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Scottish youth leagues

Chris Hamilton

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I think the Scottish youth leagues need to be looked at in terms of how there is no promotion/relegation between the three divisions. I know that in real life the SFA will ask all teams at the start of the season who wants to enter a u18 team then decide what leagues they are split into. However in the game at the start of the season the teams that are in each league will be fixed there for however long your save lasts. So for instance if i start a save with Elgin who are in the league 2 (tier4) and eventually get them promoted to the premiership and playing in the champions league then I’ll have lots of money to improve my youth set up and bring through better players. However My u18 team will still be playing in the lowest league agains teams from tier 3 or 4. When really the game should be inviting all teams in playable leagues in Scotland to enter their u18 leagues then sorting them accordingly as per their league status and youth setup. An example of this happening in real life would be to look at Hamilton Accies who around 10 years ago were in the lower divisions but got promoted and improved their youth set up and as a result the were included into the u18 elite league with Celtic & Rangers etc. A quick look in editor shows the u18 leagues in Scotland have a max number of teams set so also if you start with a team who has no u18 team then it’s hard to get one into a league as their is so few spaces their always taken up. The same above probably all applies to the reserve league setup too. 
Also the Scottish Youth Cup is missing in the game.

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