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swapping scotland to england


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Hello guys, basically i want to swap all scottish teams to england including junior teams. If i just use the swap option should everything be fine or do i have to change histories or european comps? Thanks

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I'd be interested in getting a hold of this database, make sure and add the Highland League! If you want any help with research give me a shout. Sounds great.

I think i'm right in saying that the histories are taken care of by the new editor, i.e. last position or whatever. And Euro Comps should be okay cos the teams will be marked as entrants already, don't think you'll have an issue.

Good luck :)

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Hello guys, managed to get the DB up and running, to be honest the teams are sort of spread out probably in the totally wrong order. I added all of the Highland league teams, I think I put them all in the Blue Square Premier with some other junior teams. This is just a foundation DB. If anyone wants the DB or even ideas of where certain teams should start off fire me an email or reply to this thread. I can upload this basic DB if someone can tell me how ha ha, sorry!! (You wouldn't believe I work for a Tech Support Dept.)

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Good stuff. Can you just let me know how many teams are in each league and i might be able to take a stab at it tomorrow?

And is the Blue Square North/South divied up by longitude? If it was then it would kinda be a Dundee and north league (Blue Square North) and Perth and South (Blue Square South).

Guess you'd also need some teams below BS N/S for getting promoted.

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I done this with last years game, takes time, but is well worth the effort, espescially after a few seasons when Linlithgow etc start getting promoted to the Premier League.

One thing that takes away from any realism is the amount of TV money that teams get given, as smaller teams start spending millions. I countered this by adding huge loans to a lot of the teams for a few years and lowering the reputation of all the leagues.

Will take time though, and it's well worth putting the research. A good guide is http://nonleaguescotland.co.uk/index.htm

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In Holland, you get less teams because it is 1 division of 18 and one of 20. No one gets relegated.

Germany has 2 divisions of 18(both Bundesligen) and a division of 20(3.liga) but the cup is err... a bit short on teams. Only 64 teams compete, 1. and 2.Bundesliga teams, plus the top 8 from the 3.liga, 1 team from each Regionalliga and one team from each Oberliga.

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yea teams below would come from england, never really though of that when i done it! would take far to long to swap EVERY team from scotland to england

I dont think it would take too long, a good database takes dedication. I have been working on mine since release, I think its prob 20 hours+ or more so far spent on it.

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I am working on swapping Scotland with a country that isn't England. Sometimes when playing in the Second, Third and Conference it just drags on REALLY badly. I was thinking of using Spain, myself. Yeah you can only register 25 players for each squad, but in Spain you can have as many squads as you want, fair enough, there's some restrictions on other squads(any B or C squad cannot have more than 6 over-26 players) but why would you honestly have that many over-26 players in your reserves that aren't transfer listed, negating the need to register them anyways.

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It will include everyone, including even juniors. If I didn't, I would not have enough teams to do this.

I dunno how to sort the regional groups(20 in the first division, 24 in the second, then 4 regional groups of 16 for the third, with 19 regional groups for the fourth), but tbh it doesn't really matter, as I'll assume that game will sort itself out in time since the Scottish places have longitude and lattitude set. Although I dunno how it will react to Berwick if they ended up getting relegated, since they are from England it might not react well. Then again, there's a couple of Welsh teams in Conference South.

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Oh yeah, for the extra teams needed in the Second Division(there's 42 Scottish teams and 44 places in the first and second) I'll be using Celtic Reserves and Spartans. I can't see why anyone would object, as everyone in Berwick assumed it would definately be Spartans to replace Gretna in summer.

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There is no set number of teams from each division who get promoted. 4 teams from each group go through to a 3 round, 2 leg playoff with the winners getting promoted. I believe it is something like the winner of each group are seeded to the third round, with the others playing 2 rounds of knockout, with the 3rd round being a kinda final with the 4 winners of each second round match taking on the winner of each division. Of course, this means that sometimes there will be no promotions from a certain group, while another group could have 2 or 3 teams promoted. Seems pretty radge, but I guess it's the only way more than 1 team from each division can get a decent chance at promotion.

4 teams get relegated from each third division group, with the 5th from bottom playing a "playout" with a random fourth division team. Kinda like what used to happen between 2nd in Scottish First and 9th from Scottish Premier.

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Hope its going okay Dave, looking fwd to this.

If anybody's interested, here's a Kit-Pack for the Highland League teams (home and away for all). As accurate as I could get them, there's a lack of info about some teams on the net but i'm happy with them...........


Sneak Preview.......


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