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Responding to players and journalists

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Does anyone think the available responses sometimes don't cover what you want to say?

For example when a player asks for a position to be strengthened as part of his contract, you think you've strengthened but he doesn't. I want to be able to say "I have strengthened, we signed Tom Smith" (for example). But all I can reply is either Sorry or Tough I'm not selling you. 

Then he gets the face on and is unhappy for a year 

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This is my biggest pet peeve with football manager.

Media and player interactions.


I find the questions boring, time consuming and repetitive.


I find the answers, like you say, not always covering what I may want to say, and the worst part is the fallout.


Sometimes I can give a normal answer and have the players and team throw a massive strop even though I've done nothing wrong.


I find the whole thing an annoying mini game and it breaks immersion. I leave most to my ass man but I still get loads chucked at me. It really slows and worsens the game for me.


That's why I prefer FM touch, most that stuff is gone and you're left with the core game. It's just a shame that version seems to be neglected a bit.


Im actually convinced the vast majority of the player base would be happier without the nonsensical media and player interactions

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For the last few versions of FM i've just taken to speed-clicking through all press conferences with the 2nd most positive option as the questions are so repetitive season after season. Generally does fine without any major repercussions, even in FM21.

However, FM21 really falls down on the player interactions. There's clearly an increase in the amount of interaction this year, that's fine, great even. But they HAVE to do something about the options or means of talking to them.

For example - and far moreso than on previous games - a player will come to you looking for a new contract, especially after a promotion and you want to downplay/reject but also explain why! e.g. you think they aren't good enough for the new league, or the budget isn't ready, or the funds aren't really there or need to be spent elsewhere...y'know...all REAL responses, but all you can say is whatever the templates are which are totally inadequate. Another example, at a rich club say, regarding contracts and not being able to really assert that "you have plenty of time left on your deal" and they throw a complete strop needs to be fixed. Or have other clubs make more of their interest in an uphappy player so that you can actually sell them. Of course there are different circumstances, but the auto-respond nature of the player to completely melt-down for months is really boring. 

Ditto the repeated team meetings with team leaders about "xxx thinks you should give them a new contract" or "xxx thinks you should give them more playing time" and all you can say is 'no'. isn't really good enough as it seems to have such a detritmental effect, it even lead to me being accused of breaking promises when i got a new job...and i only made a promise because it was the only option left...

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I love the player interactions and to me they are a must-have in terms of immersion. I'd be seriously upset if they got scrapped. That being said, I do agree that they need to be improved. Maybe this year was a first step in the right direction with the gesture thing, but they need to be deeper going forward and they need to make sense.

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I understand the gist of the OP about the lack of responses, and agree to an extent.

However the answers provided give you 'the manager' the tools to deliver the relevant message to the player, team or public at large.

It's a bit of a reading between the lines situation.

Take the example you bring up about a player asking you to strengthen your midfeld, what is he actually asking of you here?

In my opinion he is asking you to listen to his wisdom about how to run YOUR team, as a manager you should be showing your authority and telling him to go and suck a lemon.

So what if he gets upset impudent fool, He's not a child he should get on with the job he is being paid for which is to train and try to get into YOUR team.

What I'm trying to say is think about the underlying messsage your answer will give and don't worry too much about the detail.


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7 hours ago, Tyburn said:

Press conferences are supposed to be repetitive and boring. Ask any real life manager.

At least in real life you aren't limited to [Response agreeing with journalist asking a leading question] [Same response but worded differently] [Neutral] [Inflammatory response disagreeing with journalist] [Same response but worded differently]

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10 minutes ago, autohoratio said:

At least in real life you aren't limited to [Response agreeing with journalist asking a leading question] [Same response but worded differently] [Neutral] [Inflammatory response disagreeing with journalist] [Same response but worded differently]

True, but watch any press conference and the answers are mostly the same over and over again from the majority of managers. I’m not saying press conferences in game are fine (they have been tedious forever) but thinking about it realistically, they do mirror the reality a manager faces. Same questions. Same answers. Variety can and must be improved, but at least this year it’s had a bit of a shake up over the last 5 or so.

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17 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

True, but watch any press conference and the answers are mostly the same over and over again from the majority of managers. I’m not saying press conferences in game are fine (they have been tedious forever) but thinking about it realistically, they do mirror the reality a manager faces. Same questions. Same answers. Variety can and must be improved, but at least this year it’s had a bit of a shake up over the last 5 or so.

But it's a game, fun shouldn't be compromised for realism, otherwise the game would be full of thousands of menial things to do

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3 minutes ago, trevjim said:

But it's a game, fun shouldn't be compromised for realism, otherwise the game would be full of thousands of menial things to do

I agree with you. But isn’t realism what SI are going for? The whole new matchday experience for instance. The game is full of menial tasks. 

Believe me, I’ve been going on about press conferences in FM for years. It’s not perfect at all, but at least it’s been looked at this year.

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