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I'm using Intermilan at start of the game, and found that Arturo Vidal and Alexis Sanchez can't be registered and are not available to play due to non-EU status.

Why it is happened?? It's ridiculous! in real life Vidal, sanchez, kolarov can play perfectly without issue.... AND In previous FM series, whatever nonEU players given in the team can be played, and ONLY additional non EU is unavailable if the slot is full.

Is this bugs??

I just downloaded the game few days ago and using ME 21.5

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  • SI Staff

Thanks for the feedback. 

I've started a new game in charge of Inter and i'm able to register Sanchez and Vidal without any problems. They are not displayed as extra non - EU players. 

If you have a save game that shows the issue would you be able to upload it to our cloud service. Details on how to upload can be found via the link below. 




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  • SI Staff

Thanks for the save game. I've taken a look at your save game. 

The issue is not occurring when starting a save game with the default DB. Your save game looks to have a custom DB with a large amount of changes, the issue could potentially be caused by this custom DB. 

Would you be able to upload the Custom DB which you are using and we will be able to check if this is indeed the cause. 

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