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4231 deep low block help

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Merry Christmas All,

I am looking for help in my tactic, especially the defensive side. I am kind of tied to the low block/ regroup and want to get this working. The fluid counter preset includes counterpressing instruction yet has deep defensive line and LOE. Don't really understand this. What exactly does the regroup instruction do and how is this tied to the intensity of pressing and line of engagement?


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Two questions before I can offer any specific advice:

1. What kind of team/club do you manage (or which specific team/club)?

2. What's the exact reason you want to play a low-block tactic?


The fluid counter preset includes counterpressing instruction yet has deep defensive line and LOE. Don't really understand this

That's why I never use presets. They (almost) always contain some sort of tactical overkill. 


What exactly does the regroup instruction do

Tells the players to immediately get back into their (defensive) positions after possession has been lost and defend from there according to regular defensive instructions (as opposed to trying to win the ball back immediately). The opposite of regroup is counter-press.

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Well, judging by the players you have your team is pretty good. You can play a low block, but with the quality you have, it would certainly have to utterly punish and break the will of your opponents, and it starts and ends in your central midfield, even if the rewards are devoured by your wide men. 

The anchor-rpm tandem, with Harry Kane as the enganche is way too demanding on poor Tonali, both in attack and defense. You may consider a Segundo Volante to dominate this space. The anchorman will not contribute much in terms of build-up, and is much too conservative to be of much help in transitions.  Suppose Tonali gets marked out, you're asking Josko and Tomyasu to carry the load on their own, with Harry Kane hanging in the hole just probably shaking his head screaming for the ball. A volante is given license to cover that space without always having to carry the entire burden the way an rpm is.  Also, changing from an anchorman to a DM might help not only to contain in the defensive phase, but also in attacking transitions.  The anchorman, particularly a natural central defender, is a bit too passive. 


Now for Harry the enganche...In this particular formation, it leaves the rest of midfield too exposed and is very demanding on him. Especially if you want to play a low block, you'd need someone who will contribute defensively. I personally had a lot of luck with MC(a) as he'd bomb forward when we'd get the ball back, but also close down and be a bit of a nuisance, giving my DMC's enough time to get back into position. Also, changing your striker to a Pressing Forward (a) might still offer the runs going forward, while also contributing.  Remember, for the low block to work, the entire team should be involved and you've got to have a shock effect on the defense at the right times - otherwise you run the risk of just being overrun.


One final word on Tomyasu.  While he's a half decent wingback, he can also do a very competent job as part of a DMC pairing.  I play him as an SV as he has the workrate and all around abilty to patrol that area while also offering defensive stability and a bit of creativity when needed.

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