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Change player value appearance.


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Good afternoon everyone.

I've never skinned before and I have no clue about coding or anything similar, so to call me a novice would be an understatement!

I have what is probably quite a simple request to many of you, but as the above suggests I haven't got the foggiest!


I want to make player values (and their pay, if possible) appear more in line with football manager games of old.

What I mean by this is, if a player is valued at a quarter of a million pounds then in the recent versions of the game this is displayed on his profile as £250K, whereas on much older versions of the game this would appear as £250,000. If his value is one point eight million then it appears as £1.8M whereas older games it would have appeared as £1,800,000 and so on. Equally, if a player is paid two thousand five hundred pounds a week, it appears as £2.5K, and older games as £2,500. (I am aware that hovering the cursor over these values does display the "fuller" number on a pop-up).

I realise that I am probably the only player that cares about this, but I want to know if there is a way of editing any code somewhere, like skinning, that will make these values appear in their "fullest" (£1,800,000, not £1.8M for eg) format on player profile pages by default.

Many thanks in advance.

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