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There is a bug where if you offer to pay part of the reminder of a players wage, then the players contract at his new club will be as many years that he had left. Makes sense?

As you can see below I had 1 year left on Sanchos contract, offered to pay half of his reminding contract which means that Porto only gave him a 1 year contract.


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Started a new game 12.4 and it still is an issue. The contract offered by the buying club is as long as the length of the remaining current contract.
Sold Griezmann with 1 year left on his contract, paying 50% of his contract. His new contract at Man City is 1 year.


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  • SI Staff

In order for us to look into this further we need to take a look at the save just before the issue occurs. If you have this save please upload it to our drive using the link provided.


Please let us know the name of the save once you've uploaded it. Thanks for your patience with the issue.

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