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Can somebody tell me why this is happening match after match

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  • Experienced Defender changed the title to Can somebody tell me why this is happening match after match
2 hours ago, The Valley said:


You are playing very aggressive high pressing possession style with barely any support duties. You have no holding midfielder of any sort. Too many runners in attack. Your fullbacks are both on defend and rather disconnected from the rest of the formation. Other than you AP, who is supposed to craft chances for your four runners?

I mean those are just the obvious problems I saw from your tactic formation. I am not even getting into the contradictions in your team instructions. Why use "offside trap" when your two CBs are not even staying in line?

And thats in a nutshell why your tactic is not working against an ultra defensive side parking a bus. AI knows exactly what it needs to do stop your attack. You are just pushing them back into their own half, compressing whatever little space there is available. So how are you going to score goals?

Edited by crusadertsar
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Your tactic is extremely unbalanced in terms of roles and duties, highly contradictory and with an obvious excess of team instructions. 

It's therefore no surprise at all that it works poorly. 

But then on the other hand, I see in the screenshot that you are 2nd in the league, which looks like a huge success given how many flaws the tactic contains. I wonder how successful it would only be if better designed.

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Its not that i am making chances as you can see, making plenty so am getting in good striking area but the XG says we should win, but we dont, is there a reason why the strikers keep missing. I know we do come up against so keepers who seem to make world class save either in the Vanarama South.

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47 minutes ago, The Valley said:

so why are we not scoring i ask myself.

Lots of low xG shots will add up but that is a misleading way to think about it. 

The advice above largely explained your issue - you are too aggressive..  football is a game of space and you are helping your opponent compress it all so you can only take low xG shots

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9 hours ago, The Valley said:

so why are we not scoring i ask myself.

Because you need to vastly improve the tactic in the first place. Currently it looks like a complete mess in every possible sense. The setup of roles and duties is very disjointed, whereas instructions only make the confusion even bigger.

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1 hour ago, The Valley said:

any advice would be very helpfully.

Okay, but you first need to decide what type (style) of football you primarily want to play? Possession-based or more fast-paced? Attack-minded or defensive? 

And do you insist on the 424 formation or that doesn't matter?

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3 hours ago, The Valley said:

yes correct


Okay, but be aware that such style of play could prove too demanding for your Vanarama team. 

Btw, your original 424 formation is better suited to that type of football than 442, because it has more players up front, thereby allowing for both early pressing high up the pitch and faster transitions into attacking areas.

Basically, the 2 CMs are key in this kind of system, as they need to provide a stable base around which your play revolves.

Anyway, here is an example of a tactic you can use as a starting point:

CFsu     AF

IFat                                    Wsu

CMde   BWMsu


WBsu   CDde  CDde   WBsu


NOTE: Bolded are the tweaks I made to your original setup

Mentality - Positive

In possession - shorter passing and higher tempo (run at defence can be added as an option, depending on your players' relevant abilities; attacking width can be switched between default and slightly narrower, depending on the situation or opposition)

In transition - distribute quickly and counter (counter-press as an occasional option is okay, but can backfire if your players are not good enough to execute it properly)

Out of possession - only higher D-line, standard LOE and split block involving the front 4 (that's the combination that has always worked best for me in attack-minded tactics)

Remember, the setup of roles and duties is key for any tactic, because it defines your playing style and overall tactical balance. Instructions serve only to define your style a bit more closely.

P.S: If you notice that your players are losing possession (too) cheaply and easily, just drop the tempo one notch back (to default).

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