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New Youth Players Wanting Ridiculous First Contracts

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Decided to post this as a bug as seems to happen with every player I wish to keep, they're demanding wages far above what they realistically would expect in real life.

Here is just one example but most of them are asking for around £11k starting wage going up to around £30k after 20 appearances...



Even after me trying to lower the wage he/agent still demands £20k and won't budge.


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Hello and thanks for the feedback. 


It's actually something which has been happening in recent years IRL and now finally mirrored in-game - young kids getting their head swirled by agents or just genuinely realizing they've got great potential and looking for a better deal. From your screenshots, I don't see the PA of the goalkeeper, but just looking at his basics - Handling, Reflexes, Agility, Concentration, Positioning... I wouldn't exactly label him a poor talent.


150 Euro should be his Youth Contract (with Man City) - what does it say on the Contract page? Has he signed a pre-agreement on a Pro deal? 


Kind regards,


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