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Players Rejecting Loans, despite being Promised Loan

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just part of the gameplay.


I've had multiple players sign contracts with development loans as a promise within their contract. Such loans have been found and agreed, however the players have turned them down and refused to go on loan. The promise does end up going away with "player appreciates effort has been made etc" but it's very difficult to get players to agree to a loan.


Similarly, players who don't have that development promise are also declining a lot of loan moves. It seems to be a lot more recently than earlier in the game or in other versions. 


Thanks for reading.

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  • SI Staff

Hi Daniel, 

Would be interested in taking a look at an example of this. If you have save game that shows the problem would you be able to upload it to our cloud service? Details on how to upload can be found via the link below. 

If you could let us know the name of the players in question too then that would be great. 



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