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Defending throw ins and counters on corners

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Have taken Forest Green from League Two to the Championship. Along the way a small problem in the lower leagues has turned into a gaping hole in the Championship. Namely, I've getting killed on throw ins (either my team or the other teams) and counterattacks when my team is taking a corner. 

I'm off to the set pieces to take a look at how I'm setup, opening this thread in the likely event I can't figure out a good counter. 

At this stage I'm completely willing to sacrifice any offensive benefits so long as I can shut these types of opportunities down. 

Concerns in order of importance

1) Conceding a quick goal when they have a throw-in

2) Conceding a quick counter off of my corner attempt

3) Conceding a quick counter on one of my throw-ins


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1 game in I think I have it sorted :) 

Was really only happening when I used any formation with only one wide player on each side (either just an AMR/AML with no fullback coverage or just fullbacks with not AMR/AML up front.

If I went with a formation that had both didn't see the problem. 

Changing corner attacks so that I had 3 at the back seems to have helped. 

Changing composition of throw in defenders may have made a difference too, but can't really say as options were pretty limited. 

Really wish I had Liverpools resources and could just tell the throw in coach to fix it ;)


Edited by whyidie
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This is not an uncommon issue. Basically you solve it by using the "stay back" duty and other duties than don't go as much forward.

You should have at the very least 2 people staying back. 3 is better. Here been pacey is as important as other defensive skills, thats why I tend to use SDs for this. 

2 is more manegable if you have 1 stay back if needed, or other roles that stay outside of the box. At least 1 player standing aroudn the box edge is also very important in my experience. They tend to recover a lot of deflected balls, maintinining possesion and giving you potentially another chance, or at worst time for your team to reposition.

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