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Board Requests broken

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Board requests seem to have been broken for years, but this season really ramps it up, unless i'm missing something?

My Woking team are currently 3 games from winning the premier league, having finished 7th, 6th, 5th and 2nd in the proceeding seasons. We were promoted consecutively through the leagues, and have £170m in the bank (has been up to £220m).

In all this time, since the conference, the board has refused to upgrade the training facilities. They're merely 'adequate' - the same as they were at National League level. But apparently, this is good enough for 'a club of our size'? (4* continental reputation, in case you were wondering). I should add that I've asked at least once every couple of months for the last NINE SEASONS.

Would love to know, is this actually broken? Or is this an actual choice? As it makes no logical sense if the latter.

Edited by barron
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If they were adequate in the NL and they’re now adequate in the PL, does that not mean they have been updated a few times? I think the description is just in relation to the level of your club. So adequate for a PL club is probably really good vs how it was when you took over in the NL. 

I agree with you though that if you have all this money and success and as manager you’re saying to the club “this is a big deal - improve it” it’s unrealistic that they keep saying no.

Edited by bbuullddoogg
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