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Promises are too vague needs more detail


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I just wanna address promises, I feel they are too vague or aren't interpreted right by the game

An example is I promised my midfielder I would strengthen the first team squad in DM when he signed a new contract.

In my eyes that means bring in more DMs to strengthen the SQUAD

So i bring in the 2 guys below. Turns out that's not what he wanted

I'm assuming he wanted players better than my First team DM who's believed to be 4 stars either way the promise need more information or at least a guild to let people know whats expected.






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Is Onana listed first as a DM-strata player? As the screen shot shows his CM preferences and your screenshot doesn't include the bit that shows their preferred/best position.

I signed a guy who wanted a promise too and he initially said midfield, but I switched it to attacking roles because I knew I was going to strengthen there. I bought Dwight McNeil, a Ukrainian winger, and a Turkish AM. I am playing the AM as a CM, but since his preferred position is AM I am assuming he counts too. Although I figure McNeil and the other guy were likely enough.

All that said, I do agree a bit less wishy washy would be nice or at least the ability to have a conversation to convince the player you met the promise.

Edited by CaptCanuck
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I agree that having some sort of idea what is expected when you make this kind of promise would be advantageous.  As I have said before, when a player makes these kinds of demands at contract negotiation, I find that, as long as he gets close to his wage demands, he will not push for other promises and so they can be excluded.

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21 hours ago, FrazT said:

I agree that having some sort of idea what is expected when you make this kind of promise would be advantageous.  As I have said before, when a player makes these kinds of demands at contract negotiation, I find that, as long as he gets close to his wage demands, he will not push for other promises and so they can be excluded.

I dont understand do the promises not come before negotiating the wages?

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I do agree this specific promise is annoying to deal with as there isn’t enough detail given in it. Like;

- how many players should you sign?

- what quality? 

- do they have to be permanent signings?

- will loanees do?

- do you have to break bank?


They definitely could do with improvements in that regard so you can do your best to meet that promise. 

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