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Is this really acceptable? Is this even realistic?


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Right I understand in real life of football there could be the odd season where a team is loaded with injuries. 


However why is it that literally every single week during the season I am plastered with injuries,  there was even an occasion I had 4 at once all longer then 3weeks .. 


I can literally only put It down to greed from Sega trying to get people to buy the "magic sponge" which is conveniently available for purchase..

I wonder if anyone else has this problem? But surely you can't do this 

I attached two photos of.last season and I'll post another for this season and that's from his that i have taken.. 

But this is continuous through every single season 




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Hi @Cavellking,

Thanks for contacting us.

Please be assured this has nothing do with in-app purchases - could your tell me if you have any high intensity training set in this save? Also if you could supply your save to the link below from just before you get a lot of injuries, along with the name of your save in this thread and i will be happy to look into this for you.




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Not at all,  my training style is set.my by assistant manager and even then it's just standard, no one is on additional or special intense training...  


And even in matches my intensity is maybe just above half way.


And sorry how do I get a copy.of my save link?

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