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Unusual error in advanced nation rules without making any changes - Northern Ireland


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I'm getting this unusual error and can't seem to figure out the solution whatever I try.


It is easy to recreate by going to Nation Rules > Add leagues to existing > Northern Ireland > Advanced Rules and then immediately saving and testing the file. 


"Bluefin Sport Premier Intermediate League has not finished in time for season update day 29/6/2021 (waiting for stage to be added from Bluefin Sport Championship)"


It also works in game (obviously, as I've not made any changes yet) so I'm reluctant to make major changes to the existing leagues.

Screenshot (148).png

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30 minutes ago, alian62 said:

Sounds like a date issue or you might have the months overlapping 

I've not touched anything though, this is how it is by default.


I have checked the dates and the relationship between the Championship and Intermediate league but haven't been able to solve the issue.


Is there a way to edit the advanced rules of specific competitions, without opening the advanced rules of the full nation and all of its competitions? 

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