factors in all the other stats, and makes it relevant to position i.e. important for defenders to make key tackles therefore ratings higher.

They will go and fix the key tackles issue and the average ratings will then all be 9s for defenders in games they let in 5 goals.

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I feel like the patch has done something indeed. Gotta admit that I wasnt have big issues even prior to patch. My team was msotly in the 6.8-7.1 range prior to patch. Not ideal but wasnt the huge issue others reported. Even the positions that were suffering (defense line) had averages around 6.9.


After the patch what I mostly noticed is that players seem to be able to get good scores without scoring or assiting a lot. Higher 8+ are seen sometimes without needing to score twice. Defenders seem able tos croe 7+ consistently too. 7.5 for the one that is doing best ina match seems relatively common too now.

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I don't get it am I doing something wrong? 

I played a complete season in league one with the latest update and searched for strikers with an average rating 7.00 or above and in total there are 3 strikers within the whole league with a rating above 7.00. 

Within a the search parameters I unticked the interested box and put league appearances above 10 am I missing something? Are others seeing the same thing and is this right? 

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I see the strikers too low ratings. If they don't score or have assist, they get vary low match ratings.

When I look at the season statistics (average ratings) I can't see hardly any strikers in top ten. I think that it is impossible for striker to be the best player (average ratings).

They should have more impact to the game.

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2 hours ago, rumian83 said:

I see the strikers too low ratings. If they don't score or have assist, they get vary low match ratings.

When I look at the season statistics (average ratings) I can't see hardly any strikers in top ten. I think that it is impossible for striker to be the best player (average ratings).

They should have more impact to the game.

Yea this is what Im seeing, its very disappointing.

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0 key tackle or 0 tackle attempts and I'm half way thought the season I took stoke over about 2 months ago in game time, please fix this SI I cant play like this as I have only just noticed it from this post, this is game breaking for us tbf


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33 minutes ago, jckc221013jamie said:

0 key tackle or 0 tackle attempts and I'm half way thought the season I took stoke over about 2 months ago in game time, please fix this SI I cant play like this as I have only just noticed it from this post, this is game breaking for us tbf


This is just getting ridicilous

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4 hours ago, cocoadavid said:

The ratings of my central defenders worsened since the update. Unless they score a goal, they usually don't get a higher rating than 6.5-6.6, despite having a solid defence.

Yep. The same here. My WBs got a little better, but my CBs is just horrible now. What the hell is SI doing?!?!?

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Please do something with strikers. They have very poor match ratings. If they don't score or have assist they are permanently the worst players in whole team.

Even when you look at the league statistics, it is almost impossible to see them on top ten (maybe one).

I hope that SI pay attention on STC in next update.


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6 minutes ago, rumian83 said:

Please do something with strikers. They have very poor match ratings. If they don't score or have assist they are permanently the worst players in whole team.

Even when you look at the league statistics, it is almost impossible to see them on top ten (maybe one).

I hope that SI pay attention on STC in next update.


I hope they just update the whole rating system so players can get higher ratings. 

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On 12/01/2021 at 17:40, cocoadavid said:

The ratings of my central defenders worsened since the update. Unless they score a goal, they usually don't get a higher rating than 6.5-6.6, despite having a solid defence.

I do still think the ratings could be improved but I don't find it anywhere near as bad as before the hotfix. My centrebacks however are usually my most consistent performers the lowest rating they have gotten is a 6.8 (unless they make a mistake leading to a goal)

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it's my advanced playmaker (cm) (A) that never seems to get a high rating, in my last game , he was creating good chances and nice passing and got an assist even the game commentary said that the assist will be shown again and again but only got a rating of 7.0, now if the rest of the game he was terrible fair enough, but he was running the show

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5 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

how are everyone's DM ratings? mine struggle to get above a 6.6

The highest I’ve got is 6.93 in a season average with Tonali as DLP in DM position. And that’s on a side who won the league. It’s just so frustrating. Tonali is one best DM in the game. He should be able to get around 8.00 season average rating. !!

@Neil BrockRonaldo is one of the best players in the history. He scored 30 goals this season, but could only get a season average of 7.24. Please fix this. 

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12 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

how are everyone's DM ratings? mine struggle to get above a 6.6

Same here mate my deeplying playmaker on defend always has terrible rating even when i win games by like 3-0

He as like 3-5 games where he has over 7 rating if he don't score or get an assist he rating is always below 6.9


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2 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

infuriating! :seagull:


they said this was fixed last patch I swear. 

Yes and the WBs got maybe 5 % higher ratings. The rest is the same. Sooo frustrating. I’m really considering quitting  this. 

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1 hour ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

Yes and the WBs got maybe 5 % higher ratings. The rest is the same. Sooo frustrating. I’m really considering quitting  this. 

Ive given up on continuing my usual long term save until stats etc fixed....Been playing every version of FM for >20 years...could be first time I never complete a season... Looked good, felt good initially but stats issues/rating issues etc really need sorting. Introduction of xG and revising stats definitions has certainly had consequences....not good overall.... Hopefully satisfactory/sensible hotfix will come to the rescue...until then no more FM for me..

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These bad player ratings is just ruining the game. The best players should be able to get much higher ratings than this. 
I won the title and some of my players is one the Serie A team of the year with 7.03 to 7.08 ratings. Ridicilous and it ruins my joy to the game.
One the best players in the history of football CR7 scores 26 goals in 33 games and get a 7.26 average. Players like him should get a 8.00 for that performance.



Serie A TIM_ Award Winners.png

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Yes, rating system is horrible. The strikers (but general offensive players) should be rated better IMO. I always say that if strikers don't score or assist their match ratings drop to 6.2-6.4.

But strikers don't score every match. Finally at the end of season we see them very poor average match ratings.

In real life offensive players are often rated higher than defensive. Almost everytime they get the awards for best players (one exception is Virgil Van Dijke in last few years).

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I've gotta say the low player ratings is ruining my game.

Before xmas there was a big fuss about low player ratings we since received a hotfix which in my opinion hasn't helped especially with attacking players and now the fuss has died down. I don't understand why...?? I honestly still thinks its really bad and spoiling the game along with AI mentalities when losing. 

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