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Work permit needed & chance of obtaining


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I just found out that in full fat FM you an add a condition to your searches or a column to your filters that can help identify whether a player a) needs a work permit, and b) has a good chance of getting one.

I can't see any reason why this isn't in FM Touch - please add it!!!! As a Championship side who won't be able to get most foreign players due to Brexit, I've basically given up trying to find any foreign players who aren't settled in the UK already - because it's just to laborious to filter out all the ones that have no chance of a permit.

Adding these filter/condition options would really help.

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Just to update (as per my comments in the Touch feedback thread):

I have found the transition from Championship to Premier League close to unplayable due to the difficulty in identifying who I might be able to sign from abroad. This isn't the usual 'take Brexit out of the game' grumble - it is what it is on that front. However, in the main game there are 'chance of getting a work permit' filters that you can use in the player search screen. On Touch this doesn't exist, probably because they aren't needed for saves in most countries.

However, without that functionality I have to look at the scouting reports of every player my search brings up, just to see if there is any chance of getting a work permit. It. Takes. Forever.

This may be slighly less annoying if you are an elite club buying only the best foreign talent - though stilll annoying, I'd imagine, when trying to sign foreign wonderkids. For a lower Prem side though - so annoying.

Please, please give Touch users the 'chance of getting a work permit' filter, even if it isn't really needed for other countries. Without it I don't think I'll play an England save again even though I really want to do a Wrexham one (and a Chelsea beta save every year!)

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