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FM Data Analytics: a data visualization tool based on R & Shiny - V3 RELEASED!

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I hope this is still relevant, my application is completely written in C ++. At first I wanted to use python, but I prefer C ++, so I wrote everything in it. And yes, I spent a lot of time on it, so it's not free. (but very cheap: P).

In my application work time, it depends on which tab you are currently using. Some only use in-game match statistics, others have "variables" such as DNA that can be set for each user. Regarding this, I agree that in order to save multiple squads, you need to go to each page by team and select players - the senior squad, obviously, save the custom view and then save?
Edited by OliviaParcker
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22 hours ago, NFLFM said:

Sorry to bother but  I also realize that we can't put our own players in the shortlist so it means that it's impossible to compare for example with all the squads of the championship

You can put your own players in same shortlist; just during the game, in the exclude part untick the "your own club's players" and you can add yours in there too. I'm sure program will still gather them It doesn't matter which team they play.

Edited by QP
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3 hours ago, NFLFM said:

Apparently it’s too much to ask to have a clear answer so I guess I gotta stop

It's crystal clear, and I already answered: use the squads files to capture your squad data at different dates and the shortlist file for all external players. If you want to add your players in your shortlist, go for it. There's a "Club" filter in the squad page...because you may have players on loan and not take them into account in your analysis? Or on the contrary you may want to analyse only your loaned players?

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Ok I understand thanks for the shortlist tip I didn't know but again I insisted because like I said I saw your screenshot (who have many different squad) and your description saying it was possible to do it but whatever.


Is it possible in the programm with the shortlist to filter by position like in the squad analysis ? Not in the general tab only but for see the stats too

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  • 1 month later...


Sorry to disturb you but I want to ask couple things.

Game gives us many raw data like minutes especially that we can circumvent that to our benefit.

Like goalkeepers' saves data game gave us in three separate types as in held, parried and tipped; can this script computate the total of these saves? And can that total or the separate ones be manipulated with the minutes data to create Saves Held per 90 stats? Especially for scouting purposes.

And If yes could you tell how?

Not just for goalkeepers but same concept can also be used to create for per 90 stats for outfiled players too, Is there an easy way for do this?

Edited by QP
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37 minutes ago, QP said:


Sorry to disturb you but I want to ask couple things.

Game gives us many raw data like minutes especially that we can circumvent that to our benefit.

Like goalkeepers' saves data game gave us in three separate types as in held, parried and tipped; can this script computate the total of these saves? And can that total or the separate ones be manipulated with the minutes data to create Saves Held per 90 stats? Especially for scouting purposes.

And If yes could you tell how?

Not just for goalkeepers but same concept can also be used to create for per 90 stats for outfiled players too, Is there an easy way for do this?


There is a function that is used to clean & format the data: 


So if what you want to do is (Save1 + save2 + save3)/90minutes, you could add this line in the above function, which adds a new variable to the original dataset:

... mutate(`Saves/90` = (`save1`+`save2`+`save3`)/`Mins`*90) %>% ...

Of course replace the save1, etc by the real column name in the data. Then you can add a visualization using this new variable, I believe you already know how to do this.

Edited by gam945
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3 hours ago, gam945 said:


There is a function that is used to clean & format the data: 


So if what you want to do is (Save1 + save2 + save3)/90minutes, you could add this line in the above function, which adds a new variable to the original dataset:

... mutate(`Saves/90` = (`save1`+`save2`+`save3`)/`Mins`*90) %>% ...

Of course replace the save1, etc by the real column name in the data. Then you can add a visualization using this new variable, I believe you already know how to do this.

Thanks man cause I was trying to understand that "mutate" section but couldn't solve that. This really helps, now all pieces in places.

Edit: @gam945

Couldn't manage to do it, I got the tab working at least in tackling section but couldn't add a new section in the left bar like Movement or Aerial Challenges. And even though I managed to get a new tab still can't computate a numeric value for Saves/90 vs. Team Conc comparison.


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20 hours ago, QP said:

Thanks man cause I was trying to understand that "mutate" section but couldn't solve that. This really helps, now all pieces in places.

Edit: @gam945

Couldn't manage to do it, I got the tab working at least in tackling section but couldn't add a new section in the left bar like Movement or Aerial Challenges. And even though I managed to get a new tab still can't computate a numeric value for Saves/90 vs. Team Conc comparison.


I'm gonna get back to you soon, I haven't looked at the code in a while except yesterday.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...
On 24/02/2024 at 15:40, Aerosol said:

Apologies for necro posting. But I noticed the github link is dead. Does anyone know where I might download this app for use in FM21?

Best I can do is provide you the files you need but as far as support and instructions I don't have the time for this so please refer to the discussions

--deleted-- FM-Data-Analytics-main.zip

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  • 3 months later...

Fully understanding that this project is no longer maintained, I will post an issue here just on the off chance another user may have encountered it and so be able to help me. 

I have installed the app according to the instructions and it loads fine in my browser. However, with the exception of "Goal Contributions" and "Wage" in the "Home" tab, all other menus and data yield "Error:[object Object]." In powershell I get the following message when clicking on buttons: 

Input to asJSON(keep_vec_names=TRUE) is a named vector. In a future version of jsonlite, this option will not be supported, and named vectors will be translated into arrays instead of objects. If you want JSON object output, please use a named list instead. See ?toJSON.
Warning: Error in dplyr::filter: ℹ In argument: `between(Age, input$scout_age[1], input$scout_age[2])`.
Caused by error in `between()`:
! Can't combine `x` <character> and `left` <integer>.
  110: <Anonymous>
  109: stop
  108: scout_filtsubset
  106: exprFunc
  105: widgetFunc
  104: ::
  103: func
   90: renderFunc
   89: renderFunc
   85: renderFunc
   84: output$scout_filtered
    3: runApp
    2: print.shiny.appobj
    1: <Anonymous>


I do not know the R or JSON well enough to grasp the meaning of the errors displayed in Powershell, is it something to do with a version of jsonlite that has come out subsequent to this app's development that is breaking compatibility on my Windows 11 machine? Any help is greatly appreciated. 

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Upon further analysis, it seems that multiple of the categories, e.g. Age, are expected by the mutate function to be integers but are instead characters. Does that seem right? Again, I am able to load the app, and within the "Home" menu, the "Goal Contributions" and "Wage" visualizations are working properly. All other buttons/menus result in errors, e.g. the following when I click on "Squad Analysis" > "General:" 

"Warning: Error in dplyr::filter: ℹ In argument: `Name %in% reactindex`.
Caused by error in `dplyr::filter()`:
ℹ In argument: `between(Age, input$squad_age[1], input$squad_age[2])`.
Caused by error in `between()`:
! Can't combine `x` <character> and `left` <integer>."

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 14/06/2024 at 22:23, Aerosol said:

Upon further analysis, it seems that multiple of the categories, e.g. Age, are expected by the mutate function to be integers but are instead characters. Does that seem right? Again, I am able to load the app, and within the "Home" menu, the "Goal Contributions" and "Wage" visualizations are working properly. All other buttons/menus result in errors, e.g. the following when I click on "Squad Analysis" > "General:" 

"Warning: Error in dplyr::filter: ℹ In argument: `Name %in% reactindex`.
Caused by error in `dplyr::filter()`:
ℹ In argument: `between(Age, input$squad_age[1], input$squad_age[2])`.
Caused by error in `between()`:
! Can't combine `x` <character> and `left` <integer>."

Must be due to using newer R/packages versions, you could debug and add some as.numeric()'s where data is processed.


Edited by gam945
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