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Replicating Ferguson

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I’d like to have a go at managing a save in the style of Sir Alex in his later days at United, when he picked different teams to win different games. My biggest problem is how do you best replicate being so pragmatic?

Do you have base formations with generic roles, CM, WM, FB etc then pick the players with the attributes and preferred moves you require from game to game and let them play the roll the most natural way for them.

Or do you give your players their best roll for each position in the players section of the tactic screen, DLP, IW, CWB etc and pick the right combination of specialists from game to game? 

I imagine it could be a combination of both but I hope you understand what I’m getting at.

Playing Pogba and McTominay as CM support (No player instruction roll) how differently would they play it? Compared with giving Pogba AP and McTominay BWM forcing them to play to their strengths.

My gut feeling is the specialist option would be the most similar to the real way Ferguson deployed his troops in this period. The first way would you result in a more consistent style of play and smaller variances in execution of the roll, maybe more like a manager with a distinct philosophy on how to play. 

I’d  be interested to know your thoughts and if anyone has had success like this on the past.

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On 24/11/2020 at 13:37, Falahk said:

Fergie did not really play a flat 4-4-2 thought (even if this is the base formation you should use in the ME, if you want to recreate his style), it was always a bit closer to a zona mista 

Attacking left back, defensive right back, one cm given more freedom as a playmaker left winger cutting inside, a more traditional right winger and one striker dropping deep to link up play

This ment that the team could sometimemes look like a 4-3-3 or even a 3-5-2 during different stages of play, but would still drop back and defend in two banks of four 

Wrote this in the Manchester United thread over in gptg 

If I was to set it up in the ME, it would be something like this: 

Attacking mentality, gk distribution to fullbacks, offside trap, shoot less often PI for all players possible 

Gk: goalkeeper/defend 

Lb: wingback/attack 

Lcb: central defender/defend 

Rcb: central defender/defend 

Rb: fullback/defend 

Lw: inverted winger/support 

Lcm: central midfielder/defend 

Rcm: advanced playmaker/support 

Rw: winger/attack 

Lstc: complete forward/support 

Rstc: advanced forward/attack 


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