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Rankings for Losing Teams


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Has anyone messed around with the rankings for losing teams in early cup rounds & understand how these settings work? 

For example:  In a cup stage designed as a championship playoff, I have an initial round of 16. Eight of these teams will lose & get knocked out of the playoffs. What's happening now is they're all getting the same ranking, ,which I've set in the ranking levels rules for the round itself:  "Loser Ranking Levels". I've got current ranking = 15, highest = 8, and lowest = 15.  The game simply gives all eight teams a ranking of 15 since that's what I've set for current

What I'd really like is to have those 8 teams get rankings 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.  I was playing around with the "Rankings for Losing Teams" section trying to achieve this, but no dice. I can't really tell how these rules work

Anyone done this correctly?


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18 hours ago, Flik said:

this should help

It didn't help the underlying issue, but I think it did help me clean up the board expectations and stuff, they seem to be working better after a little testing. Thank you very much!

My issue is definitely limited to just losing teams from cup rounds because they get knocked out in bunches. For example, in a round of 16, 8 of the teams just get chucked out the back door for losing & the game doesn't seem to care what their ranking was coming in. So I'll have ranks 0 through 15 coming in from a league stage; at the end of the stage, the winners are given rank 7, with a possible high of 0 and lowest possible 7 - that will all get worked out in later rounds. I'm giving the losers the lowest possible ranking which is 15, with a possible high of 8. The game just leaves it there and doesn't refine that ranking of 15. So at the end of the competition, all 8 of those losing teams from that round are ranked 15.  At the very least, I would rather the game just default back to the original seedings for those 8 teams instead of just clumping them at one value....I just don't know how to accomplish that


This is what the ranking level info ended up looking like. The round of 16 that I mentioned is here as "first round"



The ranking levels for the actual round are like this:




And I've been playing with the "rankings for losing teams" like this:





This is what the final rankings end up like. The losers from various cup rounds stand out...multiple teams at 4, multiple teams at 15, etc. 

(And if anyone from Alaska sees this, I'm not talking smack about Alaska, that team name is a reference to a very inside joke between my buddy and I circa 1986 when we were making fun of our English class from school)






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50 minutes ago, nekophayde said:


how would you want them ranked though? obviously they are all out at the same point, its strange that it ranks 4s at 4 so the top rank available yet 15s are given the lowest available... that said could you not use the team order to define it further? ie by club rep?

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2 minutes ago, Flik said:

how would you want them ranked though? obviously they are all out at the same point, its strange that it ranks 4s at 4 so the top rank available yet 15s are given the lowest available... that said could you not use the team order to define it further? ie by club rep?

Yeah the top/bottom ranking for 4 and 15 is a result of me flipping it around a bunch of times to see what would happen. Originally, I think I defaulted everything to the top & then I tried messing with that, so it's inconsistent now. That's definitely my bad


Ideally, I'd like it to simply rank the losers in a similar way that it seeds the winners for the next round. So from my round of 16, the 8 winners get re-seeded based on previous seedings that were based on final league position. It would be perfect if the game would do this for the losers as well


So, as an example from one of my tests, seeds 0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 13 won the first round & were re-seeded as 0 through 7, with the order going in being preserved (0=0, 2=1, through 13=7)

Ideally, the losers (1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15) should be ordered 8 through 15 (again in that order 1=8, 4=9, through 15=15)


Maybe a hidden stage for losers that re-seeds them? I'm not sure, I've never done a hidden stage before. I think I might try that & see what happens


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32 minutes ago, Flik said:

I havent got a db with anything set up so i cant test this myself but what results does something like below give you? this is on your rnd 16 rankings for losers screen


Hot damn, I think you're on to something

I used what you posted + what I had been doing in the raking levels.  It made a mess because I only did it for one round and it makes the following rounds go bonkers for some reason, but I think it's almost right.  It reversed the order that I wanted so I am gonna try flipping from descending order to ascending & then I am gonna put it in for the other rounds as well to see if it cleans up that bit

fingers crossed

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Ok yeah, that did the trick

It was a little weird at the end though. Previously, places 1-4 were working fine I guess because the ranking level info was explicitly determinate: winner of final was 0, loser was 1; winner of 3rd place was 2, loser was 3.  All that got nuked by setting up the rankings for loser stuff, so I had to explicitly put in the rankings for losers in the final and 3rd place round, which I didn't really expect to have to do.  Any way, it all worrked out fine and all the rankings are set properly now.  Thanks again for your help!


Following this pattern is what ultimately got it to work:


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